Chapter 8.
Fallenpaw blinked, She was in a beautiful lush green field. Flowers were blooming against the green hues, Fallenpaw took a few steps forward until she noticed the shape of a tortoiseshell she-cat.
Fallenpaw stopped, Who was it?
The she-cat stopped in front of Fallenpaw, "Hello, I'm Mapleshade..." she mewed.
Fallenpaw froze, The she-cat that wanted to- oh... Fallenpaw all of a sudden forgot who she was, "I'm Fallenpaw." I mewed.
"Nice to meet you, I need to tell you something." she meowed.
I twitched my whiskers. "What exactly?" I asked.
"StarClan depends on 5 'paws to journey to a sandy shore. To meet the one who tells all of the fate of the Clans." she mewed.
I stared and backed away. "What!? What does that mean!" I called as Mapleshade walked away into the shadows, They swallowed her whole.
I stared in horror, A prophecy?
For me...?
Fallenpaw blinked awake, The prophecy that she had been told had shaken her. She stretched until her legs quivered, Fallenpaw groomed herself then padded outside, Thundersky was licking his paw, Then he stood up.
He saw that I was awake, He shook his head. No training? I thought.
I swerved around and walked into my den, I laid in my nest. Then I glanced up, To the ferns. "Should I go?" I whispered, I realized that my stomach growled,
Thundersky walked in the den, "Nevermind we do have training." he mewed,
I stood up, "How come you said there wasn't any?" I asked.
"Not, in a good mood." he mewed dryly.
I narrowed my eyes then walked out to eat,
I finished eating, Then I followed Thundersky out the camp, We ran through the forest and stopped by a large oak tree, I lifted my head up to see the top, Thundersky lifted his head up too, "I'll teach you how to climb a tree." he mewed.
"First unsheathe your claws." he mewed. I unsheathed my claws. "Then leap and cling on to some clawholds that you see" he instructed.
I leaped and climbed up, I finally reached a branch, I stared down. It was a long way down. I shrugged, "Might be easy?" I whispered. I turned and clung on to the bark and climbed down.
I reached the bottom.
"Nice, Let's learn how to hunt in the trees!" he mewed.
I sighed.
The prophecy stirred me awake in the middle of the night, I went to go gather Sandpaw, Ashpaw, Swiftpaw, and Tinypaw. We went up to the trail and sat in the middle in a circle.
Sandpaw rubbed her eyes sheepishly. "What is it?" she asked.
"Yeah, I was just about to catch a mouse!" squeaked Tinypaw. She cleared her throat to speak even better.
"I was told a prophecy by... Mapleshade." I mewed.
Ashpaw's jaw was wide open with anguish and anger.
"That Fox-brain" he muttered.
"Huh?" I whispered.
Ashpaw shook his head. "Long story short: She's evil." he mewed.
I sighed. "Anywho, She told me this ominous prophecy..."
"What was it?" asked Tinypaw. She flexed her claws.
"StarClan depends on 5 'paws to journey to a sandy shore. To meet the one who tells all of the fate of the Clans." I repeated after a while of rethinking.
"Huh, Sounds Ominous enough." sniffed Sandpaw.
I narrowed my eyes. "Who do you think it is?" I asked.
Sandpaw stood up, "I think it's us." she mewed.
The 'paws froze. "How could you be so sure?" cried Swiftpaw, Her paws trembled. "I'm not ready to travel that long distance!"
I let out a mrrow of laughter. "Don't worry! We'll take breaks!" I sympathized. But Swiftpaw glanced at her paws,
I stood up letting out a yawn and stretched until my legs quivered, I walked to where the trail was. "Alright, We'll do this journey when we're warriors" I mewed.
Sandpaw gasped. "But I'm gonna have a mate! And kits!" she grumbled.
"Later. Sandpaw." I growled.
Sandpaw rolled her eyes and stubbornly followed down the trail. The other cats followed, Then we got to our nests and curled up.
Thundersky stumbled as I kicked his chest, He let out a hoarse cough. "Nice" he croaked. "Oops! did I do it too hard?" I gasped. Thundersky shook his head, "Nah, But you're getting better." he mewed.
He bit his paw and shook it as he got up, I ticked my head to the side. "What in the name of StarClan are you doing?" I asked. Blood seeped from his paw,
He started running to me, The paw was facing me, "No!" I yowled and ducked. He tapped my head with his bloody paw, "YUCK!" I spat. Licking my paw and rubbing it against my head. "Why'd you do that!?" I growled. I bared my teeth and flattened my ears against my head in disgust.
"HAH, Hah, Hah!" laughed Thundersky, "Just to get you angry," he mewed. Shaking his head. He stared into my eyes, "Time for your assessment." he mewed.
I froze.
"This early?"
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