Chapter Three - Part One
Yelps and growls, snapping teeth, thick, matted fur falling in tufts; a fight broke out among the lerecht again. Vínmorr cued one of the less-temperamental of his stock and the tawny male circled the other two with a snarl, effectively putting an end to the altercation. A groaning exhale came from the black lerecht to Vínmorr's right.
"Not impressed by the younglings, Shígra?"
She snorted, as if in response. The timing of her sighs and head-tilts had always been a source of amusement to Vínmorr.
A howling bay rose some distance down the mountain. Shígra stood, her hackles raised, and a growl emanated from her chest. Vínmorr scowled.
He patted her shoulder and leapt onto her back. Together, they made their way down the mountainside, where they were greeted by excited barks and yaps.
Near the mountain's base, Kherr Prochk sat astride a large sorrel horse. He nodded upon seeing Vínmorr. "A fine greeting, that. Can't you teach your beasts the difference between friend and foe? My mount nearly threw me, 'til I was able to bring him back under control."
"'Lerecht are very territorial creatures," Vínmorr replied. "And I would be hard-pressed to introduce every leading dignitary to my pack. What news have you? I'm sure you did not come on personal matters, Kherr Prochk."
"Movv Khaia has received orders from Akkheron, himself. We're moving our forces, at last."
"Promising news, indeed. But what does that have to do with me? I've already delivered nearly fifteen hundred lerecht. All that remains of my pack are the pups and breeding stock."
"Oh, don't be so modest. Your abilities are most impressive."
Vínmorr crossed his arms. "I'm only a humble lerecht master. I don't see how that will provide much aid to Akkheron. Surely he has others more skilled to help him conquer Naine Mithale."
"That's not what I refer to, you fool. Much as you like to play the ill-bred outcast, Movv Khaia knows of your lineage. He wants you to lead a shekk into Gael-Narenth."
"I don't suppose I can refuse."
"Don't be daft. This is a momentous opportunity for you. You'll be handsomely rewarded once we accomplish our mission."
"And what exactly would I do with all those riches? Build myself a grand palace? Fill it with all assortment of harlots, as you do?"
Prochk grinned, unoffended by Vínmorr's words. After all, with a high-ranking father and himself Khillem's military commander, surely he had heard much worse.
"You don't know what you're missing, my friend. Ah, the pleasures of a she-elf! Even better when you send them on their merry way after the deed is done – much less hassle. I tell you; I can easily supply you with a female to lighten your dull mood. Why don't you accept my help, instead of spending all your time with these ugly beasts?"
"The lerecht don't ask senseless questions. You really think any of your whores would be interested in me? Judging by your talk, they'd take one look and devote themselves to chastity. Not that I could be bothered with them, anyway; my studies keep me too busy."
"Oh, your studies. Bah! Merely an excuse to deprive yourself of the pleasures of this life. It's wonder enough you're able to read; why add to your strife?" Kherr Prochk shifted his weight; the creaking of saddle leather accompanied his movement. "Perhaps you'd prefer a female of your own kind? I think I heard of some female elandhin in Shamma's region..."
"Enough; I don't need to get entangled with some wench. When does Movv Khaia wish to meet?"
Kherr Prochk rested his wrist upon the elaborate pommel of his notably unsullied saddle. "Perhaps you will yet see reason. And I'll make certain to find you the finest female for your first encounter. As for Movv Khaia, he's waiting for you now. He's staying at the tavern in Chírek."
Vínmorr frowned and remounted Shígra. "You were that sure I'd obey?"
"Of course. I knew I could convince you; didn't expect it to be so easy. But then, you are descended from great warriors. I suppose the old saying is true, after all: battle's in the blood."
"How you manage to survive your feats of trickery, I'll never understand."
"Pure charm, my friend, pure charm."
The kherr grinned before wheeling his horse around. Together, the two loped across the hilly expanse. Wind plucked at their clothing, tugged on their hair; the air cooled with the setting sun. By the time they neared the town northwest of Vínmorr's mountain home, their surroundings were draped in darkness.
A single lantern was mounted near the entrance of the tavern. They left their mounts outside and entered the building, warmth and light hitting them as they entered. Laughter and conversation died in synchronization with the door's closing. Elven eyes followed Vínmorr along the tables.
He could not blame them. He was the newest of Akkheron's projects, a halfbreed – the product of dhannedraen elves given as prize to the most skilled elaborathin. And if there was anything Si-olian elves hated more than elaborathin, it was the dhannedrae.
Couldn't Khaia have come, himself? Why'd he send Prochk as messenger?
Murmurs followed Prochk and Vínmorr the short distance across the main floor. One she-elf, however, made a point of sharing her thoughts for all to hear.
"By the Snake! I heard a new race was being bred, but that is hideous. Those horns are positively bestial. Its complexion looks like rotting flesh, it does. And the scar!"
Vínmorr clenched his jaw, fighting the urge to turn on the group of elves and unleash a display of anger. Instead, he started up the stairs leading to the tavern's rooms.
Kherr Prochk turned slightly, speaking over his shoulder. "Never mind her; she spews out unceasing streams of drivel."
Vínmorr lifted the ridge above one of his deep-set eyes. "Another one of your playthings?"
"Hardly worth the coin I gave 'er. I feel sorry for the poor wretch she'll ensnare tonight."
"Will you ever take your position seriously?"
"I'm offended, Vínmorr. I regard my position with the utmost esteem. How else could I afford to live in such luxury?"
Vínmorr shook his head.
When they reached the top step, Prochk moved to the door just right of the stairs. Inside, Movv Khaia performed strength-building exercises upon the floor. The military leader glanced up and rose to greet them.
He wore only breeches; his muscled torso glistened with sweat and his fair hair clung to his body. Movv Khaia grabbed a cloth to wipe his hands before extending one in greeting.
Prochk clasped his forearm first, nodding his head in respect. Next the movv turned his gaze to Vínmorr, who bowed and gave a Si-olian salute – lifting his arms and crossing his wrists at chest-height.
"Movv Khaia."
"Forgive me, both of you, for my unseemly appearance. I was not certain Prochk would be able to convince you."
Vínmorr noticed a poorly-suppressed grin playing at the corners of Prochk's mouth. He felt certain the kherr was about to make a vile comment about the physical benefits of bedding a she-elf, or some other remark of a similar nature. Hoping to save himself from Prochk's useless babble, Vínmorr stepped forward and spoke. "No need to apologize, Movv Khaia. Your devotion is admirable."
The movv smiled. He gestured for the other two to seat themselves and offered each a pint of ale. Prochk grinned, readily accepting the drink and took a swig. Vínmorr swallowed a moderate amount and nodded in gratitude.
"I'd wager you were hesitant to accept this task." Movv Khaia studied him.
"I won't deny my reluctance. I prefer solitude. And I have no aptitude for leading." He hesitated before continuing. "In fact, I've never led a military force, so I find it odd you want me to serve as Shekk."
Khaia studied him for a moment. "I've been given the task of determining the elandhin's suitability for service. So far the results have been inconclusive. But I will mold you into military perfection. You come from superior elaborathin lineage, for what it's worth. Khra, the mighty elaborathin who smote ten Eb-dae with a single blow of his hammer."
"Baseless fabrications, I assure you."
"And of course, there's the matter of your other kin. You have the discipline and stubborn blood of the Dhannedrae in you."
Vínmmorr's gaze hardened, but he remained silent. Khaia seized the change in the atmosphere, a cruel light glinting in his green eyes. "Ah, that's right. The creature that birthed you is still being held prisoner, isn't she? How many of your kind do you suppose she's spawned?"
Vínmorr lifted the pint to his mouth, downing half the contents. "I'll bear the burden of Shekk with solemnity. I don't know much, but what skills I have I'll use to aid the cause."
"You proved the point I was hoping to make. You are not easily provoked to reckless behaviour." Movv Khaia relaxed into the chairs. "This is an attribute most valued in Akkheron's great army. With someone like you leading Akkheron's forces, we can accomplish great glory. If you prove yourself in this task, I will be sure to put in a good word with our lord. In a few months' time I'd wager you could rise to the rank of Movv."
"You flatter me."
"Nonsense. Why do you think our lord is breeding your kind? He wants soldiers with the strength and brutality of the elaborathin, but the intellect and composure of those tree demons. You are precisely the sort we need to defeat the Narenthian scum."
Vínmorr nodded. "When do I report for my service?"
"Meet me here in two days' time. I shall send notification you've agreed to take the position. After you have settled your own affairs, we shall head to the encampment near the borders of Fekklorn."
Vínmorr drank the remainder of his ale. He stood and bowed his head. "I shall be off, then. I'll return in two days."
Khaia rose from his seat. "Ah, but I had something prepared for you; for Prochk, as well. Stay, enjoy some entertainment. You'll have plenty of time for sobriety once we report at the encampment."
Sighing, Vínmorr followed Movv Khaia and Kherr Prochk to the hall and into the next room. He halted at the threshold.
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