~Chapter 8~
I woke up in Demi's room to an empty bed and laughter coming from downstairs. I slowly got up and walked out of Demi's room and down the steps. I saw Demi cuddled up to someone on the couch in the living room with my family. I forgot mom said Dallas and a friend of Demi's was coming over. They don't look like "friends" though. Maybe this was the person she was on the phone with the other night.
I walked in and sat down on the floor in front of Maddie since I couldn't find an open seat.
"Hey" she said to me.
"Hey" I replied simply not in the mood to be messed with.
Everyone was talking around me it was almost as if no one besides Maddie even noticed me. Not that I wouldn't mind normally but the voices started, sending my emotions into a downward spiral. I felt my breathing slowly become uneven. Before I even knew what I was doing I darted off to my room and ran straight to my bathroom locking the door behind me.
Everything was a blur, I hardly remember anything. All I'm really able to remember was crying into my hands with my back against the door. When I finally calmed down and came to my senses I felt a stinging on my wrists and thighs. I looked down fearing what I would see but already knowing what had happened.
I finally looked down to see cuts on my arms and deep gashes across my thighs.
The blood on my thighs didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. I grabbed my towel off the towel rack and pressed it firmly against my thighs in hopes this would stop the blood. After about 10 minutes I removed the towel from the cuts. The bleeding had not stopped but it wasn't as bad as before. I washed the blood up and bandaged the cuts on my thighs and cleaned up the blood that dripped on the floor. I slowly unlocked my bedroom door and looked out to see if anyone was in my room. No one was so I quickly ran over to my closet and put on one of my onesies then walked back into my room.
I grabbed my phone and headphones off the nightstand and plugged my headphones into my phone and clicked shuffle on my music. I laid there with my eyes closed for about 3 songs before I felt my bed dip and someone lay down next to me. I could tell it was Demi by there smell. I didn't want to talk so I just pretended I was asleep. She had one of her arm draped over my stomach and her head was on my chest. I soon felt myself become at ease and I fell asleep. I awoke the next morning Demi shaking me lightly.
"5 moooree minutes" I said to her and rolled over so I was laying on my stomach.
"Baby, it's 1pm. You need to get up and eat something." She said softly. Hearing her call me baby again still melts my heart. I've really missed it and her.
"No" I said and tried to go back to sleep.
"Riley, you didn't eat dinner you need to get something to eat." She said, her voice with a little sternness to it.
"Demi I said no. I'm not hungry" I said getting a little annoyed.
"Riley please! If you don't get up I will tell mom and dad and they will deal with you. And you don't want that." She said knowing she was right.
"I'm up." I said sitting up in my bed and looked at Demi with an emotionless face.
"Good, how about me and you go out to eat?" She asked.
"I don't want to go out." I said dully.
"Come on baby girl." Demi said with pleading eyes.
"I don't want to. Dem's I can't." I said mumbling.
"Ri, this isn't healthy. How about I cut up an apple and put some peanut butter on them.
"Who was that, that you were cuddled up to last night?" I asked her trying to get off the topic of food.
"Don't change the subject on me, you will eat the apple with peanut butter and I will tell you who that was." Demi said sternly, taking my hand and dragging me behind her.
Demi sat me at the bar while she cut up an apple putting it on the plate with some peanut butter then setting it in front of me as she sat down next to me.
"Eat as much as you can." She told me. I don't know why she's doing this. I don't have an eating disorder, or a problem eating for that matter. There are just days I just don't want to eat.
"Fine, I eat while you tell me about the guy who was here last night" I told her as I took an apple and dipped it in the peanut butter and taking a bite.
"Okay, well that's Wilmer, I'm not sure if you really remember him or not. We've been friends for a while. We've been together for a few months or so as well." Demi said gushing as she talked about him. (I know all the time span and all this isn't exact but just go with it alright?)
"Dem's, don't get too attached to the guy. I don't want you to get hurt." I told her. I know she's a smart person but I still worry I'm her sister it's my job.
"I love him Ri. Wilmer's not going to hurt me. I promise you that, okay please trust me on this" she said
"Demi, I don't know, I don't really know him. Well honestly remember him. I'm sorry" I told her feeling bad for not trusting her judgment.
"It's okay baby, how about you, Wilmer and I go out and do something together?" She said, with a hopeful smile.
I wasn't to sure about this but I guess I won't get to know him if I don't go out and do something with him and Demi. And if it makes Demi happy. I told her okay and she said she would see what Wilmer was up to and that I should go get ready.
I finished getting dressed and walked down to see Demi sitting on the couch scrolling through twitter.
"Hey" I said plopping down on top of her.
"Get your fat ass off of me" Demi said while laughing.
"Sorry," I said getting off of her and sat down on the other end of the couch.
"No! Come back. I was joking" Demi whined and made grabbing motions like a baby would as a gesture for me to come back. I did as she wanted and went back and sat on her lap.
"Hi" I said looking up at her.
"Hey baby girl" she said smiling at me. And I smiled back up at her.
"Wilmer said he'd be here in about 15 mins" Demi said running her hands through my hair.
"Okay" I said and started mentally preparing myself to officially meet him.
Sorry this took so long guys. I was on vacation(well sorta) and the wifi was very shitty in the mountains were I was. So I took the liberty of the drive there and back for writing. We left Friday and came back Monday so I've been busy with school and work. Updates are a mess but this one is here finally! So enjoy.
Next chapter Wilmer officially comes in.
What do you think will happen? What will Riley's reaction be?
Also what would you guys like to see happen? Let me know.
Comment, Vote and Stay Strong! ❤️💖
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