Fanart 31.0
Oh my goodness, more art! :3 The phantasmagorical fanart below was made for and about this roleplay. If you've made art for these pages and you want it to be put here, just post the picture(s) on a chapter of one of your stories and tell me!
I recommend speaking to me directly with this, perhaps by PM, since tags typically don't work for me. Thank you so much to all of the amazing people who did the art below!
The two cats above, awesomely drawn by Fruit_Spice, are Icepaw (top) and Sagepaw (bottom) of PineClan. They are adopted brothers, since Sagepaw's mother died in his kitting and Icepaw's mother took him in. These two went from hating each other to being best friends (and brothers). I love this.
The cat above is Jasminefur of rogueness, and she is sad about her recent parting with her former mate, Witherstar/shard. This was drawn by NeonKittyPoptart. This is giving me the feels. :O
The above character sheet, made by Chamops, shows Jasminefur's former mate, Witherstar/shard of BrambleClan. Goodness, that design is great. I love her broken patches! Also, the anatomy is very on-point.
The cat above is Ravenflight of BrightClan, and she was drawn by Growlworthy. She looks very pretty, especially with her white patches and shading.
Awwww. The ship art above, made by YeahGaara, from left to right and top to bottom, shows Aspenstar of BrambleClan and Foxwind of StarClan, Firepaw and Spikepaw of BrambleClan, Shadefox of BrambleClan and Badgerclaw of the Dark Forest, Silverlight and Fadedshadows of BrambleClan, Bloodthorn and Fallingsnow of BrightClan, and Lostsouls and Hazestorm of rogueness. Hah, all of this is great.
The character sheet shown above features Thymefall of PineClan, and she was drawn by Chamops. This warrior has done a lot since her apprenticeship- she fell in love with the medicine cat, Ashshade, and had four kits with him. She then had to cover up the kits' father's identity, and had Ryeheart of PineClan pretend to be their kin. The broken-upness of her fur pattern looks really cool.
The scene above, drawn by Fruit_Spice, is from when raccoons attacked a BrightClan patrol. Featherglide is laying ominously still under Creekdust, who is defending her. The dead cat by Featherglide is Featherstar, who lost a life in the attack. Meanwhile, at the front, Wolfwatcher is fearing a raccoon as it attacks him. Thrush of rogueness is in the surrounding bushes, watching them. I love how there is so much happening in here, all at once.
The scene above, which was also made by Fruit_Spice, is from when the final raccoon was being fought off by Creekdust of BrightClan (left) and Thrush of rogueness (right). Wow. That was such an intense, crazy moment. o.O
copperspot123 drew the cat above, and she is Dragonetblossom of BrambleClan. She recently came out of paralysis, and is back in action as a warrior. The colors in the background represent her 'non-straight'-ness. I hope that she recovers well, and settles back into being a warrior instead of an elder.
The cats above, drawn by NeonKittyPoptart, are Slashface of PineClan, Cardinalfoot and Finchflower of StarClan and previously BrambleClan, Willowberry of PineClan, Peak of loner-ness, Thymefall of PineClan, Minxpaw of StarClan and previously PineClan, and Shrewpaw of BrightClan. Their positioning is very good, as well as their expressions.
The art above was made by me (ruddergrl), and it shows Redwillow of PineClan peacefully falling through the sky. This isn't a scene or anything- just a thought.
The ship art above was made by SCARletfire_janiel, and it shows Hawkfeather (left) and Ferretspark (right) of BrambleClan eating prey together. x3 That's cool. I like how you put the lgbtq+ love symbol above them.
The ship art above was made by Fruit_Spice, and it shows what became of a diverse group of love triangles. Emberfur, Ashfoot, and Brackenstream of BrambleClan have all had romantic feelings for their Clanmate, Tigerwind, at one time, as well as the PineClan cat Imaginary. Here, you can see all of these cats' happy endings with mates of their own. Emberfur and his mate Frostwind are on the top left, while Ashfoot and Cloverwing are on the top right. Tigerwind and her mate Brackenstream are on the bottom left, and Imaginary and Ryeheart of PineClan are on the bottom right. This is so cute and awesome.
xD The scene above was made by Inky_Blinky, and it shows the not-so-successful training attempts of Shadowpaw (gray tabby) with her mentor, Ferretleap (cream and white tom), of BrambleClan. This is so funny.
The above headshots were drawn by YeahGaara, and they show Shadefox of BrambleClan (top left), Lostsouls of rogueness (top right), Flightpaw of BrightClan (bottom left), and Firepaw of BrambleClan (bottom right). Awwww. They look great. I can't wait until Flightpaw becomes a full medicine cat.
The character shot above, made by copperspot123, shows their OC, Icekit of PineClan. Icekit is the only son of Flamewing and Cherryblossom, and he has a sister named Dawnkit. I like how you did his eye and coat. :3
The art above was made by NeonKittyPoptart, and it shows Featherglide of BrightClan's death. As you read above, she was sadly killed while on a patrol by a raccoon attack. I'll miss her...
The above family was drawn by Chamops, and it shows Gingerfuzz of PineClan with her four new kits- Cloverkit, Sparkkit, Sweetkit, and Hailkit. Argh, their designs are so awesome! Poor Hailkit. x3 The leaf is too scary. Well, not for Sweetkit, I suppose.
Fruit_Spice drew the cat above, and he is Ravenfire of BrightClan, and previously PineClan. The poor guy is missing his mate, Smallsky, and his kits, Beepaw and Sourpaw. I hope that things'll get better for him.
x3 The two queens shown above are Snowstorm and Littlebird of BrightClan, and they were drawn by Chamops. Snowstorm is a permanent queen, and she has only ever had one kit- Tenderfoot, BrightClan's medicine cat. Her mate, Rainfall, sadly died of illness not too long ago. Littlebird's mate, Oakfur, is still by her side, and she has raised six kits so far- Hollyfeather, Robinthorn, Fernpaw, Splashpaw, Kestrelpaw, and Splitkit. Splitkit is now in StarClan, but her family keeps up hope. I love Snowstorm's pranciness. x3
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