27- Grumpycheese's Bestie Wattpad Introduction
27- Grumpycheese's Bestie Wattpad Introduction
Wheewww long time no see, right?! ;)
That's because I'm a lazyass who is lazy enough to write a simple chapter and lazy enough to scroll through 1.67K replies on her comment just to screenshot the replies and bring them here in the best quality possible.
Well... my fingers paid the price of scrolling and now they are ded. Here's what you can do to make me feel better:
1- pray for my fingers
2- read this son of a book so that my fingers don't feel that the sacrifice they made went in vain, comprende?
Ok... enough bout my laziness and LET'S MOVE ON TO THE CHAPTER!!!!
So you read the title right; it's bout time that my ally's (grumpycheese) bestie introduced herself on wattpad!!
I wrote a chapter about her already but that's before she joined wattpad.
So without further do let's welcome Sereni-idipitty!!!!
Btw, she's a clean freak....
I don't know what to do bout this.
But imma give ya a spoiler...
It's not gonna stay that way for long...
And here is her first ever words here on wattpad!!!
Yea her first ever words on wattpad are seven dots...
I don't know how to explain my gratitude on her kind compliments.... SHE IS SO KIND!!!!!! So imma keep my gratitude simple and say "thank you".
Ahhh besties tingz....
Grumpycheese has made her download wattpad just for this comment. I have to say thank you grumpycheese for inviting your bestie here to our crazy comment section to have the pleasure to speak to her. (Even if she's an enemy)
And hey.... she's already a celeb before joining wattpad!!
That's my welcome.
To shove the chap I wrote about her up her face.
She didn't even get to breathe wattpadian air before having a chap shoved up her face.
But she responded to me like a normal human being not acknowledging my pathetic ways.
You can put me under the file "poor excuse of self promotion". C'mon... do it... I won't blame you cuz I know that I'm pathetic lol.
Sooooo... moving on from my pathetic ways.
Here is her shower routine:
A true clean freak right?
But here is another compliment from her:
Ok let's clear something up here from my perspective:
I know I'm dirty but PLEASE... who could ever survive not washing their coochie (oop did I really say that) cuz I would NEVER survive knowing that my ass is dirty and cracked (I'M SORRY FOR SAYING THATTT) so yea don't worry bout that hun ;).
And grumpycheese let's be real here.... we all know that she's a bit too much but that's what makes a civil conversation interesting so don't ever feel guilty for inviting her hehehehee ;)
My my, the newcomer is really savage and we stan.
Certainly a lot grumpy, I feel ya...
So introductions aside....
There's an important matter here that needs to be discussed...
We forgot that the word "clean freak" links to a dear, certain someone.
Yep you guessed it...
Whenever a clean freak is involved, Scroflix is here to take advantage of them.
Already Sereni? Shame, I was starting to warm up to ya tsk tsk tsk.
Damn right that's the way I feel bout you rn Sereni!!!!
Yea sure thanks for laughing I guess...?
See?!!! What did I tell you bout advantage?!!
Scorflix and advantage really go well together... they should've been married already.
When you do make sure to invite meh to da wedding!!!!
Oh but it didn't stop on that.... oh hell no.
I smell war in the air.
Serini is starting another war...
Stay tuned for the next chapter...
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