Chapter 1.
Light filtered through the dim nursery. The queens were asleep, While the clan worked. Sunstar called patrols while her deputy was out with his apprentice. The clan divided into groups slowly as Sunstar calculated patrols.
Whitetail rested peacefully against her kits. Her tail wrapped against Fallenkit. Who slept peacefully. Whitetail blinked against the bright light and looked at Fallenkit, She purred and nudged the kit.
Fallenkit groaned and snuggled more into her mother's fluffy white tail. When her mother raised her tail. Fallenkit blinked and sat up. "Fallenkit, It's time for you to eat." Whitetail mewed.
I raised my head and stared at my mother. My green and blue eyes stared at her. Whitetail let out a scoff and cuffed my ear lightly. "Go play with your friends." she purred.
I nodded and raced off. My gray paws touched the ferns that led outside. I saw Ashkit tumbled over when Swiftkit pushed him. "Haha!" she cried. She picked him up with her tail. Ashkit shook himself. "It's fine." he purred.
"Hey, guys!" I mewed. Swiftkit turned and smiled. "You came! I started to wonder if no kit else would join us." Ashkit shook his head. "She was waiting for-" He stopped when he saw Sandkit come out of the nursery.
He rolled his eyes and slumped. "Oh no..." he mewed. He turned as Sandkit walked up to the group. "What are we playing? Cat and mouse? If yes I'll be with Ashkit being Mouse." she asked.
Fallenkit watched as Swiftkit sighed annoyed and Ashkit stared at his paws. She had to do something.
"No, we aren't Sandkit." I spat her name like crow-food. "And, Ashkit is getting annoyed from your romance, Don't you know your still young to be loving somecat?" I snapped. Swiftkit looked up and stared in disbelief. So did Ashkit,
"Ugh! No, he isn't! Right?" growled Sandkit. Ashkit shook his head. "Why do you like me when we are all so young?" he mewed.
Sandkit was outnumbered on opinions. "Next time, I'll claw your face out. Fallenkit." she sniffed. Turning around and lashing her tail. I stared.
"Thanks, Fallenkit." purred Swiftkit. She flicked her tail towards the sandy she-kit who stomped away angrily. "You saved us." I nodded. "Anytime." I purred.
"Fallenkit! Time to eat!" called Whitetail. I sighed. "I gotta go, See yall' later!" I turned and ran into the nursery. I skidded to a halt beside my mother's paws.
"Ah, Your here." she mewed. Mother bit a piece off of the mouse and nudged it towards me. I took a bite. And continued to eat the chewy, Soft piece of the mouse.
I gulped the last piece down and sighed. "Done!" I called. Whitetail washed me then she nudged me, "Go outside now, You're clean." she purred.
I got up and walked out. I noticed Swiftkit and Ashkit weren't outside.
I decided to go and take a walk into the forest so I padded to the entrance,
"Where are you going?" asked a deep voice.
I jumped and turned. Plumbloom!
The she-cat grinned. "Where are you going exactly." she purred.
"Outside?" I answered awkwardly. Plumbloom nodded. "I'll take you, I'm sure your mom won't mind...". I leaped excitedly. "You will?!". Plumbloom nodded. "Only if your mother accepts." I turned and ran into the nursery.
"Mom! Mom! Mom!" I yowled, Whitetail blinked awake. "Yes?" she asked sleepily.
"Can I go outside with Plumbloom?" I asked.
"Yes, But you must stay close to her. Don't disrespect her okay?" mewed Whitetail.
I nodded.
Whitetail closed her eyes and continued to sleep, I trotted out. "I can go." I mewed.
Plumbloom nodded. She flicked her tail and we walked out. As we walked out of the entrance the forest smells burst into my nostrils. Different smells made me sniff a lot.
Plumbloom stared at me weirdly."You okay?" she asked. I sniffed really hard then stopped because Plumbloom was laughing. "You silly." she purred. "I know it's a lot to take it." she purred.
I laughed too. Suddenly Plumbloom heard yowls and shrieks of horror. She stiffened, She grabbed me by the scruff and ran. "Hey!" I yowled.
Plumbloom burst into camp. She dropped me and yowled for Sunstar. The leader ran out. "What is it?" she asked. "Cats! I heard cats in trouble!" gasped Plumbloom.
Sunstar yowled for warriors. The warriors followed her as she ran out. Plumbloom nudged me to the nursery. I ran in and snuggled against my mother.
This was scary!
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