32- #bffzgoalzzz
32- #bffzgoalzzz
Sheesh I haven't updated in 17 days and I'm sorry for that. I guess I really meant slow updates when I wrote it smh.
Today is about appreciating the two besties, grumpy and sereni, as their stories will take you to a whole new world about bickering and endless arguments.
Last chapter I asked if they fight a lot, which is a stupid question because what was I expecting, all besties fight.
But Serenity answered with this:
They be like fighting over a bag of chips but guess what... dat bad boy of chips is mineeee. Ok enough of my greediness.
Ehehehehee that's hilarious.
K here's another fight:
Wait did you punch her? Pleeaaasseee tell me you punched her!! I know I know, I'm violent I can't help it lol
And here is Serenity's response:
ThInGy MaGLgY--
Wait I wanna say something...
*ehem* hey Chloé, wassup?
Chloé is grumpycheese ehehehee.
Aight here's another thing from the duo:
Why is the guy thing #relatable?
I mean you gotta agree with me. You'll never find another pair of besties named Chloé and Serenity lmaooo
Fun fact: the world's population is 7.8 billion rn. That is wayyyyyyy tooooooo muchhhhh...
Chloé right here is correcting me her name while Serenity over there is a whole different mood...
Don't hate your name bud I like it. Especially when you say "Queen Chloé" it rhymes so much!!! Try spelling it and you'll see it rhymes ehhehee
Ok y'know what? I'll call you Queen Chloé from now on cuz I love it sooo much it's unhealthy!!!
And oop, my bad. It's Chloé with an é.
It's true that the clean freaks had an additional ally, but with Serenity you'll never get bored lmaooo
Sorry Scorflix, but nothing can stop our blabbing.
And yea #KILLALLMEN2K20 even if you're obsessed with 'em.
Not just you Serenity, our gang are a bunch of talkers lmaooo
So that explains Serenity's username lmaooo
Another fun fact: Scorflix never said her name till this day. I call her by a nickname that I'll mention later on in the book ;)
And Chloé hun, we never stopped. That comment has reached 2.30K replies ehheheee
K imma stop right here cuz I have so many screenshots that relates to that chapter but I can't cuz I'm nearing my 20 image limit. Wattpad should make the limit 50 images of something. Imagine if someone decided to write a picture book.
So with that...
Stay tuned for the next chapter...
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