The doorbell rang and Demi darted up off the couch and ran to the door, making me fall in the process as I was sitting on her lap.
"Ow! What the fuck Demi" I yelled.
"Language. And come meet Wilmer" she said her voice higher then normal as she was excited.
"Hi" I said walking over to Wilmer and Demi. He's not bad looking, average hight, he looks to be of Latin decent judging by the way he talks and his features.
"Hey" he replied with. Slight smile. It looked genuine but I wasn't going to fall for it.
"So, let's go?" Demi said cutting the tension in the room.
"Okay, where to hermosa?" He asked Demi as she locked the door and we walked out to wilmer's *insert nice car* I got in the back seat while Demi got in the passenger seat.
"The mall?" Demi asked looking back at me.
"We went there a few days ago do we have to?" I whined annoyed already.
"Okay then what would you like to do" she asked me.
"stay home and sleep" I shot back at her.
"Not an option, and the mall it is then" Demi said and let Wilmer know where to go.
"So Riley, how old are you?" Wilmer asked trying to make conversation with me as Demi went to the bathroom.
"13" I said quietly (I don't think I ever said her age so she is 13)
"So young" he said chuckling.
"How old are you?" I asked him
"35" he said worryingly.
"Oh cool" I paused before I finished "well I'm going to look at some more stores." I told him pointing to a random store which just so happened to be Hot Topic. I really didn't want to be having a conversation with someone I don't like. I know I said I would give him a chance but I can't there's just I don't like him.
"Okay" he said smiling down at me.
I walked off into hot topic admiring all the band t-shirts that were displayed on the wall. I saw sleeping with sirens tank top that I really liked but I wasn't too keen on it being a tank top.
"Hey, you should get it" Demi said from behind me which scared me shitless.
"Huh, uh no. I was just looking at it." I said making an excuse to not get it.
"Riley, I know you want the shirt just get it okay. You've not gotten anything since we've been here."
"Yeah because I've not liked any thing" I lied.
"Come on. That's a lie and I know it. Now get the shirt riley. I know you want it so please get it" Demi said pulling her best puppy dog face while Wilmer laughed watching the scene unfold in front of him.
"Fine, I don't know if they have it in my size though" I told her knowing you can't always find the size you need in stock.
"Well let's see if they do. What size do you need?" Demi asked me.
"Medium or large?" I said unsure.
"Come here, what size are you wearing now?" She asked me turning me around so she could see the tag in my shirt.
"I don't know mom bought it for me" I shrugged.
"Small" she said and started to see if she could find a small for me.
"Soo. This is awkward" I chuckled.
"Is she always like this?" Wilmer asked laughing along with me.
"Yeah. Because I tend to refuse to get things I like." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Why?" He asked quizzically
"I don't know. I'm just not much on buying things I know I won't end up wearing even if I like it.... Like that shirt" I said pointing to Demi who held up the shirt triumphantly as she found the size I needed.
"You have your hands full with her. I wish you all the luck" I told him.
"I don't see how you grew up with her if she was always like this" he said jokingly.
"She wasn't around much so it didn't really matter. I embraced the time I had with that weirdo as much as I could" I told him.
"So did you have a good time? What do you think of Wilmer?" Demi asked as we were both sat cross legged on the couch facing one another with a random tv show playing on the tv.
"He's alright I guess. I mean we didn't talk too much but he seems okay. I still say be careful Dem's" I told her truthfully.
"I guess that's better then before. But why don't you like him?" Her voice starting to raise a little.
"I don't know Dem's okay!" I said getting frustrated.
"God Riley I don't know why you are so set on not liking him. But you can at least give him a fucking chance" Demi shouted.
"I gave him a chance. We talked he seemed okay. What we did today was me "giving him a chance" I don't know what more you want from me Demetria" I shouted and stormed off to my room.
I made my way to my bathroom closing and locking the door behind me. I searched through one of my small travel bags for my blades. I quickly grabbed the sharpest one. I rolled up my left sleeve to see no room left on my arm so I moved to the right arm to see there was some untouched skin.
I brought the blade up to my arm and pushed on it as hard as I could bring myself to do. 1 cut, turning to 10, 15, 20, 25 cuts, bleeding and running up and down my arm.
I cleaned myself up and bandaged my arm. Pulled down both sleeves and went to bed in hopes that Demi will be gone when I wake up.
Chapter 9 is finally here! Sorry it's a shitty chapter! 😝 anyways I have an idea for a story. So I haven't seen many of these done with Demi but I've done one similar with Kellin Quinn and I was wondering if I did this story would y'all read it?
Okay so firstly it will be a Demi Lovato Fanfic. It's going to be a Text Message story. So it's in 3rd person and will be messages between Demi and the other main character. So what do y'all think? Will you read it of I do it?
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