A Marriage Proposal - Hasher
**More Falsettos hehe. This song is adorable and that's all I have to say**
This is how you make a marriage proposal.
It all begins with Dr. Asher at another session with Hamilton, his favorite client. The client he has been in love with since...gosh, he couldn't tell you. He was too distracted by how beautiful she looked.
As she walked into the session, Asher grinned snd cleared his throat. Hammie could tell that this wouldn't be like their normal conversation. "I love you dear," Asher began nervously. "I think you're swell. You're never near me close enough to tell if I'm delightful or not..."
"I need your wrist. I praise your thigh," Asher blurted, latching onto her. Then realizing just how weird that might've sounded, he let go of her and took her hands. "There's not a guy, there's not a piece of paper," he shrugged. "There's not a man in pants who could love you the same as I!"
Hammie smiled softly. What brought all this on?
"Oftentimes, lovers are crazy people. Sometimes they kill each other," Ash explained. "Just like a biblical brother did to his biblical brother...back in biblical times."
Hammie giggled. "Biblical times?" she asked.
Ash sighed at himself. Biblical times? the critical voice in his head asked.
"Uh, biblical times," he nodded. "Oh, those biblical times!" he laughed, doing jazz hands. Damn it, Wing, get your act together.
"I love your eyes," he said, finally like a normal person. "I love your face! I want you by my side to take my place if I get sick or detained."
Hammie laughed lightly and went to brush a strand of curls from her eyes, but Asher swatted her hand away. "Don't brush your hair, you're perfect," he pleaded. He noticed the small tears in Hammie's eyes and moved closer. "Don't start to cry..."
"There's not a guy, there's not a horse or zebra, there's not a giant man who could love you the same as I!"
He thought of Hammie's ex-husband, Roshan. How he'd treated the woman that Asher loved. "Forget that giant man," he said softly, cupping her face with both hands so she'd meet his eyes. "He won't love you the same as I."
"I'm not a giant man-"
"Good," Hammie smiled, a happy tear running down her cheek.
Asher teared up himself. "But I'll love you until,
Love you until,
I die!"
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