Chapter 9.
I turned to glance and see who had spoken, Sunstar.
"Thundersky, You're being an amateur." she laughed. "Here, You gotta teach her hunting, Combat and more! don't just assume your "done" That's just straight off cheating"
Thundersky let out a laugh, "Just joking Sunstar!".
Sunstar let out a crooked smile. "Next time I'll swap you with Brakentail" she murmured.
Thundersky stopped laughing and glanced at me, "Let's go hunt." he mewed. Running ahead of me, I turned and ran after him, Leaping over the roots of the trees.
I felt something pierce me, I turned.
"What the-" I was cut off when something leaped on me and bit my chest, I yowled in pain and slashed really hard against their throat,
The cat stumbled,
The amber gaze hit my eyes, I crouched. "I'm ready." I snarled. The cat leaped and I twisted, But I was a bit too early as he slashed against my back, I stumbled to the floor,
"NO!" yowled a familiar voice as they slammed into the brown tabby tom. I gasped and looked up quickly, Thundersky! He fought Tigerstar fiercely,
I launched and nipped at Tigerstar's leg, He snarled and slashed me so hard I flew.
Blood trickled down from my shoulder, I got up and ran and unsheathed my claws I leaped and dug them into Tigerstar's belly. He yowled and gurgled, Then he fell dead,
I stepped down and stared at my paws, Blood trickled down from each one of my claws. Then Tigerstar launched and bit at my throat,
I could feel my life draining out, I dug my claws into his throat, "Help me!" I croaked.
Thundersky grabbed his scruff and bit so hard Tigerstar let go and writhed. I gasped and coughed. Blood was draining out of my body, "Thundersky!" I gasped.
My mentor ran to me and picked me up, he ran fast and burst into camp. "Get Shypaw!" he yowled,
"Fallenpaw!" screeched my friends as they stared into my half-dead body.
"I'm fine." I choked out.
"Your not! "cried Swiftpaw, Tears formed into her pale green eyes,
"Lick her wounds." snapped Shypaw as she pointed to each wound,
The cats helped fix me up, I stayed in the medicine cat den, I stared and glanced at my soft gray belly, I was relieved that he didn't try to claw me there,
Sandpaw stepped in, She dropped a mouse by my nest, "Eat, While I talk to you about warrior stuff..." she mewed.
"Smh." I sniffed. "Fine." I mewed dryly.
"I want to have kits! But... With... Thundersky."
I had trouble swallowing my mouse, I took a long gulp, And coughed. "But he said he likes me."
Sandpaw glared at me conspicuously. "Mouse-brain, he likes me obviously!"
"No, I like Fallenpaw more." growled a voice.
Sandpaw froze, She slowly turned. Thundersky was there. His yellow eyes pierced her blue gaze.
Sandpaw fainted and landed on my leg,
Thundersky picked up the sandy she-cat off of my leg.
He let out a laugh. "That was harsh." he coughed. I growled. "Oh jeez."
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