Chapter 2.
Whitetail awakened and wrapped her tail against her terrified kit. Fallenkit whimpered. Suddenly there were yowls and hisses. Speckleflight weaved a lot of vines into the entrance to block the intruders.
"To the corner!" she whispered.
The queens gathered their kits and moved to the corner. Huddling all against eachother. The kits were especially quiet. They stood behind their mothers.
Suddenly some cat burst into the nursery. The queens unsheathed their claws. The cat turned to the corner and yowled. The queens launched.
Hissing and spitting, the queens slashed and bit. Whitetail was thrown off. She landed with a thud.
"MOM!" I yowled. I ran to her. But cats guarded her. I backed away.
Fallenkit stared at the cats. Then launched. She slashed at their eyes and bellies. The cats yowled and ran. I stood at Whitetail's side. I grabbed her scruff and dragged her to the den. "Shypaw!" I yowled.
The she-cat poked her head out and gasped. She grabbed Whitetail's scruff and dragged her in. She licked the wounds and applied Marigolds and cobwebs. Whitetail laid in the moss nest. Fallenkit stared at her mother.
"Will she be okay?" I asked worriedly.
Shypaw nodded. "Yes, She just needs rest." Shypaw turned and walked away. I laid beside her and rested my head against her milk soft belly.
"Please StarClan, Let her live," I whispered. I closed my eyes and slept.
Sandstorm sighed angrily, "Her mother is slowly dying." Sandstorm paced.
"She never told Fallenkit either." mewed Whitestorm sadly. He rested his head on his paws. Firestar sat beside the two. "Then let her tell Fallenkit," he mewed seriously.
"How?" asked Sandstorm.
"When Whitetail awakens she must tell her kit, That she is dying of Diabetes" mewed Firestar.
Fawnstep growled, "But how did she get diabetes?".
Sandstorm thought for a minute then sighed. "I'm not sure,"
"Ok, so tell her." snapped Fawnstep.
"OK!" Yowled Firestar. He leaped away. Sandstorm at his heels.
In Whitetail's dream...
Whitetail awakened in a soft comforting place, Firestar walked to her, Sandstorm beside him. "Firestar? Sandstorm?" asked Whitetail. Firestar sighed. "You must tell your daughter the truth." Sandstorm nodded.
"No! I can't she'll get mad at me!" cried Whitetail.
"She won't!" insisted Sandstorm, Her eyes sympathetic. "She loves you to death! It won't matter now. But please just- Just tell her! Before you die"
Whitetail curled her lip. "But..." Tears filled the white fluffy she-cat's eyes. "Ok, I'll tell her." she gasped.
Firestar nodded. "We'll see you in StarClan."
Fallenkit p.o.v.
Fallenkit blinked awake when something tapped her head. She looked up. Whitetail! She was okay!
"Mother!" cried Fallenkit. She rubbed against her mother softly. Whitetail let out an awkward purr. "Fallenkit... I must tell you something," she whispered.
Fallenkit looked at her mother sincerely. "Tell me..." she whispered.
Whitetail took a breath and spoke, "I am... dying from... diabetes"
Fallenkit's world froze. Her heart cracked into small, small pieces.
Tears filled her colorful eyes. "Why didn't you tell me before?" she whispered. Her voice cracked,
"You were too young. I didn't think you would understand. And I take it back! You're old enough to understand! Your 5 moons old!" Gasped her mother.
Fallenkit sniffed, "Really?".
"Yes, My little star," whispered Whitetail. She licked the top of Fallenkit's head. "I cannot stay with you any longer," she whispered weakly.
By now Fallenkit's friends were walking into the den, Looking at what was happening. They stared sadly as Fallenkit spoke her last words to her mother.
"Mother! No, Please! Don't leave me!" cried Fallenkit. She flailed her paws in the air to make her mother see her more clearly but her mother shook her head. "StarClan is calling me." she groaned weakly.
Fallenkit sniffed and whimpered. Tears rolled down.
Whitetail looked at her daughter. "I love you..." she let out one last sigh and lay limp. Fallenkit wailed, She rubbed against her dead mother. Ashkit, Swiftkit, and Tinykit walked up to her and rubbed against the dead queen,
Fallenkit stepped back and stared at the limp body of her mother. Her eyes watered, She sobbed.Sandkit sighed sadly, "She was a great mother...". The kits were surpirsed at Sandkit's soft tone.
Fallenkit sighed. "Thank you." Swiftkit turned and nodded at Ashkit. He nodded and dashed off quickly.
Shypaw walked in. She gasped, "What happened here-"
"Mother died." I mewed anguished.
Shypaw nuzzled against me. "I'm so sorry"
I nodded, "Thank you." I stood up and walked into the Nursery, I climbed into my nest and rubbed against the milky scent of my mother.
But it'll never be the same without her, And my father...
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