I'll begin with your mother's Clan, Mosskit. To many this is the noblest clan, the Clan of Heroes. But I take no sides; all Clans have their strengths and weaknesses, which differ according to whose story you listen to.
ThunderClancats are impressive hunters; I'd even say I envied them their skills, but a life enclosed in rattling trees and wind- whispering leaves would not suit me. They have the skills to make themselves silent and invisible so they can hunt the little creatures that scuttle through fern and fallen leaf. You've heard of the hunter's crouch, when they gather their strength into their hindquarters before making the final leap? That is a ThunderClan trick; you'll not find it used by any other Clan.
ThunderClan has always been the fiercest guardian of the warrior code; if another Clan breaks it, you'd think every ThunderClan warrior bleeds from the wound. No cat could accuse them of being afraid to fight, as long as they believe the fight is truly justified-unlike others I could name, who seem to love the rip of fur beneath their claws and need no other excuse for battle. Hush, BlossomKit. Did I mention ShadowClan's name?
ThunderClan have had their fair share of border trouble. Back in the forest they quarreled with RiverClan over SunningRocks almost every season. When the Clans first came to the forest, this little hill of stones was an island and belonged to RiverClan because they were the only cats that could reach it, by swimming. But when the River changed course the rocks were joined by dry land to ThunderClan's territory, and both Clans have laid claim to them ever since.
By the lake ThunderClan has faced a constant threat from ShadowClan on their shared border. For now FireStar has granted BlackStar's Clan hunting rights on the exposed stretch of grass where TwoLegs come in green leaf; a wise move, some cats say, because there is little prey to be found there. And another reason for ThunderClan to proclaim oh fair and generous they are. I wonder how long ShadowClan will be satisfied with this addition to their territory?
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