Flarestar—battle-scarred ginger she-cat with amber eyes.
Sootwhisker—dark gray tom with a missing tail.
Apprentice, stormpaw
Medicine cat(s):
Lightningwing—dappled dark gray-and-light gray she-cat.
Strawberrymane—large black tom with a strangely colored tail and back.
Ashleap—gray tabby she-cat with rheumy, dark orange eyes.
Iceflight—silver tabby tom with amber eyes.
Smallstripe—shorthaired black-and-red torbie she-cat.
Apprentice, Rushpaw
Mellowblood—gray-and-white spotted tom, who wears a strange hat and scarf.
Cinderstone—blue-gray tom with hazel eyes.
Apprentice, fennelpaw
Sunclaw—longhaired bright ginger she-cat with copper eyes and sunflowers stuck in her fur.
Coalpelt—short black tom with slashed ears and orange eyes.
Haytoe—light gray-and-white she-cat.
Apprentice, spiderpaw
Troutpool—sleek gray tom with green eyes.
Owlsoar—pale brown tabby she-cat with large blue eyes.
Drizzlefur—smoky tabby tom with a claw-scar on his shoulder.
Sageskip—pale ginger she-cat with yellow eyes.
Weedtail—sandy-colored tom.
Lakegaze—tall, white she-cat with a black tail and ears, she has stunning blue eyes.
Scorchgaze—longhaired red tabby tom with golden eyes.
Acidflick—golden brown tabby tom with vibrant green eyes.
Stormpaw—very pale silver she-cat.
Rushpaw—light gray tom with white speckles and yellow eyes.
Fennelpaw—pale red tabby tom.
Spiderpaw—black she-cat with white paws.
Redberry—shorthaired red tabby she-cat with copper eyes(expecting Weedtail's kits).
Hemlockwhisker—fluffy, white she-cat(caring for an adopted kit, Oleanderkit, a dark brown tabby tomkit).
Stonefang—gray tom with yellow and blue eyes.
Hollywhisker—once pretty, light brown tabby she-cat.
Darkstorm—thin, black tom with golden eyes.
Ravenstar—dark gray molly with pretty lime and turquoise eyes.
Apprentice, owlpaw
Amberdawn—unusually spotted flame-colored tom.
Medicine cat(s):
Swoopingcry—creamy white she-cat with icy emerald and sapphire eyes.
Barrelingsong—a long-furred black marbled tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Silentstep—well-groomed, silver and white splashed calico molly.
Charredfox—flea-ridden, copper tom.
Honeystep—lily white tom.
Quietwhistle—snowy white tom.
Lostsun—large flamepoint molly, with cyan eyes.
Apprentice, milkpaw
Rosemist—dark ginger-and-white she-cat.
Poppyflower—small dark-colored she-cat.
Cherrybee—pale cream colorpoint tom.
Milkpaw—snowy white lynxpoint she-cat.
Owlpaw—handsome, distinctly ticked white tom with splashes of brown fur on his legs.
Eclipseshine—light ginger and white she-cat(caring for very young kits named Poolkit, a rust-colored she-kit and Flamingkit, a very short, off-white tom with flopped ears).
Tempesthawk—chestnut colorpoint she-cat (caring for very young kits named Crowkit, a black spotted tabby tom with very small ears and Eaglekit, a brown freckled tabby she-kit with a snaggletooth).
Rustfur—ginger mottled tortoiseshell she-cat(carrying quietwhistle's kits)
Mistcloud—silver and icy white tom.
Blazingpath—light ginger she-cat with an unusual dappled coat.
Hillstar—old, brown she-cat with a tan dash on her chest and a large scar on her throat.
Hollysnow—black Molly with a lighter colored face and green eyes.
Medicine cat:
Gorsesnap—gray-and-black tortie tom with distinct white markings on his face.
Apprentice, chickpaw
Blackheart—black tom who has a burn scar where his right eye should be.
Painteddapple—heavily scarred calico she-cat, with a single cyan eye.
Beeclaw—pale yellow tom with green eyes.
Bubblemist—dark blue-and-white spotted she-cat.
Streamheart—big colorpoint tom.
Hollowsnap—long-haired dappled tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat.
Appleflower—long-haired colorpoint she-cat.
Flashfur—flame-colored tom with green eyes.
Sunheart—flame-colored she-cat.
Rainleap—mottled light gray tom.
Harepaw—long-haired gray-and-white she-cat with dark amber eyes.
Duskpaw—calico she-cat with a long scar on their muzzle.
Chickpaw—spotted ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
Ravensong—longhaired black she-cat with scarred legs(expecting flashfur's kits).
Deadgaze—blind blue tom.
Foxbite—massive, flame-colored tabby she-cat.
Outside the clans
Cometfang—four eyed blue cat who wears a black spiked collar.
Coileyes—yellow-and-brown tom with a scorpion tail.
Cyanide—longhaired, five-legged, gray-and-cyan tom with a long scorpion tail.
Bloodthorn—red tabby she-cat with strange features.
Honey—pale ginger tom with blue eyes.
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