♪ Song of Ambition ♪ {R}
" she was the cat who was a daughter of ambition "
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❦ c a u t i o n ❦
☆ Adult situations
☆ Excessive religious mentions
☆ Excessive blood/gore
☆ Excessive violance
☆ Excessive fighting
☆ Excessive death
☆ Betrayal
❦ t i m e ⋆ p e r i o d ❦
❦ f u l l ⋆ c l a n ⋆ n a m e ❦
❦ g e n d e r ❦
❦ a g e ❦
8 moons
❦ c l a n ❦
❦ p o s i t i o n ❦
❦ m e n t o r ❦
❦ s t r e n g t h ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ s p e e d ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ e n d u r a n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ a g i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ r e f l e x ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ c o m b a t ⋆ a b i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ i n t e l l i g e n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ c h a r i s m a ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ c o n f i d e n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ p o p u l a r i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ i n s a n i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ d o m i n a n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ s u b m i s s i o n ⋆ m e t e r ❦
❦ e y e ⋆ c o l o r ❦
❦ f u r ⋆ c o l o r ❦
Whites, Creams, + Browns
❦ i m a g e s ❦
❦ a p p e a r a n c e ⋆ d e t a i l s ❦
Azaliapaw is a beautiful she-cat, who is smaller in stature, but that doesn't make her any less of a formidable cat. The she-cat's fur is an array of whites and creams and browns that blend together in a beautiful coat pattern. She has white socks on all four paws and a white muzzle, along with a white tail-tip. Azaliapaw has big blue eyes and a spot on her snout, making her appearance one that tends to catch cats attention.
❦ p e r s o n a l i t y ❦
Azaliapaw is a boisterous and slightly mischieviously young she-cat. At only eight moons old, she tends to at times boss around the other apprentices around her and act in charge, making some cats of the Clan believe that she may one day have the qualities to become leader, similar to her mother. However, Azaliapaw can be a bit dreamy and easily swayed by her mentor, whom she looks up to, as Mahoganystrike is a powerful she-cat. But, Azaliapaw does have her own ideals. She is ambitious and wants to one day lead SkyClan, and watches both her mother and her father closely to compare how they act as leader figures in the Clan. Azaliapaw is also quite charming, and she can be teasing and gentle with those she trusts. She doesn't tend to get embaressed, but it happens on occasion. She can also be surprisingly soft and innocent with those that she cares for, but it's a side of her that is not often seen.
❦ l o o k s ⋆ f o r ⋆ i n ⋆ a ⋆ p a r t n e r ❦
Someone that can make her feel something new.
❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ t i m e ⋆ o f ⋆ d a y ❦
❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ s e a s o n ❦
❦ b i o l o g i c a l ⋆ p a r e n t s ❦
Ajaxflash (Deputy) : Large cream and brown colored tom with blue eyes and a well muscled stature. Thin coated fur with a scarred muzzle.
- 43 moons old
- Former rogue
- Insightful, sharp, stern
Eveningstar (Leader) : Sleek golden tabby she-cat with white accents. She had sea colored eyes and a spotted nose.
- 39 moons old
- Clan born
- Protective, caring, generous
❦ b i o l o g i c a l ⋆ l i t t e r m a t e s ❦
Elorapaw (Apprentice) : Youthful brown and white she-cat with pretty green eyes. She is average in stature.
- 8 moons old
- Clan born
- Charismatic, charming, gentle
Blitzpaw (Apprentice) : Sleek, dull golden colored tom cat with pale green eyes. He has a slightly more muscular build.
- 8 moons old
- Clan born
- Thoughtful, tough, determined
❦ s i d e ⋆ c h a r a c t e r s ❦
Mahoganystrike (SkyClan, Warrior) : Large reddish-brown she-cat with a scarred muzzle and amber eyes.
- 59 moons old
- Former loner
- Ambitious, manipulative, loathing
Ashenpaw (SkyClan, Apprentice) : Soot colored tom with a dark grey nose and olive green eyes. Long fur and muscular stature.
- 10 moons old
- Clan born
- Boastful, cocky, rude
❦ b a c k s t o r y ❦
Azaliapaw is a young she-cat born to the SkyClan deputy and leader. Her father is Ajaxflash, the current deputy and a former rogue, and her mother is Eveningstar, who was born into the clan. Azaliapaw has a brother and a sister. Elorapaw is her laid back and calm sister, while Blitzpaw is her intuitive and smart brother. Azaliapaw always clashed with her brother from time to time, as they both have wants to become leader one day. Due to Azaliapaw's boisterous and headstrong personality, her mother Eveningstar saw it fit that she was apprenticed to Mahoganystrike, a strong she-cat of the clan who was rather intimidating. Eveningstar had hopes that Mahoganystrike could curb her daughter's strong personality, though Mahoganystrike may have different intentions for young Azaliapaw.
❦ s c e n a r i o ⋆ m a i n ⋆ i d e a ❦
- already discussed -
❦ s o n g ❦
Wish That You Were Here by Florance + The Machine
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❦ r o l e p l a y ⋆ r e q u i r e m e n t s ❦
☆ None
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