This is Lilyfrost_Weirdo 's OC, Wretchedblaze.
Name: Wretchedblaze
Woah. That name! When I first saw this name, I thought, "What kind of a name is Wretchedblazd? What was his name before, Wretchedkit? Wretchedpaw? Did his mother hate him?" But it's a good thing that there's a story behind his name. Otherwise, I would advise you to change it.
Looks: dark gray tabby tom with lighter gray underbelly and piercing amber eyes
He's plain, and that's alright. Sometimes people just make their cats so unique that it's unrealistic. Sometimes, we just need a gray tabby.
Personality: Regretful, snappy, doesn't think before he speaks, pretends to be mean. Has a good heart, though.
Hmm, he kinda reminds me of Longtail. He seems like a pretty good character. ,aye add some more good traits, though.
Gender: tom
Backstory: As a kit, he was called Shadekit. One day Owlkit convinced him to sneak out of camp and she dared him to fight her, claws unsheathed. Owlkit was severely wounded, and Shadekit was blamed entirely. He was renamed Wretchedkit. His mentor was Mouseheart, a weak and cowardly cat that after one short training session made Wretchedpaw go in apprentice duties for six moons. Mouseheart was killed, and Wretchedpaw was trained normally. He gained his warrior name with his sister, becoming Wretchedblaze and Owlfeather. One day the two were patrolling together, and an enemy Clan patrol was trespassing. Owlfeather was killed, and Wretchedblaze was blamed by his Clan, getting exiled. He was a rogue for a day before getting killed by that same patrol. He went to StarClan as he had a good heart, but was chased to the Dark Forest. The legendary Fearstar forced him to make the cat Redstar evil, Redkit at the time, against his will. Fearstar was a kind of puppet master with Wretchedblaze. When Redstar was trying to destroy the Clans, Owlfeather visited Wretchedblaze in the Dark Forest. They went down to make things right, but Fearstar and the Dark Forest followed them. StarClan came as well. All of the cats fought, and the battle was deemed the Dark Battle. Is the end, Wretchedblaze faced off against Fearstar, and they killed each other, much to Owlfeather's dismay. Now Wretchedblaze is an honored figure among the Clans.
Why did the Starclan cats chase him to the Dark Forest if he had a good heart? And I'm kinda confused.
Extra: none
Cause of death: Killed by an enemy Clan patrol.
Why did they kill him? Was he on their territory? Do they have no respect for the warrior code? What happened?
Mate: none
Not every cat wants a mate, and that's fine.
Kits: none
He doesn't really seem like the fatherly type.
Clan: SunClan, then the Dark Forest, now who knows where?
He goes where the Starclan and Dark Forest cats go when they fade. Personally, I think they probably reincarnate into a new cat, but that's just my preference.
Rank: Was warrior, now forced deputy if the Dark Forest.
Does the Dark Forest even have ranks?
Afterlife: Dark Forest
Again, why did they chase him out?
Overall review: 7/10
He isn't the best character I've seen so far, no offense. But his backstory is very confusing, and I think he might need a bit of work. Just fix him up a bit and he'll be great.
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