A sharp prod woke me from my slumber. "C'mon Sootpaw. It's time to go."
My eyes shoot open as I spring to my paws. "Leafglow! Sorry, I-"
The dappled warrior just purred in amusement. "It'll take getting used to." He pointed his ears toward the exit. "Grab something to eat and we'll be on our way. Maplepaw and Spiderfang are waiting."
I crinkle my nose at the mention of the snarky apprentice, but nod and don't complain. "Yes, Leafglow. I'll be right there."
After giving my fur a few licks, I dash to the fresh-kill pile and hurriedly gulp down a mouse before joining my mentor at the camp tunnel.
"...but Spiderfang, do we have to go with him? That kittypet will wake the whole forest with the racket he'll make."
"Hush, Maplepaw," her mentor scolded.
As Leafglow gestured for us to leave, Maplepaw shot me a glare and pushed in front of me to exit the tunnel first. I sighed, bounding after them.
We trod along the undergrowth, occasionally sniffing the air. Suddenly, Maplepaw's pupils contract and she dropped into a crouch. I watched as she crept forward and paused before powerfully jumping over a bush. We hear a squeak of terror that was abruptly cut off, and Maplepaw pushed through the brush with a plump mouse dangling from her jaws.
"Great catch!" Spiderfang mewed. Maplepaw glowed with pride.
"Next one's yours, Sootpaw," she mocked. Scratching dirt over her catch, we headed on.
I perk my ears at a noise and drink in the scent. "Is that squirrel?" I ask Leafglow quietly.
He nods. I fall into my hunters crouch and creep as quietly as I can towards the scuffling. As I ready to jump, Maplepaw bounds through the growth, sending the squirrel skittering. I leap after it, but I was too late. Angered, I spin towards Maplepaw.
"Mouse-brain! You did that on purpose!" I hiss, tail waving in outrage.
Maplepaw innocently looks at me. "Who, me? I just wanted to show Spiderfang my second catch."
I surge toward her. Snarling, her hackles raise and she meets my onslaught. I lift a paw to whack her, but Leafglow barrels between us.
"Sootpaw, Maplepaw! Stop this instant," he snaps. I skid to a stop.
"Back to camp, both of you!" Spiderfang growls. "Maplepaw, take that catch. I'll get the other one." The black she-cat flashes into the trees.
Leafglow glowers down on us. "Elders duty. No leaving the camp until you've learned your lesson."
Maplepaw opens her mouth to protest, but at Leafglow's stern glare, she nods meekly and follows him, dragging her catch beside her. I trailed after them.
We meet Spiderfang at the camp entrance, and she sends us to the elders den with a disappointed look at her apprentice.
I follow Maplepaw, not knowing what to do.
"We change their bedding, find their ticks, do whatever else they need," she says shortly. "And we don't eat until all of them have eaten."
I nod solemnly as we squeeze through the ferns surrounding the den's entrance.
"Maplepaw, is that you?" a creaky voice calls out. "Who's your friend?"
"Hey, Smallwatcher," Maplepaw responds, disguising her anger with a polite nod. "Bluestripe."
"He reeks of the Twoleg place." Bluestripe squints at me. "You don't say this is the kittypet, eh?"
Smallwatcher gives me a look of sympathy. "Pay no heed to Bluestripe. He's always this grumpy." The gray tom tilts his head. "What're you two doing here anyway? Don't you have better things to do than hang around old lumps like us?"
"We got into a tussle while hunting," Maplepaw explains, glaring at me. "We're confined to camp until further notice."
"Ah, so you've got elders duty." Smallwatcher chuckled. "Now that you've mentioned it, I'm pretty sure I have a few ticks on my shoulder where I just can't reach."
"I've got some on my spine. You- kittypet. Can you get 'em?" Bluestripe narrows his ice-blue eyes on me.
Maplepaw turns and hurries towards the medicine den, returning in seconds with a clump of moss. "It's covered in mouse bile. Use it to get the ticks." She hands me half. "Use your paws though- you'll taste it for days." She crouchs down by Smallwatcher and uses her forepaw to rub the mouse bile over the ticks.
I sigh and settle beside Bluestripe, gently picking through his fur.
The sun cast an eerie red glow over the camp as it set. Thistlepaw, the medicine cat apprentice, sat at the outskirts of the clearing, gazing into the changing sky. His ginger fur looked blood washed in the light as his flashing amber eyes caught me staring.
"Something's happening tonight, Sootpaw." His voice was calm, but pronounced and shot through with moons of wisdom. "And you'd better be ready."
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