Chapter 2:
So, this took a while to come out and the reason for that is because Tears of the Kingdom is obviously out now.
So that means all the lore made up about the Zonai here are wrong.
And I can't change it so it better fits with the lore Tears of the Kingdom established.
The reason this took so long cause I really didn't know what to do for a while.
I still do want to continue this story, but it's completely wrong lore-wise.
So, maybe this could be an alternate universe with my own version of the Zonai, or should I just scrap this?
You guys tell me what you want.
The blade of your spear clashed with the blade of Urbosa's scimitar before you both jumped back.
You wasted no time and charged towards her and upon getting close you attempted to swipe at her, but she ducked under it and swung her blade at your feet, but you jumped just in time to avoid it.
While in the air you attempted to slam your Spear down on Urbosa but the Gerudo leader was quick enough to dodge to the side and bash you aside with her shield.
This sent you flying back.
However, you managed to perform a backflip and land feet first on the ground and skid back.
Without hesitation you charged at her once again and proceeded to perform a spear thrust.
Urbosa brought up her shield and the tip of your spear struck it right in the center.
Much to Urbosa's and the Gerudo spectator's surprise, your attack had enough force to make the Gerudo Chief skid back a few feet her shield still raised.
"Such strength." Urbosa thought surprised, especially given your thin frame.
Now, she could tell you weren't physically weak, but that attack certainly packed more of a punch than she expected.
She had to admit, it was impressive.
Suddenly she saw you toss your spear directly at her and reacting quickly she bashed it into the sky with her shield.
That was just a distraction however as that left her open for you to run in and deliver a swift kick to her stomach.
This launched her back a few feet while you quickly grabbed your spear as it fell back down to quickly attack again.
You attempted to thrust your spear at her, only to have the Gerudo chief deflect it with her scimitar making you stumble back.
You quickly found your footing and performed a spin slash which was countered by Urbosa shield.
You jumped back and dug your spear into the ground before slashing upwards.
This sent sand directly into Urbosa's eyes and as a result she let out a grunt and stumbled back.
To some this may be dishonorable tactic, but honestly it shouldn't, it's using the environment to one's advantage, it's just battling smart.
With Urbosa blinded you jumped into the air, spear raised to perform a downward slam.
Despite her vision having been lost the Gerudo Chief's battle instincts were as sharp as ever.
She quickly extended her leg upward and as a result you received a hard kick to the gut knocking the wind out of you.
You fell onto your back and let out a few coughs.
You couldn't spend to long on the ground though as on instinct you rolled to the side to avoid Urbosa stomping on you.
Your stomach was hurt but you could ignore it as you rolled back onto your feet.
Urbosa rubbed her eyes getting the last bit of sand out of her eyes and smirked at you.
"Nice try, but when you're home is the desert sand in the eye is little more than a mild annoyance." Urbosa chuckled.
You squealed internally as this was far better than you could have ever hoped for.
You were finally battling one of the strongest in Hyrule and your blood was pumping.
Your eyes flashed bright green for a moment and you flexed the fingers of your free hand.
"Urbosa, thanks so much for fighting me, you have no idea what this means to me." You said smiling brightly as you stood up straight.
"Well, thank you for giving me a good fight." Urbosa chuckled with a twirl of her sword. "It has been some time since I fought like this."
"I aim to please milady, so let's kick it up a notch." You said the tip of your spear giving off a green glow.
From a distance Bonanus, still in Zira's arms could see the green glow from your spear and immediately began panicking.
"Okay Zira, I think my brother's had enough fun, let me go get him before he reveals too much." Bonanus said angrily squirming in the Lynel's grip.
Zira saw what you were about to do and let out a sigh before nodding.
In a green flash, Bonanus vanished from Zira's arms as the Lynel teleported her.
Bonanus reappeared a few feet away from the other Gerudo and your battle with Urbosa.
Bonanus shook her head and after realizing what happened quickly ran as fast as she could towards to the Battle.
Back with you and Urbosa you both got ready to charge at each other, your eyes beginning to light up with a green glow.
This was it, you both were going to unleash your full might and it would be glorious.
Just as you were about to charge though, a small rock suddenly hit on the side of the head.
This rock had quite a lot of force behind it as the moment it struck you, you were launched to the side and hit the ground face-first.
Urbosa and the other Gerudo stood shocked and confused.
"Okay brother, time to go home!" Came an angry yell making them all turn to face an angry Bonanus who stomped up towards your groaning body.
She picked you up by your hair and it revealed you had an incredibly annoyed look on your face.
"Guess the fun's over." You sighed and Bonanus in response shoved your head back into the sand.
"You're lucky you have that Horse-Lion or I would have stopped your fun a long time ago." Bonanus growled.
You simply let out a groan in response as Bonanus pulled you onto your feet by your hair.
"Um...hello." Urbosa said making Bonanus turn to her with a nervous smile.
"Sorry to interrupt ma'am, but my brother is a moron." Bonanus said nervously sweating. "He's been gone for quite a while and o-our father is worried."
"Oh, you're his sister?" Urbosa asked and Bonanus nodded as you pulled free from her grip.
"Yes, my older brother though given how he acts it is hard to believe." Bonanus replied offending you.
"Die!" You yelled at her only to get smacked upside the head.
"Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way." She stated as she grabbed you by the ear and began dragging you off as you protested of course she also picked up your spear. "Thanks for taking care of my brother, now we must really be off."
"Sis, I wasn't done fight-ouch stop pull-YOW!" You kept trying to speak only to be silenced by your sister tugging hard on your poor ear.
"Oh I swear brother, I'll rip this ear off and yell the other one off!" Bonanus snarled pulling harder.
As you were dragged off, Urbosa and the other Gerudo women watched awkwardly.
"Oh well, I hope we can battle again someday!" Urbosa yelled with a wave.
"Don't count on it!" Bonanus screamed back.
As you kept getting dragged off, Urbosa turned back to the other new recruits and raised her scimitar.
"Okay, who's next?" She asked already ready for another battle making the recruits all flinch back and shiver.
Gerudo were proud warrior women, but even they had limits and after that fight they were hoping Urbosa would be tired to stop their training for the day.
She clearly wasn't.
Meanwhile, Bonanus continued to drag you off while you let out grunts of protest.
"Sis ouch...let me go!" You yelled.
"Okay." Bonanus replied before, with surprising strength tossed you by the ear into a nearby large stone and you fell into an upside down position.
By now, you were both far away from Urbosa and the others and so she could finally give you an earful.
"Really brother!?" She yelled before slamming the blunt end of your spear on the ground.
"Yeah Bonney, I saw an opportunity and I took it." You replied.
"Well I hope it was worth it." Bonanus growled and you simply chuckled.
"Let's see, I got to have a great fight against a beautiful and strong woman." You said smugly not having moved from your position. "So yeah it was definitely worth it."
In response, Bonanus threw your weapon at you and you quickly spread your legs letting the spear impale the large stone.
"I swear (Y/N) I'll kill you one of these days." Bonanus growled as you got back up and grabbed your weapon.
"You can try, you'll fail Bonney." You stated making your sister scoff.
"Oh please brother, you're such a reckless moron, I'm surprised you managed to live this long." Bonanus retorted before walking up and slapping you.
You let out a groan as you glared at your sister and simply let out a flat "ouch."
"What were you thinking!?" Bonanus asked placing her hands on her hips. "Master Khoga said to keep a low profile and not draw attention to ourselves."
"Like I said, I saw an opportunity and took it." You replied resting your spear on your shoulder. "You know I've been wanting to Battle Urbosa for the longest time and so I did just that."
"Khoga told you to stay out of sight and not make a spectacle! " She yelled. "And you were just about to unleash your full power...that's a spectacle."
"Dad doesn't have to know!" You yelled back. "Besides..."
You let out a sigh leaning back against the rock you were thrown into and sunk into a sitting position placing your spear in front of you.
Bonanus' look immediately softened upon seeing you do this.
"I want to keep pushing myself." You stated with another sigh. "I love fighting, going toe-to-toe with strong opponents, trading blows and testing my's the best feeling for me."
Bonanus walked over and sat down next to you.
"Battling Talos and Hinox are fun, but it does get old after a while and watching all the other warriors in Hyrule train..." You once again let out a sigh. "It's exciting to watch, gets my blood pumping and...I just wanted to test my strength against them."
It was true, not only did you come out to train you would often end up watching soldiers or other warriors train.
The only place you never went to was Death Mountain for obvious reasons.
You could take the heat of the Gerudo Desert just fine, but everyone has a limit.
"I'm sorry brother." Bonanus apologized.
"No, you don't have to." You said with a sigh suddenly getting up picking up your spear again. "I should be glad I at least get to come out instead of staying in the hideout all the time."
A moment of silence passed before you simply sighed and said:
"I think I wanna go home now."
"Of course." Bonanus said getting up and just as you did Zira appeared in a flash of green.
"Hey girl." You greeted giving Zira a scratch behind the ear which immediately caused her to purr. "I take it you kept Bonney restrained for me while I fought Urbosa?"
"Indeed she did." Bonanus sighed crossing her arms. "I still can't believe you managed to get a Lynel of all things to be this loyal to you."
"I didn't get her to do anything, she chooses to be loyal to me." You explained before placing a hand on her arm followed by Bonanus doing the same. "Okay girl take us to the others."
Zira nodded and in a flash of green you all vanished.
Cobalt and Otto were still in the same spot as before, Cobalt himself having fallen asleep in a sitting position Otto still on his lap.
Suddenly in a green flash you, Bonanus and Zira appeared which shocked both Cobalt and Otto awake.
It was so much of a shock that Cobalt fell back and tumbled off the rock dragging Otto with him and both hit the ground with a thud.
You couldn't help but chuckle at that while Bonanus was worried about Otto.
"Otto, baby, are you okay!?" She asked panicked running up to the downed duo.
Cobalt raised his right hand which had Otto resting atop it slowly revealing Otto was fine, just a bit dazed is all.
Bonney immediately swiped the Octomini from the Bokobolin and hugged it gently.
Cobalt raised his hands once more and in his hand this time was the book Bonney was reading before.
Bonney calmly took the book and thanked Cobalt as you walked over and helped him up.
"Well, guess we should go home now." You said with a sigh making your sister turn to you.
"We don't have to if you don't want to." Bonanua said as she placed Otto atop her head and clutched her book to her chest.
You shook your head:
"Nah, that battle with Urbosa was probably as good as my day is gonna get." You said with a shrug.
Bonanus nodded in understanding and with that you all headed off back to the Yiga Base.
And there we go.
I apologize for the VERY long wait on this, but I still hope you liked it.
If this story gets continued the next chapter is where you'll meet Mipha.
So see ya'll later for now.
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