Warrior role play
Warrior role play!
Leader: Lightningstrike5050 /
Age:25 moons
Gender: Shecat
Apperance: Ginger with white paws, eartips, and a white lightning bolt on her right side. Has remarkable dark green eyes.
Personality: Loyal to her clan and StarClan, Never gives up in a fight, Clever, Cheeky, Brave, Doesn't dive head first for a battle over a small problem with clans, Hard to make mad ( unless your her pesky brother Shadowstrike.... )
Siblings: Shadowstrike
Dream: To waste her last breath fighting for her clans kits protection.
Deputy: Mysticwarrior / Strikeshadow
Age:25 moons
Gender: Tom
Appearance: Jet black tom with an unusual thunder-yellow stipe down his spine, and has striking yellow eyes.
Personality: intelligent, mysterious, excellent fighter and analyser in battle, protective, good at surprise attacks, courageous, brave and leader-like.
Crush- N/A
Siblings- Lightningstar -sister
Dream- To Someday become a wonderful admirable leader of Thunder Clan.
To find a mate.
Medicine cat: Mistehstar / Mistypelt
Age:21 moons
Gender: Shecat
Appearance: Silver, white and gray striped fur that covers her pelt. When she is in moon light she looks like a StarClan cat herself! She has crystal blue eyes.
Personality: Caring, Sweet, Strong even though she is a medicine cat, Can sense what every cat is feeling, Loyal and Swift.
Dream: to gaze with her warrior ancestors in the midnight breeze.
Yognaught_shadow / Pheonixflight
Age: 20 moons
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: Black with white underbelly and paws and green eyes
Personality: Gental, Kind, Loving and Will do anythingfor her clan
Siblings: None
Dream: None yet
1~ Minecraftwarrior / Heathersoul
Age:20 moons
Appearance: Brownish tan with light tan (almost blonde) belly and paws with a little heart on her flank in the same tan brownish blonde as her belly. She has piercing amber eyes.
Personality: Strong, Loyal, Sweet, Shy at times, Skilled fighter, Swift, Athletic.
Crush: Strikeshadow.
Siblings: None
Dream: To have a mate ad peaceful life with a family.
2~ EnderDragonRAWR / Dragonheart
Age: 18 moons
Gender: she-cat
Appearance: pure black with blue eyes
Personality: Strong, Caring and Truthful
Crush: None
Siblings: None
Dream: To be a great warrior
3~ Nakathefangirl / Midnightclaw
Age: 18 moons
Gender: she-cat
Appearance: Dark gray with black paws and amber eyes
Personality: Laid-back, Cunning, Swift and Loyal
Crush: None
Siblings: None
Dream: To have a peaceful after life in StarClan.
4~ Roleplay_4_ever / Darkshadow
Age: 20 moons
Gender: Tom
Appearance: A full black cat and green eyes
Personality: Swift, Fast, Cunning and Strong
Crush: None
Siblings: None
Dream: To have a mate and kits
5~ Name: Littlefire. Age: 20 moons. Gender: She-cat. Appearance: Cute calico she-cat, with brighter ginger patches than other calico's. Her eyes are a pretty amber color, with yellow speckles around the irises. Personality: Excellent hunter and mentor, a little shy, gentle, brave, swift, protective and encouraging. Crush: Darkshadow :) Kits: Firepaw (Warrior name: Firechase) - Muscular flame-colored tom with piercing amber eyes, that have yellow stripes near the irises - Personality: Playful, stubborn, friendly, fast, brave and protective - Crush: "Moonkit!" *He grins widely* - Mother: Littlefire - Brothers: Bumblepaw, Wildpaw and Darkpaw. Bumblepaw (Warrior name: Bumblefoot) - Small cute light calico tom with calming ocean-blue eyes and white underbelly, tail tip, muzzle, cheeks, chin, chest and right frontpaw - Personality: Shy, clumsy, funny, kind, sometimes brave and smart - Crush: "L-Lightkit..." *Looks down at his paws, blushing* - Mother: Littlefire - Brothers: Darkpaw, Wildpaw and Firepaw. Wildpaw (Warrior name: Wildsun) - Handsome long-haired dark golden/brown tom with thick black stripes and dark golden/yellow eyes - Personality: Trustworthy, swift, strong, protective, loving and sympathic - Crush: "Discardedpaw" *He smiles* - Mother: Littlefire - Brothers: Bumblepaw, Firepaw and Darkpaw Darkpaw (Warrior name: Darkstreak) - Broad-shouldered dark grey tom with black spots, black stripes on his tail, ears, legs and piercing yellow eyes - Personality: Brave, protective, sarcastic, intelligent, admirable and noble - Crush: Blackfoot - Mother: Littlefire - Brothers: Bumblepaw, Wildpaw and Bumblepaw
6~ FINAL DESCRIPTION by warriorcasrule123 Name: Sunsplash Gender:She cat Age: 18 moons Apperance: White Shecat with orange spashes over her body and one on her face, She has aqua Blue eyes and a full orange bushy tail. Personality: Kind,sweet,loyal,loving,kind-hearted,skillful, protective,strong,caring,intelligent, funny,shy,cheeky,good-freind, fun to be around,Brave, good fighter,will be a good mother, plaful and smart, leader- like Crush: None at the moment Dream: To Have a mate and a family and live a happy life
7~ dogsanddragons Name~ Spiritflight Gender~ She-cat Age~ 16 moons Appearance~ Creamy white she-cat with silver eyes. Personality~ Kind, gentle, very intelligent, shy, but brave, skilled, can visit StarClan at any time, cam see into the past and future. Sometimes a little insane when doing the past, future, and StarClan garbage. Crush~ TOO AWESOME FOR CRUSH! HAHAHHA! *ahem* None at the moment Dream~ To be awesomer than leader, then StarClan!
8~Name: wavefur
Gender: she-cat
Age: 8 years
Appearance: blue-gray fur and amber eyes Personality: nice and kind
Crush: looking
Dream: to be a perfect leader
1~ Hawkpaw
Brown with darker flecks and blue eyes.
Some one has already got a name but made this apprentice. It is free for choosing and any one can metor her :3
2~ Discardedpaw / Katsteeeezy
Age: 8 moons
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: Brown tabby with darker flecks and dark blue eyes
Personality: Quite and usually keeps ti herself. But she can be quick on her paws.
Dream: to have a family of her own some day.
3~ Name: DuskPaw (DuskShine) Age: 10 Moons Gender: She-Cat Appearance: Smokey grey she with black, light grey, and white spots with a light grey heart on her chest. And beautiful purply pink eyes. Personality: Shy, Skilled, Sly, Swift,Outgoing, Nice. Crush: Da-DarkPaw.... *blushes red* Rank: Apprentice
Queens and Kits:
Age: 3 moons
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: Ash colored fur with blie eyes (She gets the eyes from mum and fur from dad)
Personality: Brave, Protective, Trustworthy.
Crush: None
Siblings: Dragonheart-mom
Dream: To be medicine cat.
Blackfoot Queen Kits Moonkit Lightkit She-cat Smart caring sweet and cunning Mate: could this be darkshadow 19 A wite cat with black ears and one black paw with red tail No siblings
Spaces are limited so get your grabs quick!!!!
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