Chapter 20
Frostfern stretched her legs and padded into the clearing. In a quarter moon or less her kits would be born. She shook her pelt.
"Today I'm going out for a stroll through the forest," she mewed to Bluefox, who had just had her second litter.
The other queens nodded.
"You need it," agreed Snowfur.
"Yeah, You've been cooped up here with us for long enough," added Fernwhisker.
Littlefeather nodded her small black and white head.
"Take Fernwhisker and Snowfur with you, please. In case the kits come early," mewed Cinderclaw.
"Okay," Frostfern meowed. Soon, she was padding through the undergrowth.
"I'm thinking of returning to my warriors' duties soon. Do you think I should be a warrior or have more kits?" Snowfur asked.
"I don't know," Frostfern mewed.
"Well, Crystalkit, Molekit, and Leafkit are almost apprentices," Fernwhisker mewed. "So are the rest of the kits like Dustkit and Cherrykit. Maybe you should mother more kits with Gingerpelt."
Suddenly, Icepaw emerged from the undergrowth with Mistypaw and Rainpaw on her tail.
"Run! Fox!" the white apprentice shrieked, carrying on with the other apprentices.
Fernwhisker turned to watch the apprentices leave.
Firestripe emerged from the undergrowth. "There's a fox! Darkfur's chasing it off. Run, get to camp! Keep the kits safe!"
The ginger tom raced back into the bushes and yowls and snarls sounded from not very far away from the queens.
"We need to get to camp!" Snowfur hissed.
Fernwhisker nodded and started to run towards the trail home.
Frostfern turned to follow, but a wave of pain fell on her and she collapsed. She yowled in pain and she heard Snowfur mew, "It's the kits! Like Cinderclaw said! They're coming early!"
Blood pounded in her ears and she heard dangerous snarling and something big approaching.
Suddenly, Poppyfur, Alderclaw leapt into the clearing with Hollowpelt.
Swiftly, a big ginger creature with a long muzzle emerged from the bushes with Firestripe and Darkfur chasing it.
Frostfern yowled as a small bundle slipped from under her tail.
"A she-kit! Here," Hollowpelt hissed, shoving the small kit at Snowfur. "Lick her, we need her to live."
The fox scented the blood from Frostfern as the second kit was born, another she-kit.
"You're done!" announced Hollowpelt.
Frostfern panted.
The fox must have smelled the weakened queen, because it leaped across the clearing at her.
Frostfern lay her head on the ground, eyes filled with fear and pain.
"Take them to camp!" ordered Hollowpelt, telling Fernwhisker and Snowfur to escape with the kits.
"I'll stay with Frostfern. Now, go!"
The queens nodded, lifted the kits and raced toward the camp.
Poppyfur and Alderclaw tried to block the fox, but failed, the fox slipping easily past them.
It lunged, jaws open at Frostfern. But its teeth connected with brown fur, not silver, as Darkfur rushed to save Frostfern. He collapsed, the fox biting down on his side. It slammed him down to the ground, flat on his back, letting go with its jaws and pinning him with its claws. Darkfur stared up with wide amber eyes as the fox dug into his belly, wounds opening deep.
"No!" Firestripe leaped, claws extended, at the fox. Poppyfur at his side, Firestripe leaped onto the fox. Poppyfur bit down on its chest, killing it as Firestripe shredded its ears and eyes. The fox collapsed, freeing Darkfur, dead. "Darkfur!" Poppyfur and Firestripe appeared at the dark warrior's side.
"My love," Darkfur said. He stared into Poppyfur's amber eyes.
"My dearest Darkfur," she sobbed.
He looked up into her eyes, the light fading. "I'll always love you," he mewed. His paws jerked and he fell limp.
"NO!" Firestripe screeched, pressing his nose into his dead brother's fur.
"Dappleleaf'll be sad," Poppyfur observed, trembling with sadness. "Him and you being her last litter."
Firestripe nodded, eyes filled with grief.
"Frostfern'll be okay," Hollowpelt remarked. "And Darkfur died protecting her and her kits."
<Holy hedge maze. Death! Yayyy!!! But whatever. Action-ish scene and a bit o' chaos on the side. You're welcome. -The Author >
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