~Chapter 6~
I woke up to someone shaking me. I groaned and looked to see it was Demi.
"Yes" I said glaring at her.
"Mom and dad are home. It's dinner time" Demi told me. Then walked into the kitchen.
"No thanks. I don't feel well. I'm going to bed" I called out to no one in particular then ran up to my room, shutting the door behind me.
I sat down on my bed, bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my head on my knees while staring at my poster covered wall in front of me.
After a while I heard a knock on my door.
"If you aren't Maddie then go away." I yelled to the person that knocked on my door.
"What about Demi and Maddie?" I heard Maddie say while opening my door. I groaned knowing she would make Demi stay.
"What" I said annoyed. They both walked in Demi shutting the door behind her.
"What do you want?" I asked not moving. I felt the bed dip and arms wrap around me. My nose was soon meet with the smell of vanilla.
"I don't want to talk" I said knowing that's what she wants to do.
"But Riley, it's no good to keep things bottled up." She told me.
"Who says I'm keeping things bottled up? What are you doing here anyways? Your never here when I need you so what makes you think I want you here now?" I snapped at Demi, my built up emotions of here not being there when I wanted or needed her coming out.
"I'm sorry." Demi mumbled tightening the hug before she got up and left.
"Riley, that wasn't nice. She's worried about you" Maddie said sitting at the foot of my bed.
"Why would she be worried about me? I'm fine" I told Maddie not making eye contact with her as I said 'I'm fine' knowing if I did I would break.
"Riley, I know you aren't fine. You look the same way Demi did when she was your age." Maddie told me. Although Maddie isn't much older then me she understood a little more then I did at that time.
"I'm sorry" I said letting tears fall down my face.
"Shh, come here" Maddie said opening her arms. I crawled into her arms and let her wrap them around me as I a let the tears fall.
"I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up" I cried.
"You aren't a fuck up. Ri, don't say that. It's not true" Maddie told me.
"Lies. All she's telling you is lies" the vices said.
"No she's not! SHUT UP" I yelled. Which startled Maddie.
"Riley, Shh. You don't have to yell it's okay!" Maddie said running her hands through my hair.
"N-no it's not." I mumbled as the voices started to grow louder.
"Make them stop" I said to Maddie. My walls I built up were slowly starting to crumble down. If I wasn't so desperate for someone to make the voices stop I wouldn't be in this position right now.
"Make what stop?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
"T-the voices" I replied burying my face into her chest.
"Shh shh. It will be okay babe. Imma get mom." She said knowing mom helps when I feel like this because I let it slip once. But I just played it off as a onetime thing.
"No! I don't want mom. D-do you think Dem's will let me sleep in her room with her?" I asked regretting yelling at Demi earlier.
"Of course. You should talk to her about this. She can help." Maddie said looking down at me.
"Help with what?" I asked her quietly.
"Riley, I know that what you've told me isn't the only problem. I've seen the cuts and scars. I've been keeping an eye on you. And it's time to tell someone that can help. Go tell Dem's okay." She said in a caring tone.
"I-I don't k-know if I c-can." I said.
"Okay. How about we both talk to her tomorrow. But for now go sleep in Demi's room." She said kissing the top of my head.
"Yeah. Thanks Maddie."
"No problem babe. Go sleep I love you" she told me as she walked out of my room and over to hers next door.
I grabbed my blanket and trudged off to Demi's room. I knocked lightly in case she was awake.
"Come in" she said.
"Hi" I mumbled not making eye contact.
"Come here Riley." She said lifting the covers.
"Y-you aren't mad?" I asked her.
"No of course not Ri." She said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as I looked up at her.
"Why? I've been a bitch. I mean I would hate me. Most people do" I said mumbling the last part.
"Maybe you've been a bitch lately. But I still love you. You're my little sister, I will always love you no matter what." She said resting her head on mine.
"Ri you might want to take that hoodie off. It gets hot in here at night. And I'm going to cuddle you all night. Me, you, and Teddy." She said.
"O-okay" I said nervously. It's dark right now so I know she can't see my arms, but I'm nervous for what her reaction will be tomorrow when she wakes up and sees them. Tho the only cuts on there are the ones from the other day I'm still nervous what if she asks if there is more. What will I do then?
I got up so I wouldn't hit Demi in the face and took off my hoodie and threw it on the floor to add to the rest of the mess of clothes that Demi's got scattered everywhere. Then laid back down under the covers snuggling into Demi's side.
"Here" she said grabbing teddy from her suitcase and handing him to me.
"Thanks demdem. And I'm sorry" I said apologizing. Not for being a bitch but for what she will find out tomorrow.
"You're welcome. It's okay Ri, go to sleep." She said kissing the top of my head.
chapter 6 is a success. Wasn't many cute Demi/Riley moment but there was some Maddie/Riley moments! Haha. I will be updating Thursday. Also I start work next week so updates may be off for a little or the schedules may change. So yep sorry guys.
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