Chapter Four: Pep Rally
I woke up excited seeing as today we had a Pep Rally right after school. I then frowned remembering Jack.....and Kim. I'm sure the tickets were just a friendly gesture.......right? Oh well I need to find what to where. I changed into this:
I rushed down the stairs and my fathers smile turned into a frown. "What are you wearing!" He exclaimed. Here we go again. "Clothes dad now I need to get to school" I stuffed my cheer uniform in my bag and hurried out the door grabbing my skateboard. I skated to school and saw the gang near the doors. They scanned over my outfit. It showed a little skin. So what? I raised an eyebrow as if daring them to say something. Kim spoke first. "We have the pep rally today" she smiled. "Yeah I'm a little nervous with all those people and all....." I sighed. "You'll be fine" Kim shrugged me off. "Just do the routine exactly as we rehearsed" she stated and I nodded.
I locked eyes with Jack. "Um....good luck today Penelope......" His ears turned red as I chuckled. "You guys can call me Pennie if you want...." I offered. " has a nice ring to it" Jack smiled as I flushed. "Right....well come on Pennie we wouldn't want to be late to class" Kim gripped my hand dragging me away. Once we were out of earshot she turned to me. "What was that?!" She exclaimed. "What was what?" I asked confused. "You and Jack with the whole call me Pennie, *giggle, giggle* and I like that" she explained. She had her hands crossed over her chest waiting for me to tell her. "That was nothing, there is nothing between us....Kim do you like Jack?" I asked. "Psh no......" Her voice went higher as it trailed off. "Right......well just so you know I think he likes you back" I stated and she grinned widely.
I then rushed to my first class band. There was barely anyone there. The only people I saw were Milton and his friends. "Hi Milton" I waved. "Oh my god it's a girl!" One of them fainted. "Hi Pennie....what are you doing here?" He asked. "I came to try out for the band" I explained. He nodded. "Just so you know we don't let just anybody in" he gave me a stern look. "She's a girl let her in!" One guy exclaimed. I giggled. I then pulled out my flute. "Shall I start?" I asked and he nodded.
I played this song:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"You're in!" They announced. I grinned triumphantly. The bell rang and I hurried to my next class, choir. I walked in as the teacher announced we were doing duets today. I gulped. I looked around for one familiar face. "Jack!" I exclaimed walking over to him. "Hey Pennie I didn't know you were in this class" he smiled. "Do you want to be my partner for the song?" I asked hopefully. He nodded. "What song should we do?" I questioned. "Stitches maybe...." He offered and I nodded. "Jack Brewer and Penelope West!" The teacher called our names as we went on the stage.
I went first. When I sang Jacks eyes widened in shock. I was shocked when he went and played guitar. We sang this:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The class applauded as we took each other's hands and bowed. I walked off the stage him trailing behind me. "Where did you learn to sing like that?" He asked. "When did you learn guitar?" I shot back. I checked the time. Oh shoot! "I have to go change for the Pep Rally!" I exclaimed as the teacher dismissed us. I heard a faint good luck as I disappeared into a sea of teenagers. I hurried into the girls locker room and changed into this: (except blue and white)
I rushed on the field to see the team. "Sorry I got caught up in Choir" I apologized. "I'm sure you did" one girl snickered and I flushed. "What does she mean Pennie?" Asked Kim. "She and Jack did a duet together in choir" explained another girl. I glared at her as Kim glared at me. "You know what? Whatever let's just get into formation!" She ordered. As more people gathered into the bleachers I got more nervous. I tugged the uniform down. "Does the uniform have to be so short?" I asked Kim. She shrugged. "It's what we got so we're going with it" she said just as I spotted the gang.
I nudged Kim and pointed. Jack waved and we both waved back. She turned and glared at me. I sighed. "Introducing the Seaford High Cheerleaders!" The announcer yelled as the crowd cheered. "5,6,7,8!" We did this routine:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The crowd cheered. We took a bow and ran off the field. The gang joined us down on the field. "That was amazing!" Milton exclaimed. "Let's go to Phil's to celebrate" Jack offered. "Um.....what's Phil's?" I asked. "Phill's is a falafel place" explained Jerry. I nodded in understanding. "Actually I thought you had plans Pennie" Kim glared at me. I thought over it and shook my head no. "Let's go!" Jack took my hand as we ran off the field. Soon we were at Phil's. "Um....5 falafel platters" Jack ordered. I smiled until I saw him. Him being my ex boyfriend. "Hide me!" I whispered. I went to duck down but was stopped by him speaking.
"Ahh if it isn't Penelope" he smirked. "Go away Chad!" I huffed. "Now is that any way to speak to me.....don't you remember all the fun times we had" he smirked as I cringed at the memories. He abused me. "Please....just go away..." I spoke softly. "Well since you asked so nicely.....just remember I'm back in town" he winked and sauntered out of the shop. I was close to tears. "Who was that guy?" Jack asked. "It was no one" I mumbled. I stood up. "Maybe it'd be best if I leave" I ran out of the shop. As soon as I was outside I was pushed against the wall.
I looked to see Chad leaning over me. I gulped. "Now that I've got you all alone let's have one of those fun times" he smirked. I know what you're thinking. Why am I not doing my Karate? I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I was frozen. "If you speak I will harm you" he threatened. I gulped. "Jack!" I called out. His hand reeled back and went to punch me. It came swooping down and suddenly it was caught. I looked to see Jack and the gang. "You probably shouldn't have done that" Jack smirked and threw Chad to the ground. Jack kicked him in the face twice and finally he left. I was hyperventilating. "He would've. He could've" I was gasping for air. Jack went in front of me as we locked eyes. "Calm down you're ok now..." He soothed. I nodded my breathing slowly going back to normal.
"Now who was that guy?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "That's Chad he's my ex....he used to......used to.....abuse me" I explained. Jack was fuming. "I swear if I get my hands on him!" He cursed. "Jack...please calm down it was nothing really" I assured. Jack raised an eyebrow. "That was more then nothing! He harmed you!" He exclaimed. "I'm ok now" I stated. He nodded calming down. "Oh Jack....wasn't there something you wanted to ask me?" Kim asked. "Right.....Kim will you go to the cotillion with me?" He questioned. She squealed. "Yes!" She exclaimed. Now I was sad. Here I thought we had something. Tears brimmed in my eyes. "I....I have to go" I mumbled running off. I heard footsteps running after me.
Someone grabbed my hand. I turned to see Jack. "Pennie what's wrong?" He asked seeing the tears streaming down my face. "Nothing why don't you go back to Kim!" I spat shoving him away. "Pennie why are you mad?" He asked. "I....never mind it's not like you would care" I muttered. "I do care please tell me" he pleaded. "Fine! I like you I really do Jack! But you like Kim and...that's ok....because you were never mine to begin with" his jaw dropped in shock. I ran away fleeing the scene. I finally reached my house as I trudged up the stairs flinging myself onto my bed I went into a dreamless sleep.
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