Italian: Seed in the Moist Earth (Seed)
Soup: Ember in the Dying Flames (Ember)
Bread/Sandwich: Butterfly in the Spring Breeze (Butterfly)
Pi (<---- hee hee math joke): Pinecone on a High Branch (Pine)
Cake: Frog that Jumps in Pond (Frog)
Ice Cream: Bird that Chirps at Dawn (Bird)
Other Dessert: Swan in Calm Waters (Swan)
Chinese: Daisy in the Flowery Field (Daisy)
Dairy Product (including eggs): Eagle that Hunts for Mice (Eagle)
POTATO: Bud that Blooms Overnight (Bud)
Fruit/Veggie: Water on a Hot Day (Water)
Mexican: Mouse on the Forest Floor (Mouse)
Barbecue/Fast food: River Full of Fish (River)
Chicken: Breeze on a Warm Day (Breeze)
Breakfast: Hawk with Burning Eyes (Hawk)
Other: Branch that Holds Nest (Branch)
None/All: Ice from the Melting Stream (Ice)
I gots Hawk and Pine!
Quiche. It's strange.
Comment your favorite food!
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