Chapter Eighteen - Part Two
The following morning, the elves awoke to a dense fog. A layer of dew covered everything in the limited range of vision. Elf and beast alike looked miserable; hunched against the frigid breeze that had continued all through the night.
Edileth and Sheem walked side-by-side in silence for a time, until Celik joined them.
"Hallo, you two."
The roth swept in and linked his arm with his "betrothed". Glancing at the Kenim Naduhl, the she-elf tried to suppress a grin.
"Oh, Benorelt, you look ever so ridiculous."
"Do I?"
Edileth chortled at the odd way Celik's hair hung in and about his face.
"Well, you look nothing but beautiful, my love."
He took a small strand of her damp hair in his hand and – after tucking it behind her pointed ear – gave her cheek one gentle stroke with the back of his knuckles.
Wide-eyed, Edileth fought the panic that rose within her. She knew it was a ruse for the benefit of Jich's party, and yet she felt a sudden need to flee.
Celik seemed to sense her distress and a look of regret and embarrassment crossed his features. He glanced to Sheem and then both males looked to Edileth.
I have connected Celik to my mind, so the three of us can speak privately, again.
I must apologize, Edileth. I know that displays of affection make you uncomfortable. I will admit it bothers me a bit, as well. I simply want to make it believable; that you and I are betrothed love.
Edileth felt what she assumed to be the energy of Celik's spirit, as Sheem had described it. She knew that Celik was genuine in both his apology and his admittance. He truly was uncomfortable giving her displays of love.
You certainly could have fooled me. I knew it was not real, but you make it so convincing...
When Edileth did not continue, Celik gave her a questioning gaze.
N-n-n– Edileth stopped, feeling quite confused at her inability to speak. Then she remembered what Sheem had said about being unable to lie. It is nothing important.
Hmm. So, how was your first lesson? Celik grinned.
Edileth and Sheem glanced at one another with small smiles.
It went well. Not only has she been blessed with great power over her mental aura, she is also terribly clever. I'm afraid I won't be able to teach her very much.
Truly? Celik looked surprised. That is good news, indeed.
I suppose. But as soon as I have mastered what I need to, I shall be able to live as if I didn't have the Gift.
The dark-haired roth looked as though he did not believe her; part of Edileth agreed with him.
But what of you; how was your night watch?
A heavy sigh escaped the roth's lips. After running fingers through thick hair, he massaged the back of his neck.
"I'm certain Jich has spread all manner of malicious rumors about our families. The distrust from the other members of the "night's watch" was a palpable thing.
"When I finally found one of the others on watch, I questioned him, looking for – and expecting to receive – some form of instruction. I was given no more than a side-long glance and a half-hearted shrug."
It is rather fortunate for them, that I am of the Kenim Naduhlni. Celik continued in their minds. I can only imagine how an elf of the common sort would have fared. Any of our number would have done a sufficient job, as we have all been trained for such things. But these others...they are rather without knowledge of night watches and scouting; never mind fighting, should it come to that.
I cannot wait until we are on our own, again. It is humiliating to have to play at being some simple-minded lovebird. I am sure you feel similarly, Celik; treated as though you were a common elf with little-to-no talent.
Not everyone has your massive sense of self-pride, Edileth. Celik chortled.
"Yes, well..." Edileth sniffed, watching the fog as it swirled at a short distance.
When you speak of being on your own, again... Sheem paused, and Edileth turned to look at him. She sensed hope and anxiety and disappointment coming from the lad.
I shall not abandon you, Varrin. Edileth grinned, giving him a small side-hug.
Edileth, where our task leads us, there is no place for a boy. Celik gave her a stern gaze. What would happen if he were killed?
It may be dangerous, but at least he will be looked after. After all, I will need his help with mind-speaking, and he does have hannolle. Perhaps, Torben would be willing to give him guidance with his Gift. I will not leave him to Jich and his ilk.
You need not leave him with Jich. But could you not leave him with one of the Ferlians in Filne-Semmit? Or do you trust no one? Come, Edileth, be reasonable.
Edileth glared at Celik.
"'re just an insensitive beast."
In a flurry of agitation, Edileth wrenched her arm away from Celik's and stormed off. Taking care to detach her níadh from the others, she fumed, letting her mind rant about the Kenim Naduhl's "unfeeling nature".
Before long, she heard someone near her. Begrudgingly, Edileth extended her mental aura to lightly brush against the other elf's mind. She sighed, her shoulders drooping.
"Having a lovers' quarrel, cousin?" Joenek questioned as he came to walk beside her.
"Something along those lines."
As Joenek began speaking, Edileth's mind turned back to Sheem.
I cannot leave him. I do not know why I should be so attached to the boy, but I know that I simply cannot abandon him.
Edileth tried to convince herself that he needed her. And yet, deep down, she felt that the opposite was true; perhaps it was she who needed the boy.
"Hey," Joenek gave her a playful shove, "are you listening?"
Shaken from her thoughts, Edileth looked to Joenek.
"I'm sorry, Aemic."
Joenek gave her a queer look and seemed about to say something.
However, at that moment, there came the sound of yelling and screaming from the elves around them. Snatching her dagger from her boot, Edileth looked about.
Coming through the fog like some dark beast on the hunt, was a large number of roth on horseback. They roared and hollered; some even grinning at the panic that spread through Jich's elves. There seemed to be nearly forty bandits, in all.
Without further thought, Edileth reached to her pack, drawing her blade from the bag. She hastily strapped the scabbard about her waist and drew her sword, ready for the fight to come.
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