Chapter Sixteen
Edited ✔️
Icepaw padded through the MoonClan forest, his pelt dotted with white. Soft, wet snow gently floated down from the clouds and onto Icepaw and the rest of the forest, thickening the sheet of white even more. The trees were naked and bare, with snow layering it's thick, strong branches.
Brightstar padded in front as the head of the patrol, with Sharpfang, Swiftbreeze, Fireshade and Dawnpaw following very close behind. Everyone was quiet, and everyone was pressed close enough to each other that they could hear each other breathing. They were nearing CloudClan borders. Icepaw was alert, because they were still fairly close to DarkClan.
Brightstar turned in front of the patrol. "Okay, we're spreading out. I'll take Icepaw and Dawnpaw to do this side," she meowed, looking up at Fireshade for approval. Of course, he nodded to his leader. "And the rest of you will start from that tree." She pointed with her tail over to a large, naked dead birch covered with a lot of snow.
"Yes Brightstar," Swiftbreeze said, trotting over to the other side with Fireshade and Sharpfang following. Sharpfang, before he left, cast Icepaw a glance of disgust, and turned over to the group.
Icepaw's pelt bristled. What's his problem? he thought angrily. I did nothing to my Clanmates! Why would he think I would harm Grayfur?
Everyone was still trying to solve the mystery of the cat who had attacked Grayfur a little while ago. It bugged Icepaw miserably since a few cats thought it was him who did it—but thankfully, it's getting forgotten since Grayfur was back on her paws.
Dawnpaw padded ahead and began to mark one tree over to a bush, while Icepaw walked around the area, scouting all around. He stopped in his tracks, scenting something he hadn't smelled in a while. A rabbit! He didn't have one of those for moons ever since he caught his first one and received those scratches!
Icepaw opened his jaws wide, sniffing the air. He knew this was not a hunting patrol, but MoonClan was starving.
He crouched down, beginning to pad forward with his tail almost dragging behind him. He hoped his stomach growls wouldn't be heard and drive the rabbit away. He could see it's ears twitching. But suddenly, with paws outstretched, Sharpfang pounced onto it, biting it hard on the neck before Icepaw got a chance to go at it.
"Hey!" Icepaw growled. "I was gonna hunt that!"
Sharpfang dropped the dead rabbit on the ground and turned to him. "Oh, didn't see you there, Icepaw," he meowed, his eyes narrowed.
"Yeah, sure you didn't," he snorted. "I was hunting here first."
"Well I caught it, okay? Don't be such a kit about it! I have a better chance at catching prey than you, so at least be thankful I am helping to feed you and the rest of the Clan." He buried his prey under a bush, and left it at that, going back to the borders.
Icepaw's tail lashed. How dare he! Sharpfang may not like him but he did not have to be annoying about it. Icepaw sighed to himself, and padded back to his side of the MoonClan border, helping Dawnpaw mark.
She looked worried. "What was that about?" she asked him.
"Nothing. Some cats just don't like me. That doesn't really matter though." He looked up, over the DarkClan and CloudClan borders.
"Icepaw, you shouldn't go snapping at other cats like that, it's rude to your Clanmates," she mewed, casting a swift glance at him.
"I didn't snap at him," Icepaw murmured.
He froze, suddenly seeing a cat pad out of the trees. She was a gray she-cat with deep black tabby markings, and unforgettable leaf green eyes. Her fur was shaggy and messy, and her claws were fully extended. Fallentail! The memory of the fight he had with Fallentail crowded in his mind, as well as the battle with the DarkClan patrol, the death of Featherbreeze and the following deaths of Ripplefur and Spottedkit.
He remembered the rage he felt. The horror of it swept through his mind as he stared at Fallentail coming closer and closer. No one else seemed to notice her. It must only be Icepaw.
She leaned close to his ear, blocking out all other sounds, and whispered: "The darkness is gonna swallow you whole, Icepaw . . ."
His eyes widened. The prophecy!
"Beware, you stupid fool, the darkness is coming for you!" she hissed again, her claws extending more, making Icepaw's paws ache. "It's so close . . . so close now . . . it's waiting to strike."
"No . . . no it's not!" he growled, backing up.
"Icepaw? What are you talking about? Are you even listening to me?" Dawnpaw meowed, standing in front of him. When Icepaw didn't respond, she growled of frustration. "Icepaw!"
Brightstar immediately appeared at his side. "Icepaw," she gasped. "What's wrong?"
Slowly, Icepaw shook his head. "I-I'm fine," he managed with a gulp. Fallentail disappeared, her glowing green eyes fading the last, as if a warning that she was watching him. He looked at Brightstar, her eyes were round with worry. Ever since he had that dream, cats haunted him every day and night about the darkness that was coming and Brightstar, knowing about it, kept a close eye on him.
As soon as he began to mark borders again, faint hissing sounded over CloudClan. Icepaw made out a small CloudClan patrol on their territory, with a big DarkClan patrol surrounding them. He tensed. "Brightstar, look!"
Brightstar's head shot up, and she gazed over the border to see the two patrols arguing or something, with claws outstretched, teeth bared and fur bristling. One cat from DarkClan jumped, pinning down a small CloudClan cat and began to scratch at his muzzle. Then, a fight broke out.
Brightstar thought for a moment, silent, and then hissed, "Come on!"
She ran over the border, with Dawnpaw following her. Icepaw was hesitant before he crossed onto CloudClan lands. Sharpfang, Fireshade and Swiftbreeze followed quickly as they neared the fighting cats.
Brightstar stopped, but nobody seemed to notice the MoonClan cats. Finally, she got their attention by yowling out to them. "What's going on here! Can't a patrol have a decent border around here?"
Finally, the cats broke apart and looked at them. A CloudClan cat bristled. "More trespassers?" she hissed. She was a muscular brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes. Icepaw immediately recognized her as the deputy of CloudClan, Echoleaf.
"We are not trespassing—we are only avoiding trouble," Brightstar replied curtly. Then, she turned to the DarkClan cats. It was surprising that the patrol leader was no cat Icepaw had ever met, but behind him, he easily spotted Flamepaw, ducked behind the crowd of cats. He remembered as well that Flamepaw knew about the prophecy of darkness. "Now what is going on?"
"They randomly attacked us!" spat Echoleaf. "They're all out to get us! First they steal our prey and now they attack. It's like they're so desperate they want to eat us too."
"We have enough prey!" spat a DarkClan cat.
"Oh, do you?" Echoleaf challenged.
"Then leave us alone!" hissed a small CloudClan she-cat. "You and your Clan are nothing but trouble!"
"Silence!" hissed Brightstar, padding closer.
"You have no right to be here, Brightstar!" a DarkClan tom growled. "Why don't you silence?"
"You're the ones who trespassed first! And plus, these boundaries are DarkClan, MoonClan and CloudClan, flank to flank to flank. So if something is wrong and we just want peace—-I will enforce it." Her tail lashed.
"All of you, get off our territory!" Echoleaf ordered, standing prouder and taller.
"Make us," hissed the patrol leader of DarkClan. "We are at war with MoonClan already. Why not have our first battle—right here and now?"
Brightstar tensed, and Icepaw's fur bristled. A battle with DarkClan on CloudClan's territory? This was a difficult decision. He knew that if Brightstar turned down the challenge she would look weak, but if she fought them and lost she would look foolish. Or maybe she would win and the other cats would think she had too much pride?
"Look, we are avoiding conflict," she explained. "I do not want to fight any cat." Then, her claws extended. "But if you dare threaten my Clan, I will personally rip every one of you're throats out. I will not hesitate to protect them!"
"I'm going to attack MoonClan if you don't fight us then," he growled back. "I'll kill every cat in your Clan there is, starting by ripping away their precious leader's remaining lives!"
He charged from his spot, and swiped at Brightstar with vicious long claws. She leaped out of the way immediately, and doubled back, hissing. "I guess that means a fight. MoonClan, attack!"
Icepaw was hesitant at first, but he charged anyways. "CloudClan, advance!" Echoleaf called, charging forward too. This time, the fight was evenly matched. Two smaller patrols against one large patrol—Icepaw knew this was fair. This is what was suppose to happen on that fight where his mother died! His belly filled with nearly the same amount of rage from last time just thinking of how DarkClan ruined part of his life. He would not fall back without the blood of his enemies on his paws.
With a furious battle call, he leaped onto a DarkClan apprentice, pinning him down. It was Toadpaw, some cat he'd seen from thelast gathering. He hadn't gotten along with Toadpaw well, and he stayed with his Clan at that time.
"You!" Toadpaw hissed. "I've seen you before!"
Icepaw growled in response. "This is not a conversation, Toadkit, this is a battle!"
"Don't you dare do that to my name!" he yowled with fury, pouncing on Icepaw. All Brightstar's intense training came back into his mind. He knew he had to use those moves now. He furiously swiped at Toadpaw, cutting deep into the apprentice's face with his sharp claws. That would leave a scar. He yowled in pain as blood dripped down his face. He growled again, coming closer. Toadpaw was obviously younger, but he was surely strong to take that.
"I am going to be generous, and I will let you go," he growled.
"DarkClan never gives up!" Toadpaw insisted, leaping at Icepaw. He gasped and his eyes widened as Toadpaw had him pinned in an instant. He bit hard into Icepaw's shoulder, but Icepaw scratched his belly in return. The two fought with their claws fully extended. He struggled to push Toadpaw off, until he finally kicked him off. He smiled with satisfaction, and attacked him again with all the anger he could muster, blowing scratches and bites to him.
Toadpaw struggled out of Icepaw's grasp, and panted. "Fine!" he yowled, backing up. The two toms were covered with scratches.
Icepaw snarled and turned back to the battle. It looked like his side was winning. The first battle of the war, he thought.
But his thoughts broke apart as soon as he spotted Flamepaw nearing, with his eyes blazing. He looked ready to fight. Icepaw growled and got into a fighting position.
Flamepaw stopped in his tracks. "Icepaw," he meowed.
"No," Icepaw hissed. "We are here to battle. Not to be friends or to talk, Flamepaw." His anger was rising as Featherbreeze's voice began to whisper in his head.
Flamepaw's expression was hurt. "Icepaw . . ." he insisted, padding a little closer.
"I'll shred DarkClan!" Icepaw hissed again, his ears flattening and his voice challenging. "Don't come any closer. You'll make me do something I am going to regret!"
Flamepaw took steps closer. "Icepaw, listen—"
Instantly, he already leaped, cutting Flamepaw off. He'd warned him! He wrestled his only DarkClan friend down with all his strength—which was very difficult—until he had Flamepaw pinned under him so he could not move. Icepaw was snarling, his teeth bared, claws fully extent, and his eyes blazing. "Every time I see a DarkClan cat, I feel enraged!" he yowled at the top of his lungs.
Flamepaw looked sympathetic. "I don't want to fight!" he insisted.
"Flamepaw! What are you talking about? Rip him to shreds! Sandstar will make you a warrior!" growled a large, dark brown tabby apprentice. "Avenge Fallentail! Avenge her; Icepaw was the one who killed her!"
Icepaw snarled. "I would not have killed Fallentail unless she hadn't murdered my mother!" he shouted. "I am not going to be shredded! It's you who mentions that foul name, you piece of cold fox-dung!" He let go of Flamepaw and landed on the other apprentice, already ripping at his pelt.
"Mudpaw!" Flamepaw gasped.
Flamepaw shoved Icepaw off of his Clanmate, who's pelt was now covered in blood. He looked deeply injured, and Icepaw hadn't even given him the chance to fight back. Brightstar immediately emerged at his side. She was shocked, but she looked like she was trying to push it away.
"Icepaw, it's over. The first battle was won," she meowed in his ear. At the same time, the DarkClan patrol was retreating. "Calm down, Icepaw. This battle is over. No more bloodshed."
He looked to his paws. Yet again, his grief and aggressions had to be calmed down by another cat. He looked up to the bright and snowy sky. Featherbreeze must not be watching over him. He must be too vicious to be under StarClan's blessing.
He wished he hadn't done that to Mudpaw.
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