Crush - Hasher (SC 2 Part 1)
Based off of true conversations because Inky can't go anywhere without developing a crush
TW: v v v minimal blood (bc scab picking), jilting, petty revenge for said jilt, but other than that just insanely fluffy fluff uwu uwu uwu**
Hamilton's second year at camp was going...differently from the first. But in a very good way. She was more confident this year, perhaps too much so, but that never stopped her. She was always the first to volunteer to sing, to dance, to...whatever, and she was focused on her own having a good time.
She had been there for nearly four days. On this warm summer evening, she now laid on one of many benches surrounding an empty fire pit. Being the first of her cabin there, she was free to converse with the only other cabin there - who just so happened to contain her best friend, Roshan Ahmadi.
Hammie lay there now, zoning in on the sound of Roshan's voice as he geeked out over computer science, accompanied by the chirping of birds. The whisper of leaves. The crunching of dirt under rubber soles. Here, at this camp, Hammie could finally be at peace.
More of Roshan's cabin arrived within a few minutes. One young man in this group - whom Hammie couldn't recall seeing, for some odd reason - had eyes that would have made the bluest skies turn stormy with envy.. His wavy, whippy, strawberry-blond hair was mostly hidden beneath a baseball cap. His hands buried in his red sweatshirt, he plopped down on the treated-wood bench next to the one Hammie was on.
Hammie can't recall, even now, how their conversation started. But anyway, "How did you hear about this camp?" asked the younger of the pair - the boy.
"I perform in shows around here," Hammie answered shyly. "You?"
"I live near the theater that this camp's based out of, stuff like that..."
It went on like that. He was handsome and sweet. It was very relaxing. Until Asher - that was his name - pointed out that Hammie's chin was bleeding a little bit.
Shit. How embarrassing.
But...sweet that he mentioned it? Hammie didn't know whether to be embarrassed or whether to devote all her uwus to this new person she had spoken so comfortably to.
Turns out, ended up going with the latter.
She fell for him. And she fell hard.
He was really cute, and surprisingly kind. Hammie asked him to dance once - just for fun, as friends - and Asher kindly said no, as he was distracted. But he had the heart to later apologize. Who does that?!?!
That night, the camp was holding a carnival. An open field, completely covered with dewy grass and clover, had been decked out with an inflatable obstacle course, a bouncy house of eye-popping colors, a face-paint station, and a table lined with mixers that whirred and buzzed, propelling the sugary scent of cotton candy into the evening air.
The carnival was where Hammie could not have been happier. Until she found out something that made her stomach turn.
Within the hour, the entire camp knew that Asher Wing had full intentions of asking a certain girl to the banquet that would be held later that week.
Even worse? That girl wasn't Hammie. Hammie tried not to be bitter, because she most certainly did not have feelings for this boy that she met two days ago. Or at least that's what she told herself.
But even worse?? Asher's supposed "date" was Emika Chen. The most beautiful girl in the entire camp.
Okay. Maybe Hammie was a little jealous.
Mayyyyybe that's why, come the banquet, Hammie stepped on Emika's toes. It was an honest accident, though. All five times.
Hammie felt reeeeaaally good about herself by the time everyone was done bustling about taking pictures.
At one point, before dinner was served, Hammie slipped into the near-empty dining hall to go check out if they had any snacks there. Since she had nobody to talk to, she thought she'd try to at least seem busy while she was at it.
"I like your dress."
Hammie stood at attention like a soldier, hand half-extended in reaching for a glass of ginger ale.
She turned around to see the same crystally-blue eyes that she'd craved to see for so long. Where was Emika?
"Oh, hey, thank you!" she said, hiding behind rosy cheeks. "Y-you look nice, too."
"Thanks," Asher said, dishing out that soft smile that Hammie melted for like a marshmallow to a campfire.
Hammie giggled softly. "So, uhm...wh-where's Emika? Aren't you two..."
"Yeah," Asher said, gazing outside and suddenly getting flustered. "She's with the rest of her cabin. We're not really- well, us going together was her idea. I don't really- I mean...ugh. I'm sorry. I'm really bad at talking."
Hammie giggled. She found it adorable. "You're totally fine," she said gently. "I understand."
"You do?"
And Asher had this way of looking at people that looked as if he was deep in thought, as if you were the most fascinating, thought-provoking wonder he'd ever seen.
Then he laughed and looked away. "I'm sorry, that was awkward," he said shyly.
"It's totally okay, don't worry," Hammie said, chuckling, finally taking her drink. They went their separate ways, as if nothing happened, except Hammie's heart was beating a little harder.
The stars came out as they dined. The meal was outside, at rows and rows of picnic tables, as the air got cooler and the sun ducked beneath the trees. It was beautiful.
Hours later, once the dancing was done and the plates were cleared, everyone returned to their cabins to change into pajamas, then walked to the grove where Asher and Hammie had first met. Instead of an empty fire pit, flames now reached for the sky, sparks flying up into the navy-blue atmosphere.
Tears were shed. Speeches were told. Candles were lit and raised to the sky. This was one of the final nights of the camp, after all.
Afterwards, they made their way to that same open field where the carnival was. Fairy lights cast a soft glow on the grass. This was a time specific for saying their final words to each other, specific for saying goodbye for the summer.
Hammie was overwhelmed by all the hugs she had received. Ever the crier, Hammie talked to her friends through blurry eyes and shaky words. A hand on her shoulder made the world stop.
"Hey, you," Asher said, Hammie turning around to face him.
"Hey there," she chuckled, reaching her arms out. Asher wrapped her in a hug, which Hammie wished would last forever as she nuzzled into him.
"You're wonderful," she whispered. "Thank you for being so kind."
"Of course," Asher whispered. "Takes one to know one, you know?" he laughed softly.
Hammie smiled softly, pulling away, but Asher still kept a hold of her hands. There it was again, that look that looked so intellectual, so pensive.
And then, as if on cue, he laughed. "Sorry, I'm...really bad at talking." But his gaze lingered.
"It''s really okay, Ash," Hammie smiled. "You don't have to be scared of that with me."
That was when Ash pulled her close again and kissed her softly.
Hammie melted, her arms wrapping around his neck as she leaned into him.
They pulled out of the kiss, not moving away in the slightest, still clinging together. "Ash-"
"Listen, I-I really like you-"
"I like you, too."
They both laughed. Asher raised his pointer finger and lightly tapped Hammie's nose. "I'm glad you're here."
Hammie giggled brightly. "I'm glad you're here too," she said, returning the motion.
"Stay in touch?"
Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.
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