Chapter Twenty-Five - Part Two
Joenek seemed to loom over the blonde for a long moment. At last, he leaned in and kissed her brow. Edileth almost sighed with relief, until he leaned in again. This time he kissed her cheek, before moving on to kiss her lips.
Quivering, Edileth could sense a hunger in Joenek. Part of her delighted in this newfound pleasure. Even so, there was an apprehension.
She had been surprised the night before, when Joenek had become too blinded by his desire. Fear had coursed through her when she felt his hands touch the skin beneath her tunic. Fortunately, he had been quick to compose himself. However, she was unsure what she would do if such a thing happened again, and – worse still – if Joenek would choose not to stop.
Edileth found that she was short of breath. Joenek stopped kissing her, his own breathing laboured. He took hold of the fabric near the middle of her torso and tugged on it in a teasing manner. The roth then scooped her into his arms and moved her so she lay upon the settee. Thoughts in a disarray, Edileth did not know what to do.
Joenek leaned over the she-elf. He kissed her deeply, and Edileth felt her body quake in equal portions of fear and excitement. The rothnak let loose a small gasp when Joenek's hands began to explore her body. All at once, several thoughts and emotions filled Edileth. Part of her wanted to slap the roth for his indecency, or flee from the chamber, crying. More frightening still, was the part of her that wanted to remain, and give Joenek precisely what he wanted.
A loud thud startled both elves. Joenek stood up quickly, while Edileth felt herself shrink into the back of the settee. Heart pounding in fright, the rothnak looked about the chamber. She saw no one apart from Joenek. He glanced about, as well, looking down when his foot bumped into something. The roth leaned down and picked up a book that had fallen, presumably from the seat, and landed with its pages to the floor. As Joenek lifted the book from its place of landing, he glanced over the words. Edileth thought she saw his face pale.
"What...what is it?"
Startled, Joenek glanced to the rothnak. He closed the book, shaking his head. He gave a nervous smile before speaking.
"I think it would be best if we head back to our rooms."
As she stood, Edileth glanced at the book that had fallen. She felt gooseflesh all over as she recognized the title; Aór Mírnen. Edileth felt certain that Feridh himself had caused the book to fall from its place to prevent anything more from happening.
Joenek had moved to the door and peeked out. When he deemed that they were safe from being caught, he waved Edileth over. Together they wound back through the halls, silent and brooding.
When they had arrived at Edileth's chambers, Joenek gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before darting off to his own rooms. She slipped through the door and crawled into bed. As the sun rose above the horizon, Edileth remained wide awake, her mind mulling over all that had transpired in the little library.
* * *
It had been decided the evening before that Sheem and Adhraena would join those leaving for Villelle en Orv Lorrlen. While Edileth knew it was best for their safety, she had been loath to part with Sheem. When it came time for the children to depart, the boy embraced Edileth. She held him close, feeling an odd tug upon her heart. The rothnak pulled away, resting her hands upon the lad's shoulders.
"We shall meet again. Whence we have fought back the enemy, I shall go to the southern capital and find you there."
Sheem smiled, reaching a hand toward her face. She flinched as he brushed the back of his knuckles against her cheek. Sheem held his hand up for her to see, raising his brow.
"What's this? Are you really crying for me?" He laughed at her look of surprise. "You're right; we shall, indeed, meet again; don't shed tears on my account."
Celik neared the two elves and placed a hand upon the boy's shoulder. Sheem looked at the Kenim Naduhl and gave a wide smile. A small grin upturned one corner of Celik's mouth as he nodded at the lad.
"Stay safe, Sheem, and look after Adhraena well."
"I shall. May Feridh keep you safe. And make sure to watch over my big sister." Sheem grinned at Edileth.
When all farewells had been said, Sheem and Adhraena mounted the draft mule that Edileth had loosed from the supply wagon on the Fdhellin Plains. The rothnak called to Sheem. He halted the mule and glanced back. Edileth strode toward them, pulling out a small copy of Aór Mírnen as she did so. She handed the book to Sheem. Tears sprang to both their eyes as they held one another's hand. At last, Sheem guided the mule into a quick walk. When they were a short distance away, he halted the large animal. Sheem and Adhraena glanced back once more, waving their hands in a silent farewell, before turning to follow the large crowd of fleeing elves.
Edileth fought against the pangs of fear and sorrow that plagued her mind and heart. A gentle hand upon her upper back rescued her from her brooding. She looked to her right and observed Celik's grim expression.
"Feridh is with them, and He is with us." He turned to look at Edileth. "He is our protection."
Edileth sighed.
"I know. I simply...worry what may befall them should we fail."
Celik gave a knowing smile.
"Are you joining the others?"
"Rikku, Marrik, Arun, and Joenek were all going to practice in the training grounds. Will you be joining them?"
"Ah...perhaps in a little while."
Noting Edileth's hesitation, Celik studied her face. She tried to ignore his questioning gaze. Feeling uncomfortable, the rothnak tried to shift his attention elsewhere.
"I heard that you plan to help with the scouting. You will be leaving this evening?"
Celik watched her for a moment more, before answering her question.
"Yes. Lord Rettinne requested my aide as a Kenim Naduhl. In fact, I ought to meet with him shortly to discuss the details of the task I've been assigned."
"Be careful." Edileth laid a hand upon Celik's upper arm. He glanced down at her in surprise. Smiling, the Kenim Naduhl placed his hand over Edileth's.
"I shall. Now, I must depart. May Feridh bless and keep you, Edileth."
There was something dreadfully final in the words Celik spoke. He gave a little bow, then turned and made his way to the keep. As Edileth watched him leave, a wave of emotion washed over her. The rothnak felt anxiety rise within her, and sorrow covered her as a shroud.
Parting ways with Sheem had caused her heart to ache. Strange though it seemed to her, it was not entirely unexpected. Yet now she felt a similar sense of loss at Celik's farewell. Her eyes filled with tears as the Kenim Naduhl disappeared around a corner.
When her journey had begun, she dreaded the thought of joining the company of the other Ferlians. She would have preferred to do things alone, and quickly return to her home in Kerindh. After having spent time with the other elves, though, she had grown rather fond of each of them.
Even Marrik, she thought with a grin.
The impending battle loomed over her like a dismal, foreboding cloud. She felt the weight of it pressing upon her, dampening her spirit. Edileth stood in the bright, mid-day sun – surrounded by Eb-dae and other elves who had boldly offered to stay and fight – quaking in fear and gasping for breath. An all-consuming panic coursed through her. She noticed the elves around her giving her curious glances.
Overcome, Edileth fled. She ran toward the keep, taking the stairs that led to the ramparts. Dashing up the steps, the rothnak wiped away tears that fell freely, against her will. She reached the top, gasping between sobs.
What is wrong with me?
She slumped to her knees, holding her hands to her mouth to suppress the sound of her weeping. Edileth struggled against the raging storm of emotions, not hearing the voice that called her name in concern. When she felt a hand upon her shoulder, the rothnak yelped in surprise.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Edileth, calm down."
Joenek looked at her with concern. After he had scanned her body – as if expecting to find an injury – he looked into her eyes. Seeing his look of worry, Edileth was moved by further emotion. Despite being embarrassed by her display, Edileth reached out to Joenek and embraced him.
He seemed to be stunned and sat very still. Feeling Edileth's body shake, he wrapped his arms around her. Joenek brushed his hand against her back in a soothing manner.
"It's're okay."
When Edileth's crying had subsided into quiet sniffs, Joenek pulled away so he could look at her. He swept some hair out of the rothnak's face.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Edileth looked up. She marveled at his serious expression, so uncharacteristic of the jovial elf. His countenance showed his genuine worry.
"I'm not quite certain what happened. Sheem and Adhraena left, and Celik will begin scouting this evening. Everyone is leaving and it...frightened me. I don't know what came over me, but I was suddenly...overwhelmed by terror."
"I know. I'm a bit scared, too."
Joenek revealed a shy smile at Edileth's look of disbelief. He rubbed her upper arm, as if to give encouragement. Edileth realized, then, how near she was to the roth. His closeness brought back the memory of what had transpired in the early hours of the morn.
Feeling sudden embarrassment, Edileth cleared her throat and stood up. Joenek rose from his crouching position and moved to the edge of the rampart. As he looked out, his face darkened, and Edileth followed his gaze.
Appearing as a small dot of ink on the distant horizon was the enemy camp. Edileth's pulse raced for a moment, before she took a steadying breath. She drew close to Joenek, feeling a sudden and perplexing need to depend upon his calm demeanor. She mentally grumbled about cowering behind the roth, yet her thoughts were still affected by her earlier bout of panic.
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