Chapter Three
"WOLVES" Screeched the same grumpy, dark furred warrior from before, that he had passed running. Her pelt was deep black splotched with brown like a mud puddle, her whiskers wavering anxiously like spiderwebs during a rainstorm. Upon getting up, he soon realized they were farthest from the entrance, him and Locustkit. Of course, this though led to another midsecond scolding about abandoning your kin and clan, but then again, what could he do? He was just a kit!
'I'm to be an apprentice!! But I don't think I will help at all if I try..' he pondered anxiously, tail lashing side to side.
Locustkit had righted herself as well but hissed in anger rather than fear when all DarkForest broke loose.
Wolves. Lots of them. At least three. Great, furry beasts three times the size of their leader. With fangs. And.. Bloodstains? All over their paws!!
Horror shook through his very being, Plumkit wanted to run, hide, help and fight all at once, but he knew only one was an option of survival. He felt his paws shake as the huge brutes herded towards the nearest cats at the entrance, even with cats claws, jaws of the longhaired creatures seemed too much.
His eyes transfixed on a flash of movement besides him, a blur of snowy colored fur, angled towards the invaders and the yowling, bleeding, dying, fighting and combating older clanmates nearest the entrance. 'She's going to fight!! I can't let her!' A quick decision locked into place as he lunged forwards profusely, dragging his paws over her back, using his other to slam her head down. 'Mousebrain! The other way! We can't win this!' Luckily, even his runt sized weight brought her to the ground, but her reaction was less than pleasing.
"FOXHEARTED COWARD, I WILL HELP, LET ME GO" She bellowed, leaping up and sending the smaller framed tom sprawling to the ground, his ears rung with the entire volume of the chaos. His vision blurred with panic as he watched breathlessly as she plunged into the massacre-like scene with a caterwaul of aggression.
He shook his head vigorously, he couldn't, it was impossible. Regrettably, heart sagging with guilt, Plumkit turned his back to the gore behind him, and plunged towards the wall of stone and soil, hoping to dig under the bramble and thorn barrier to escape. His paws desperately pounded against the ground, heartbeat overwhelming his other senses, he felt the vibrations from the violent stomps of predators behind him as the wall came closer to view and to touch.
With the meadow at his back, and a small wall of earth in front, Plumkit leapt forwards yanking his weight up and claws out to snag the top, since it was merely his own height. He felt tendrils of untouched grass aid in his steadying, hind paws scrabbling against dirt and sending it spraying downwards. Alas, with a heave of effort, the pale ginger tom drug himself onto the leveling, now it was just to dig, then run...
Swiftly, trying not to gain second opinions, he grasped his claws out of the weeds and positioned himself to begin digging, surely it would work... 'coward, liar, betrayer' his mind hissed at him as he dug profusely, eyes squinted in effort and panting with both horror and persistence. The yaps and snarls of the ferocious canines was getting closer, but the fast he dug, the more entangled his needle-like claws became with the roots of grass, flowers and thistle's, eventually he jerked away his gasp in defeat. There was no escaping camp, he couldn't dig, he couldn't run, the entrance had to be overrun with the pack by then, hide.. hide? Could he even try? Dare he?
Yes. He dared. Hiding was a last resort, an only resort, a pathetic resort.
Plumkit swiveled around to climb down, but then realized time was not on his side. His vision was plain and simple, the elders den was crushed underneath the steps of another doglike monster, the nursery already long gone and trampled, don't even mention the Club Den, which was unrecognizable. A boulder out of two holding the Announcement Log diagonal to overlook camp had been harshly rolled away, the fallen trunk now strewn across half the camp and colliding with the warriors den in the opposite side, diminishing it in a cloud of dust and grasses. The entrance of thorn and thistle barrier was ripped open top to bottom, the thing was torn up and curled around its origin bushes and roots. Such space allowed more receding cats to flee, but mostly for wolves to enter.
That was just the structure, he didn't dare look at what happened to the cats, who remained enraged and resisting, but only just, numbers seemed to have dropped. Their opponents side seemed to have increased, more and more, multiplying, spreading like river tides.
The invading species had already reached him. The sight of a long snouted, toothy pack member flooded his vision, it towered over him even in the slight elevation he earned. It bounded forwards and slammed its wide, menacing paw onto his back. He shrieked in horror and pain, going limp under impact and felt the ground leave his feet. He was falling, painstakingly tumbling down the mass of earth he formerly scoured, the shadow of its underbelly enveloping his pelt. Plumkit couldn't move, not yet mature eyes wide with emotion, he didn't want to die yet! But he deserved it, he abandoned his friend in a time of need. This was karma, what he deserved...
Darkness began enveloping the edges of his vision as he was stuck facing upwards, the muscles of the opponent ripple under their fur as they backed up to give a surely crushing blow, but before it could, the pale tabby's vision faded away along with his awareness of any surroundings. He deserved what he got, it was karma, a horrible, undignified end on a day otherwise he would have loved. His future, all the possibilities... None of it was real to him anymore.
'What a bitter end...'
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