Chapter 1:
So, here's Chapter 1 of my Zelda story, let's go.
Now, just to let you know, I'll be starting this story off a good while before Terrako shows up.
Maybe a few weeks or months, maybe a full year, we'll see.
Hyrule, a thriving kingdom of lush green fields and different races living together in harmony.
Hylians, Gorons, Gerudo, Rito and Zora all lived together in peace.
It has been many years since the Great Calamity has been stopped and aside from taking measures in case it is to return, all seemed right with the world.
Even the Warrior Women of the Gerudo were slightly less intense in this time of peace.
Speaking of which, a rather interesting individual was seen in the Gerudo Desert.
This individual was you.
What were you doing out here you ask?
You were originally here to train by battling a Molduga, but as you searched for the Sand Fish you found something far more interesting to watch.
The leader of the Gerudo Urbosa was out here teaching a few newer warriors how to battle.
So here you were, watching Urbosa kick the ass of some unfortunate newbie from behind a large rock formation a good distance away.
Let's just say you had a thing for strong women and you absolutely loved watching them show off their strength and skill.
Your eyes were fixated on Urbosa, the Gerudo leader was truly a sight to behold in your opinion.
Her muscles, her gracefulness, her skill and power were all just amazing.
Once again, Urbosa had won in a sparring round unsurprisingly.
Oh how you wished to battle her and test your skill, but for now the best you could do is watch.
Suddenly, you heard a pair of footsteps behind you and on instinct you grabbed your spear and pointed it at whoever was approaching.
However, your look immediately softened upon seeing who had attempted to sneak up behind you.
"'s you." You sighed as the blue Bokoblin shook having been fightined from you nearly spearing them.
"What are you doing here Cobalt?" You asked placing your hand on your hip. "Did Bonney ask you to come keep an eye on me?"
The little Bokoblin named Cobalt shook their head and simply pointed at you.
"You came here on your own, for me?" You asked and Cobalt nodded timidly.
"You wanted to see me train?" You asked with a raised brow and once again the Bokoblin nodded.
You gave them a sweet smile and a pat on the head.
"Hey little buddy, there's no need to sneak around." You chuckled. "If ya wanted to watch me train just ask okay?"
The Blue Bokoblin gave a smile in return that would make anyone's heart melt, if you hurt this Bokoblin you have no soul.
However, you immediately realized something.
"Hold on Cobalt, how exactly did you get here?" You asked with a raised brow.
You doubted your little friend was stealthy enough to completely avoid being detected by you if they were sticking close.
Also, the Gerudo Desert was rather dangerous, not to mention the trip here.
While it was possible to get here without any threats from other monsters, wild animals or other dangers causing problems, it was a very slim possibility.
No offense to your little friend, but they were rather timid and gentle and they really couldn't defend themselves on their own.
Suddenly you felt a powerful presence behind you, not only that you noticed a shadow was now cast over you.
Looking up you saw another very close friend of yours.
"Oh, hey Zira." You greeted the female Lynel. "Did you bring Cobalt here?"
The Female Lynel nodded in response and replied with: "Okay then."
Yeah, these 2 monsters were friends of yours, hell the Lynel actually let you mount her like a horse.
Now Zira, despite her immense size and imposing figure was very stealthy and could conceal her presence when near you.
It also helped that Lynels could naturally teleport and were one of the most intelligent monsters in all of Hyrule.
You turned around and began did something most people would be too scared to do to a Lynel.
You scratched Zira's chin like she was a house cat and instead of being crushed under her hoof or cut down by her blade.
Zira instead, began to purr and lean in to your touch.
"Thanks for keeping my buddy safe Zira, I'll be sure to cook your favorite meal tonight." You assured.
Upon hearing that, the fearsome Lynel immediately gained a very happy smile, scooped you up in her arms and began licking your face.
"Hey stop that tickles!" You exclaimed between giggles as Zira affectionately dragged her rough tongue across your cheek.
It was an oddly sweet sight really, seeing a seemingly normal person having formed bonds with these monsters.
Urbosa chuckled as one of the newer Gerudo Soldiers attempted to charge her strike her down with Spear.
However, the Gerudo Leader casually tossed her shield into the air and grabbed the newbie's spear with her free hand much to her shock.
Then with amazing strength, Urbosa flung her fellow Gerudo into the air forcing her to let go of her spear.
Then the Gerudo collided with Urbosa's shield face first and both began plummeting to the ground.
Urbosa then caught her shield and used it to deliver a harsh blow to the new soldier.
The Soldier hit the ground with extreme force and before she could get up the tip of Urbosa's scimitar was at her neck securing the Gerudo Leader's victory.
Urbosa smirked before helping her fellow Gerudo off the ground.
"So, does anyone else wish to test themselves?" She asked the other trainees.
Before any of them could reply, the sound of laughter caught Urbosa's attention.
She turned to where the laughter was coming from and saw the source was behind a rock formation.
The Gerudo leader raised a brow and ordered the others to stay behind while she investigated.
Meanwhile you kept laughing as Zira continued to lick your face before she suddenly stopped and raised her head as she heard footsteps approaching.
You and Cobalt heard it as well and you knew it was Urbosa or at least a Gerudo.
They'd alert the others to the monsters and try to kill your friends.
"Quick, get outta here guys!" You ordered pulling away from Zira.
Both the Bokoblin and Lynel gained looks of worry wondering if you were coming as well.
"Don't worry about me, this is my chance to battle Urbosa, I promise I'll be fine." You assured.
They still seemed hesitant, but knew how stubborn you were when it came to getting something you wanted.
They both nodded and Cobalt held onto Zira's hand and in a flash of light she teleported away with Cobalt.
Urbosa was close to the rock when the teleportation flash happened and the Gerudo Leader immediately pulled out her weapon her guard immediately raised.
"Hey..." You said coming out from behind the rock formation with a friendly wave.
Urbosa gained a confused look as you chuckled nervously.
"Sorry about the flash." You said nervously. "I was practicing some magic spells, I remembered something funny, I laughed and messed up the spell."
You thought that was a decent made-up story and hopefully she'd buy it.
Urbosa only seemed more suspicious of you as she narrowed her eyes.
"So...wanna fight?" You asked suddenly with an enthusiastic smile which took Urbosa back a bit.
"Excuse me?" She asked with a raised brow.
"You're Urbosa, the current Gerudo Leader, so I know you're an amazing fighter." You explained eagerly. "I love fighting strong opponents, so can we have a little spar...please?"
You gave her pleading eyes, similar to a child asking for something from their parents.
"I know you're probably busy right now, but it would mean a lot to me if I could fight you." You continued to plead. "We don't even have to do it for too long, I'd just like a chance to test myself."
Urbosa couldn't help but chuckle at that request.
"How bold of you to ask for a fight on our first meeting." She stated making you chuckle in return.
"Well I guess you're right, but we're both warriors right?" You asked before removing your spear from your back and giving it a few spins before striking a pose. "So I'm sure we'd get to know each other way more through fighting than by talking."
"Oh wow, you're actually serious?" Urbosa asked placing a hand on her hip.
"When it comes to battling ma'am, I'm always serious." You stated proudly putting the blunt end of your spear on the ground and standing proudly.
Despite not knowing you at all, Urbosa couldn't turn down a chance to face off against someone strong and you did at least look like a strong fighter.
"Oh very well, I'm sure the others would appreciate a show." Urbosa stated gesturing for you to follow her which you did with an excited squeal.
You were so excited to finally go up against Urbosa, the Gerudo Leader and one of Hyrule's strongest warriors.
Master Kohga told you when you were out not hang out with the enemy, but you just couldn't pass this up.
Cobalt and Zira appeared in a grassy field within Hyrule fields in a flash of green.
Cobalt let go of the female Lynel's hand and let out a sigh, worried about you.
Zira in response gave the blue Bokoblin a pat on the head to assure him you'd be fine.
Cobalt however, knew you'd be fine, he was just worried about the earful you'd get from your sister when you got back.
"Hello you two." Came the voice of a female which made both monsters flinch and turn to the source.
Sitting there on a large rock reading a book was none other than your sister Bonanus.
Sitting on her lap was her pet, a small Octorok known as an Octomini who she named Otto.
Otto the Octomini:
The girl closed the book she had been reading which looked to be about Ancient sea creatures and glared down at the Monster Duo.
"So, where's my brother?" She asked calmly placing the book beside her and giving Otto a gentle pat on his squishy head which the Octomini very much enjoyed.
Cobalt was sweating bullets under the Blue Zonai's gaze while Zira remained calm and raised a brow.
Bonanus could tell the Lynel was wondering how she knew they'd appear here.
"I knew you'd all come here eventually, this is my brother's favorite training spot." Bonanus explained. "So where is my brother?"
Zira shrugged and pointed in the direction of the Gerudo Desert.
Bonanus stared in the same direction before sighing.
She got off the Boulder and handed Cobalt the book for him to keep.
She then simply hopped onto Zira's back with Otto.
"Take me to him." Bonanus ordered.
In response, Zira growled and began bucking and kicking wildly.
"Hey Hey!" Bonanus yelled as she kept her tight grip on Otto to prevent him from being flung into the air.
Cobalt just watched on with a concerned expression as the Lynel girl bucked and kicked wildly before Bonanus went flying directly into a tree Otto still in her arms.
Zira let out a huff and used her long furry tail like a feather duster to dust off her horse back.
Bonanus had forgotten, Zira only ever allowed you to mount her.
If anyone else tried, that would happen.
"Ouch." Bonanus groaned as Otto let out sounds of worry for his owner.
Luckily the girl was fine as she shot up and glared at the female Lynel who glared back.
"Oh come on!" Bonanus yelled putting Otto down and stomping up to Zira. "Why can't I mount you!"
Zira growled in response.
Like this:
She then gripped your sister's hand and teleported away in a flash of green light leaving Otto and Cobalt alone.
The little blue Bokoblin and blue Octomini just stood there for a few seconds, staring at the spot the 2 vanished from.
Cobalt sighed and went over to a tree and sat down to wait with the book.
Otto waddled up to him and took a nap on his lap.
In a flash of green, Bonanus and Zira appeared somewhere in the Gerudo Desert.
The Female Lynel let go of your sister who glared at the creature before sighing and dusting herself off.
She was kicked into a tree after all and she liked to keep herself as clean as possible.
"Okay, so where is he?" She asked looking around.
Zira then pointed at the distance and Bonanus following her finger.
Turns out, she had teleported a good distance away from where they last saw you which meant a good distance away from the Gerudo newbies.
Said Newbies were currently spectatord to you and Urbosa who were about to begin your battle.
It took a while for Urbosa to introduce you to the other Gerudo, but finally you were gonna have the battle with Urbosa you so desperately craved.
However, Bonanus would not allow this.
There was a chance complications could be avoided if she got you away right now.
However as she was about to march down and get you, Zira suddenly grabbed Bonanus by the waist and held her in place.
"Hey, what's the big idea!?" Bonanus demanded struggling against her grip.
Unfortunately, Zira being a Lynel meant that she was far stronger in a physical department than Bonanus.
Zira simply growled at your sister making it clear she wanted her to leave you alone for now.
You had wanted to fight Urbosa for the longest time now and she won't let anyone for spoil this moment for you.
"Zira, let me go!" Bonanus demanded and she simply shook her head as her grip tightened.
After a while, Bonanus grumbled and gave up.
"How long until we can go get him?" Bonanus asked.
All Zira did was shrug.
You were absolutely ecstatic as Urbosa got into a fighting stance, her shield and scimitar at the ready.
In response you got into a battle stance with your spear at the ready.
"I can't believe it, this is finally happening." You squealed internally. "Bonney, Master Kogha, I'll apologize later."
You knew you'd get an earful from them and Sooga as well when you'd get back but right now that did not matter.
All that mattered right now was enjoying this battle.
"Are you ready (Y/N)?" Urbosa asked.
"I've been ready for the longest time." You declared. "I know it's just a quick spar, but please promise me you won't go easy on me."
Urbosa couldn't help but chuckle.
"Only if you promise to do the same." Urbosa stated.
"I never hold back." You replied as the tip of your spear ignited with a green glow.
Urbosa nodded and both of you took a brief dramatic pause and charged at each other, your weapons raised and ready to clash.
There you go.
The first chapter.
Sorry this took so long once again.
First chapters are hardest to write and I don't know how long until the next chapter.
Anyway bye for now.
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