Untitled Part 25
Sparkwhisker's apprentice leaped onto the white rabbit, killing it instantly.
"Good!" Sparkwhisker praised the young she-cat. "Now, let's get back. Cinderstar's going to name Spiderpaw, Icepaw, and Flamepaw warriors!"
Sparkwhisker purred.
"After you give that," she gestured at the rabbit, "to the elders, you can eat," mewed Sparkwhisker to Crystalpaw.
The white-gray she-cat nodded. The two she-cats padded back to camp.
"Let all cats old enough to hunt gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!"
At Cinderstar's call, all of ThunderClan gathered in the clearing. "Icepaw, Spiderpaw, and Flamepaw! You three have finished your training and are ready to receive your warrior names!" the Clan leader declared. "Icepaw, you have shown cleverness and loyalty in your time as an apprentice. From this moment forward by the powers of StarClan, I name you Icefur. StarClan honors you." Cinderstar turned her eyes to Spiderpaw. "Spiderpaw, you have shown bravery and kindness. From this moment, with the powers of StarClan, you are Spiderpelt." Her eyes drifted to Flamepaw. "Finally, Flamepaw, you are strong and brave; good factors of a warrior. From now on, StarClan grants you your warrior name: Flamepelt."
The three new warriors exchanged looks.
Sparkwhisker nodded. They look ready. Yet unready.
< Ah, yes, new warriors. And the death of a white rabbit. Hmm.... >:) You guys know what went through my head there. You're welcome. -The Author >
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