~Chapter 3~
~Important A/N at the End! READ! ~
"Riley, let's go in here" Demi said pulling me into yet another store.
"Ugh! Can we just go to Hot Topic already? We've been to like 5 different stores already." I whined as Demi continued to look through the racks of clothes.
"After this, then let's go get lunch and talk." She said glancing at me with a smile then continued on looking through the clothes rack.
"O-okay" I said becoming nervous at the thought of what Demi wants to talk about.
While Demi was in the dressing room trying on clothes I sat quietly outside the dressing area on my phone scrolling through my twitter mentions. Some things where nice such as
@LexiLovatic18: @RileyDeLa You are so beautiful. Have you thought about modeling like Dallas does?
And the rest were along the lines of
@lovatic4evr: @RileyDeLa you are such a waste of space why haven't you killed yourself yet?
@DontForgetDems1: @RileyDeLa you are so fat ever thought of losing weight? You are for sure the ugly sister.
And they continued on like that. As I read more and more the harder it became for me to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Riley? You okay baby girl?" Demi asked. I didn't know she had even come out yet.
"Y-yeah. Let's got to Hot Topic now" I said plastering a fake smile on my face.
"Let me pay for these and then we can go" Demi said rubbing my back then walked up to the cashier and laid the clothes on the counter. The cashier rung up the clothes up and gave Demi the total. Once Demi paid she walked up to me with her bags in hand and made our way to Hot Topic.
"Dem's" I said excitedly while I dragged her around the store. I grabbed a few shirts and a few pairs of skinny jeans before I walked over to the band bracelets. There I grabbed two that I didn't have and then I was done.
Once I had everything I wanted we went and checked out. Demi paying of course no matter how many times I told her I could pay for it. In total I got 2 SWS shirts, a PTV, and BMTH shirt as well as TØP and I got a PVRIS hoodie, 4 new pairs of skinny jeans, me and Demi matching bracelets because I thought that would be cute, and maybe this could make up for how rude I was yesterday. I also got a FOB and BVB bracelet.
"Thanks Dem's" I told her and smiled. "Oh wait," I said grabbing the matching bracelets out the bag handing one to Demi and keeping the other for myself.
"For you, I thought we could have matching bracelets" I told her shyly.
"Awww, that's cute Ri, of course!" She said squealing and giving me a hug. Which drew attention to us. Which caused a few people to recognize Demi.
We had gone all day without getting noticed till I decided to give Demi that bracelet.
'Good job Riley. Way to fuck up'
"Sorry" I mumbled back.
More and more people started to come up to Demi asking for photos and autographs. It was getting to be a bit too much and I could feel a panic attack about to start so I quickly tugged on Demi's shirt which got her attention.
"I-I we n-need t-to g-g-go" I choked out.
"Okay" Demi said pulling me into her side and apologized to the people that where around us. Once at the car, I was almost in full panic.
"Ri, baby breathe with me" Demi said taking deep breaths in and out. I did as told and copied her.
"There you go. Keep going." She told me as she rubbed my back and silently singing like she used to do when I was little and needed to calm down.
After I calmed down Demi looked over at me and asked what I wanted for lunch.
"I-I don't know. I'm just really exhausted" I told her.
"Well how about we order a pizza and watch a movie together at home." She said looking at me with a sad smile.
"Yeah. Sounds good" I told her and closed my eyes to stop the waterworks that were to come as Demi started the car.
"Ri, wake up. Were home." Demi said lightly shaking me.
"Carry me" I mumbled. I know Demi carrying my fat ass into the house but right now I didn't care I was still more exhausted than anything else.
"Okay" she said with a giggle.
~ Demi's POV ~
I'm really worried about Riley. She hasn't been acting the same. She hardly ate dinner tonight and when mom or dad asked her a question about what happened today at the mall she just replied with a "nothing" or an "it's fine". I'm worried she's going to end up harming herself or purge like I use to or even worse end up killing herself.
I feel like this is all my fault for not being here for her.
I slipped out from under the bed sheets and quietly crept out of my room and over to Riley's just across the hall. When I got to her door I heard what sounded like her crying so I lightly knocked on her door.
"G-go away Demi" she said. How'd she know it was me?
"No, I'm coming in" I said opening her door as quietly as I could just to have it creak loudly as I continued to push it open.
When I looked in Riley was sitting on her bed with her knees pulled up to her chest and her back to the door. I made my way over to the bed and sat down beside her and pulled her onto my lap.
"What's wrong Ri?" I asked her hoping to get a truthful answer but knew I most likely wouldn't, she's always been a stubborn kid.
"It's noting Demi" she said burying her head into my chest as I rubbed my hand up and down her back trying to calm her down.
"Talk to me. What's really going on Riley?" I asked her and immediately felt her tense up but then relax.
"Y-your fans keep sending me mean comments on twitter and Instagram. And when I used to post little YouTube videos and stuff they left them there too." She's said as tears started to fall. I quickly wiped them away and turned her so she was looking at me.
"C-can you show me what they have said?" I asked her hesitantly. She nodded and unlocked her phone and handed it over to me. It was on her twitter notifications.
I read through her notifications and saw all the awful things everyone was saying to her. My "fans". How could they be so cruel to Riley? She's so beautiful and amazing. Once I had enough of it I locked her phone and set it on her bed beside us.
"They hate me Dem's" she mumbled.
"WHY DO THEY HATE ME" she yelled bursting in to tears.
"Shh, I don't know baby" I said trying to quiet her down so she doesn't wake everyone up. But it was a little late for that as I heard a light knock on the door. I was about to say something when Riley interrupted me.
"What did I do to them demdem? Why must everyone hate me" she cried out again this time not as loud, I look down at her and se her slowly breaking and falling apart in my arms.
Maddie quietly walked into the room and joined the hug.
"It will be okay. You've got me, Demi, mom, dad, and Dallas. We love you very much" Maddie told her.
OKAY SO I WASNT PLANING ON UPDATING TILL MONDAY... MEANING TOMORROW BUT WE HAVE A HURRICANE ON THE EAST COAST AND IT'S CAUSED A REALLY BAD STORM. And it's already starting to flood so I'm not sure if I will be able to update because the power could go out. So I'm updating now!
WELL HERE IS CHAPTER 3 I HOPE YALL ENJOY! I really liked this chapter. Well the ending anyways. Love you and stay strong. I'm always here for you.
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