My Life, My Story
This is a story of my life. I was left all alone when I was a moon old. I was searching, desperate to find a new home. I came across some friendly cats. I joined them, not realising the huge difference with doing that.
Chapter 1
Lightning ~ 1 moon old
I snuggled down next to my bothers and sisters, seeking warmth instead of coldness. I try digging into the hay thats in our little house that no furs made for us. I suckle against my mum, drinking of what I can. "Lightning, Im sure your old enough to eat a mouse." Mother tells me. I walk away from mother and find the rabbit that she caught for us. I take small nibbles from it. Once Im satisfied I curl up and tuck my tail over my nose and fall to sleep. I start to dream about snow falling around and onto the ground. I twirl around trying to catch the snow flakes that dance in the air. Then my eyes open. Im on cold ground in the middle of nowhere. This surely cant be a dream. Can it? I sniff around searching for my mothers scent. I stepped a few paces away from where I was and I smelt it. Its just that is faint. Too faint for me to find out what way she went. I sit down and wail. "Mother! Mother!" is all I could yowl. I curl back up in a ball and start to cry. I felt the tears slide down my face and onto the grass. I stood up and I started to wander around, looking for the hut the no furs built. I didn't seem to go anywhere because I found myself back where I started. I looked around to see if i could see anything there. I saw a huge forest. Mother used to tell me and my siblings story's about some wild cat that live there and fight for survival. I didn't want to go there but my tiny paws seemed to carry me there before I even thought about it. I walk straight into the forest. Letting the scents and sounds fill my mind. Mother comes here only to hunt. I haven't come in here ever before. Well Im only a moon old so that explains it. I walk over and lie on a flat surface made of rocks. It feels warm even though its leaf fall. I curl up into a small ball and fall asleep purring. My dream was vivid and frightening. I was just stalking a squirrel and i was about to pounce when a big and muscular tom came out and ripped the squirrel apart. I stood there in shock, look at the cats markings. He was a orange and white tom with green eyes I couldn't forget. I wake up, breathing heavily. Never in the 1 moon of my life, have I ever seen the most scariest in my dream. I fluff my fuzzy fur out. Almost making me look 2 moons old. My stomach growled with was a signal to me that I haven't eaten in one day. I cant hunt and I cant expect the prey running into my paws. But Im still quite sleepy so might as well go back to sleep. Ignoring my stomachs protests I curl back up and shut my eyes. I fall into a dreamless sleep. It only felt like seconds have past when I woke up to talking. My eyes flit open an I swivel my ears to the murmurs. A big brown and black she-cat came out of the bush. She looks very agile and has a big poofy tail. Then more cats come out of the bush. "My name is Swifttail. I have to ask you, why are you on our territory?" the brown and black she-cat asked. What is she talking about? Im on no-ones territory!
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