Chapter Twenty-Six - Part One
A sharp wind streamed across the hilly expanse; the dark gray heraldry snapped and furled. Snarls and agitated growls swept through a small group of Elaborathin; a dispute soon broke out between two of the creatures. Vínmorr stepped out from a dusty-cobalt tent, glancing to the dusk-painted citadel in the distance.
He the soldiers under his authority – those of the first cohort – as he made his way toward the higher-ranking officers. Striding across the grassy earth, he felt his body hum in anticipation of the coming battle.
He cringed inwardly as Prochk called his name.
"Kherr Shamma. Kherr Prochk" The Elandhin saluted the legionary commanders. "What news?"
"The Narenthian forces are few; they plan to divert us long enough to save the weaklings that now flee to the southern capital."
"Their rothnash and younglings fled two days ago," Shamma interjected. "They bear many burdens. It'll be easy enough to track and slaughter every one of them."
"Our source was delayed in reporting these facts. I suspect treachery may be afoot."
Movv Khaia strode toward the small group. Tension filled Vínmorr's body.
"We shall learn soon enough, where Raava's loyalties lie. Once we take the keep, the scales of war shall tip in our favor."
"We intend to divide our forces?"
Khaia glanced at Vínmorr.
"Our main objective is to overtake the keep. However, based upon the details relayed by the informant, it will be no trouble for us to send a small force after those who have fled. The remainder of our soldiers shall take Filne-Semmit. We've already notified Shechk Grimmann of these plans. He will send a portion of his legion to hinder the escapees."
The Elandhin nodded, awaiting his orders.
"You, trustworthy Vínmorr, have been entrusted with the task of obtaining a particular item. Raava insists that he is working on locating and confiscating said item. You must simply ensure that we take possession of the prize."
The Elandhin clenched his jaw.
"And what of the raava?"
Movv Khaia smiled.
"If he survives, we shall test his fealty. But, of course, any number of tragedies may befall him; don't concern yourself over much with his safety."
"As you command, Movv Khaia."
* * *
Edileth's heart pounded. Fear coursed through her veins and, although she felt a need to flee, she found that she could not move. Her body quivered, struggling from the torrent of thoughts and emotions that surged within.
"Don't worry; it will be okay." Joenek's words came quietly, his breath hot upon her neck.
What am I doing?
The rothnak wondered why she had allowed Joenek to enter her chambers, once more. The roth who typically showed such spontaneity and folly had somehow seemed so wise in her eyes. He had assured her that his only desire was to comfort her.
Yet now she lay in the roth's embrace, allowing him such privileges as should only be given her spouse. His hands explored her body, and she found that she did not have the strength to resist him.
* * *
"Ediles, are you quite alright?"
The rothnak flinched, coming out of a daze. She glanced to Rikku, who bore an expression of concern.
"You 'ave 'ardly touched your meal, and you seem radzer out of sorts."
"'Tis only that my mind is quite occupied, at present. I apologize for my lack of attention. What were you saying?"
"Celik returned from scouting early this morn." Marrik reached for a piece of fruit. "Have you seen him, yet?"
Dread filled Edileth. She had not wanted to meet with any of her companions for fear they would somehow know what had transpired between her and Joenek. Fortunately, no one seemed to be aware of the rothnak's late-night acts. However, she felt certain she would be unable to hide the truth from the Kenim Naduhl.
Standing abruptly, Edileth apologized, creating an excuse to leave Marrik, Rikku, and Arun. She rushed from the room, intending to flee to her chambers and there lock herself away until she was needed for battle.
Just as she entered the hallway, Edileth collided with the very elf she had hoped to avoid. Celik stepped back in surprise, apologizing for his lack of care. When he realized he had run into Edileth, the Kenim Naduhl gave a small smile.
"I was a bit distracted; forgive me for obstructing your path, Edileth."
Celik gave a tired laugh. He paused then, seeming to notice that the blonde was distraught. Tilting his head, the roth placed a hand on Edileth's shoulder.
"What is wrong?"
Edileth could not meet Celik's gaze. Instead, she burst into tears. She tried to pull away from the Kenim Naduhl's touch. She felt sullied – defiled by her deeds – and she felt that Celik would somehow suffer consequences from being in contact with her tainted body.
Clearly confused, the roth released his gentle hold.
"Edileth, what has happened?"
She rubbed at her face, furiously trying to stop the stream of tears that flowed down her cheeks. Edileth started down the hall, clinging to her torso, as if to hide herself from the world. She barely heard the Kenim Naduhl's quiet steps as he followed her.
Why won't he go away? Can't he see that I want to be left alone?
The roth never said anything, he never took hold of her, or tried to stop her; he simply followed. When she arrived at her bed chambers, Edileth half expected Celik to prevent her from entering, as Joenek had once done. Instead he remained at the threshold, giving no complaint when the blonde slammed the door in his face.
Edileth sank to the floor, curling up against the door. She found herself sobbing, despite her efforts to control her raging emotions.
Oh, Feridh...what have I done? Why did I let Joenek talk me into sleeping with him?
She lay on the floor for quite some time. Eventually, her sobbing subsided. Edileth grieved the loss of her innocence in silence, hating herself for having set aside all she knew to be right for the temporary pleasure she had felt with Joenek. The weight of her choice was suffocating.
The rothnak sat up, looking about the room in surprise. Her heart beat rapidly, quieting when she realized the compassionate voice had come from the other side of the door. Leaning the back of her head against the wood, Edileth sighed, hoping Celik would leave without pestering her further.
"I don't mean to intrude, or to interrogate you. I know I am not much help when emotions are involved."
Edileth stared at the opposite wall, seeing nothing but her misery.
"That being said, I feel that you ought to speak with someone about the matter that so heavily weighs on your heart. If it be your desire, I can search for Yena and request her presence."
Edileth waited for a response. She waited until she felt a dull ache in her muscles from sitting in a peculiar position for too long. Needing to ease the pain, Edileth stood.
He must have left.
Part of Edileth was glad that Celik had finally let her be. Yet there was also a part of her that longed for his companionship. The Kenim Naduhl had come to be a figure of solidarity and constancy.
Filled with remorse and sorrow, the rothnak donned her battle attire. She felt that perhaps it would be best if she did not survive the conflict to come. The thought shocked her, and she felt tears well in her eyes, once more.
With resolve, Edileth cleared her throat and attached her sword belt. Taking her lengthy tresses in hand, the blonde fixed her hair into a Kerindhian warrior's braid. When she had finished preparing herself, the rothnak made to leave her chambers. As she opened the door, Edileth jumped in surprise.
"You're...still here..."
"An astute observation." Celik grinned. "I see you are ready."
Edileth still felt nervous, but the roth's jest helped lighten the mood. He walked beside Edileth as they headed for the Tactics Chambers for the final time. Neither elf said a word.
"Edileth, behind you!"
She spun around, plunging her sword into the neck of a lerecht. The creature let loose a guttural scream before it sank to the earth. The elaborathin that rode the creature leapt from its back and swung his blade in a downward arc, intending to hack Edileth's neck.
Edileth blocked the blade with effort, wincing as the weight of the enemy's sword crashed down upon her own. Shaking from the strain, she released a strangled sort of yell. Using her shout as if to bolster her strength, the rothnak forced the enemy blade away, managing to nick the elaborathin's sword arm in the process.
After some further interaction, Edileth succeeded in felling the enemy. Panting from the struggle, the rothnak looked about for her next assailant. Arun stepped toward her.
"Are ya a'right? Thet beast seemed near ready to take ya."
"I'm fine."
Edileth was grateful for the few moments of respite. Taking a few deep breaths, the rothnak glanced to her right. She saw a few Elaborathin that had made their way past the defenses near the gates. They charged through the courtyard and under an arch leading to another section of the outer courts, on the southern end of the keep.
Arun looked at Joenek – who had just arrived following his own bout with the enemy. The blacksmith cocked his head and grinned.
"Well, Joen? Sha' we 'ave a wee bit o' fun?"
* * *
Vínmorr skulked through the tunnel; the muffled cadence of marching reverberated behind him. The informant had sent word – earlier in the day – of a seceret passage leading into the keep and claimed to have located the item that Movv Khaia was so intent on obtaining.
As the line of Si-olian forces neared the end of the passage, Shechk Vínmorr held his hand up. Silence permeated the small space. Peering out from the shadows, the Elandhin espied the elf known as "Raava". Seeing no other elves in the area, Vínmorr motioned for his subordinates to wait, and stepped into the overcast daylight.
Raava noticed him, then, and strode across the cobbled grounds. As the elf stood before him, Vínmorr crossed his arms and squinted.
"Raava. I presume you have what is required?"
"I do."
The male elf turned to show a bag that hung from his shoulders. Glancing about, Raava gestured for the Elandhin to turn and head back into the tunnel. He seemed anxious to leave. Vínmorr blocked the elf's path, placing a hand upon the informant's shoulder.
"I think not. Give me the bag, and I'll ensure its safe passage to Movv Khaia."
The elf removed himself from Vínmorr's grip. His expression turned from nervous to irate.
"Nay. I must bring it to Resh Mógrak."
"Very well." Vínmorr growled, drawing his blade. "Lead the way."
The Elandhin nodded his head in the direction of the passage. The elf's face blanched, noticeably. He took half a step back. Vínmorr scoffed.
"If you've seen one rat, you've seen 'em all. There are no heroes among the raavas. Move, or I'll leave your carcass here for the crows."
Movement caught the Elandhin's attention. Turning, Vínmorr saw a blonde rothnak. As their eyes met, the shechk saw her surprise. She turned and called to someone, before facing him once more, and shouting.
* * *
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