Chapter 9 - 'To getting drunk and making stupid decisions'
This awesome cover was made for me by lady_lyssa! if anyone else wants to make anything for me then just PM me. ;)
I stop walking causing Hunter to stop too.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Reid. He just talked to me. I don't know whether it was Kyle playing with me, or if Reid is still the same inside."
"What'd he say?" Hunter asks.
"Just that he was sorry." I reply. Hunter looks away.
"Sounds like Kyle playing with you." He says. His heartbeat changes slightly, but I agree.
"God, I need to get drunk." I say. Hunter grins.
"Well, now that I can help with. We need to throw a party." He says.
"Do we?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"No, but I want to. Your house is perfect for parties." He says.
"It is."
"Miss Hades and Mr Stone, Principal's now!" Mrs Karmen shouts. I groan and we carry on to the principal's office.
We have been sat outside of her office for 10 minutes, and she still hasn't seen us. Tiffany is sat opposite us, trying not to look at me. I roll my eyes and take my phone out.
Jake: Hey Little Devil saw you talking to Reid. What's going on?
Scarlett: He broke up with me. I'm throwing a party, want to come? ;)
Jake: Of course! You're throwing a party because he broke up with you? That sucks!
Scarlett: Kind of, I need to get drunk and forget everything.
Jake: Cool. We'll be there. I'll spread the word.
I decide to text Bianca to see if she wants to come.
Scarlett: I'm throwing a party tonight. Want to get drunk? x
Bianca: Of course, I'll be there bitch. I'm coming over beforehand to get with you though. x
Scarlett: Thanks but you're not my type. I like people with dicks. x
Bianca: How do you know I haven't got a dick? x
Scarlett: Haha I've seen you in a bikini. x
Bianca: Oh yeah. I actually meant to say get ready with you. x
Scarlett: Ok cool, see you then. x
"Bianca's coming and Jake is going to start spreading the word." I tell Hunter.
"About what?" Tiffany asks.
"That's none of your business." I retort. She rolls her eyes. Her phone, in her hands, lights up. She looks down at it and then looks back up to me smugly.
"You're throwing a party." She states.
"Well done Sherlock!" I say sarcastically. The door finally opens and the principal comes out followed by my dad. My eyes widen. Tiffany looks up and sees my dad, causing her to sit upright more, pushing her chest out in the process. I pull a face. When my dad sees me he grins.
"What are you doing here? Have you been bad?" He asks, gleefully. I nod, his smile gets bigger. I chuckle. Of course he would be happy that I was bad.
"What did you do?" I shrugged.
"Well, whatever you did, that's my girl." He says proudly. The principal clears her throat, making my dad change his remark.
"I mean, don't do it again." He says winking. I chuckle.
"I could ask you the same thing. Why are you here?" I reply.
"I'm just doing business." He says, but I can tell there is more behind it. He gives me a look saying he'll talk to me another time. His eyes go down to Hunter's hand on my leg. He looks like he's about to complain, but I give him the same look. He narrows his eyes but nods.
"I'll see you soon Scar, it's nearly time for you to have a visit home." My dad says before walking away. I watch him leave, and then turn back to Hunter and Tiffany.
"That's your dad?" They both ask. I nod, smiling.
"Miss Hades I would like to talk to you first."
"Fine." I say shrugging my shoulders. I tap Hunter's hand telling him silently to stay there. Once we get into her small office Principal Kimberly goes to sit behind her desk. I sit down in one of the chairs in front of her desk. She stares at me and I stare back at her.
"Where have you been and who was the man you were talking to out on the field?" She asks.
"I was away and earlier I was talking to my boyfriend. Is that all?" I ask going to stand up.
"No, now sit back down." I sigh and fall back into the chair.
"I understand that your situation is... different... but it does not excuse you to disappear for a week whenever you like." I get angry at this, I'm trying to save Earth from the horrors that Kyle would inflict.
"You know nothing about my situation." I shout getting angry. "You think you understand but you don't. You're only told a story. I'm trying to save your sorry ass and everyone else's, so don't tell me I don't have an excuse. If you were doing your job properly, then the people who were doing things worse than me skipping a week of school would be in more trouble. For example, that slut who is sat outside right now." I continue pointing to her over the desk. "Now I think that is all you need to talk to me about." I say before storming out of her office. I look to Hunter and he stands up walking to me.
"Are you OK?" He asks. I nod, still angry.
"Let's just go." I manage. He takes my hand and we walk away from a stunned Tiffany.
I make it through the rest of the day without Kyle making an appearance or any other troubles. At lunch when Hunter and I walked up to the table holding hands, everyone thought that we were together. We didn't say anything to refute their beliefs. Liam made a comment about 'working fast' and all Leo had to say was 'finally!'
Hunter and I stopped on the way home to buy all the alcohol we need. I compelled the guy behind the counter to allow us to have it for free.
"That's so cool!" Hunter says as we walk out.
"It definitely has its perks." I reply winking.
"Have you ever used it on me?" He asks. I shake my head.
"Nope, I haven't had a need to." I tell him.
We drive the rest of the way home and Hunter says that he's going to go home so he can change. I was just setting out all the alcohol when the doorbell rings. I run to it and throw it open to see Bianca stood there. She was dressed in a pair of leggings and had a big sweatshirt over the top.
"Let me at your closet." She says walking pass me and up the stairs. I chuckle and close the door, following her up. She's already in the closet when I get to my room. She starts to rifle through all the stuff I have. I go to sit on the bed, watching her.
"God, I love your closet! I'm moving in."
"Into my closet?" I ask.
"Yeah!" She starts to throw stuff out shouting at me to try them on, so she can see what they look like. She shakes her head at all of them.
"Ooh! Try this!" She says throwing it to me. I put it on and she nods. "That's it! You look sexy! I'm reconsidering getting with you." She says winking. I look in the mirror and agree that this is it. The bodice was a sparkly gold. A black mesh material went from under the bust, up over my shoulders into straps. The bottom half of the dress was black and clung to my curves. Bianca threw out a pair of gold, sparkly, strappy heels, nearly hitting me. I put them on and Bianca claps her hands.
"OK, now for me." She says going back into the closet. I straighten my hair as I wait for Bianca. I was just doing my makeup when she came out. I look up and smile. She was wearing a gold strapless top that flared out at the waist and a pair of black jeans. She also is wearing a pair of black heels.
"What do you think?" She asks.
"You look hot." I reply. She starts to curl her hair.
"How's Reid?" She asks. I stop mid brush stroke.
"It's complicated. We're kind of broken up for now..." I continue, explaining to her everything that happened.
"That's so weird. I don't remember the fight, and I just thought he was away on business." She says. "But Hunter can stop this Kyle guy from controlling you?" She asks. I nod.
"He stayed here last night and touches me whenever he can." She raises her eyebrows suggestively.
"Nothing happened, and it's not going to. I'd feel like I was betraying Reid as deep down he's still aware of what's going on around him." I tell her. She makes a noise as if she doesn't believe me. I finish my make up and tell her that I'm going to go downstairs and order some pizzas. I end up ordering 3 large meat feasts, 3 large cheese and 3 large Hawaiian pizzas. They say they should be here in about 40 minutes. I unload the rest of the alcohol onto the counters, and was just putting the last bottle down when the doorbell rings. I walk over and open it to see Hunter, Jake, Leo and Liam.
"Little devil, it is my mission tonight to not let you glass be empty for more than a minute." Jake says pointing at me. I grin.
"That's good with me."
"It was nice of you to put this sexy little number on for me Newbie, but I would be fine with you wearing nothing at all." Hunter says winking.
"Wow, you're calling me newbie again? You're not looking too bad yourself, Oldie." I reply. He looks hot; he was wearing a black collared shirt, and a pair of dark grey jeans. He walks over to me and pulls me into his side.
"Has everything been OK?" He asks lowly. I nod. He smiles. Bianca comes down the stairs, causing Leo to wolf whistle.
"Damn girl you can look hot if you try." He says. She rolls her eyes
"It's too bad that you can't." She replies. Liam walks into the kitchen and comes back with a beer for each of us.
"To getting drunk and making stupid decisions we won't remember tomorrow!" Liam says, raising his glass.
"Yes!" We all agree, raising our glasses. I drink it down in a couple of gulps. The doorbell goes, and I open it to reveal a guy in his early twenties holding a stack of pizza boxes. He gives me a once over and grins.
"That'll be 150 bucks." He says. I look him right in the eyes.
"You'll give it to us for free, right?" I compel him. He nods
"Thanks!" I say brightly. I take the boxes he has in his hands from him and put them in the kitchen, winking at Hunter as I pass. Hunter takes the rest from the guy before closing the door on him. Leo has hooked up his phone to the sound system and is blasting his music. I open one of the boxes and take out a slice of Hawaiian, eating it. Jake comes into the kitchen, pouring a drink before passing it to me. I grin. There's a knock on the door.
"Someone get that!" I call. Bianca goes to open the door and reveals Tasha, Lottie, Max and Lily. I grin at them, waving them in.
"Leave the door open." I tell Bianca. She does walking into the kitchen and getting a slice of pizza for herself.
"Guys this is Bianca, Bianca this is Lily, Tasha, Lottie and her boyfriend Max." I introduce them to each other. Bianca nods hello, her mouth full of pizza.
Slowly, over the next hour, people start to show up. Jake has kept supplying me with drinks and I'm only just starting to get tipsy.
"I'm not drunk enough, I need more!" I say getting up from where we're sat. I grab a glass of the punch Leo and Liam made, and a couple more shots. I walk back to where we're all sitting, falling next to Hunter, who puts his hand on my knee. I down the punch, following it quickly with the shots.
"How are you not dead? You have had way more than all of us." Leo laughs.
"Duh, because I'm a demon. I can't die silly." I reply. Hunter's hand grips my knee harder, while Bianca's eyes widen. It takes me a minute before I realise what I said. I'm about to tell them I'm drunk and don't know what I am talking about when Jake did it for me, kind of.
"Me too! Let's go and wreak havoc." He says very drunk, his heartbeat rising, but I didn't need that to tell me he was lying. He goes to stand up, but is pulled down by Liam, who is laughing.
"You both don't know what you're talking about." He says. I sigh in relief, along with Hunter and Bianca. Hunter's grip loosens.
"Hey, Scar, Tiffany's here." Tasha says looking over my shoulder. I narrow my eyes turning to look over my shoulder. Sure enough, she was just walking into the party with her minions. The minions walk away from her and into the party, and I see someone come in behind her. Reid. Has Kyle not tortured me enough? I turn back around, and clench my jaw. I stand up quickly, making me unsteady on my feet. Hunter helps to steady me. I stride around the couch and to where Tiffany was stood with Reid.
"What are you doing here?" I ask angrily.
"We heard there was a party. I wouldn't have come if I knew it was yours." Reid replies.
"Reid, baby, I'm going to go and get a drink." Tiffany says, squeezing Reid's arm. She looks triumphantly at me. I have to stop myself from ripping her throat out right there. Tiffany walks away and I turn my attention to Reid. I decide to see if I can get him to remember me again.
"Want to know how we met? You were trying to kidnap Meredith's daughter, I stopped it." I tell him. He shows no recognition.
"Yeah. Right. You're crazy." He says. He turns away and walks off towards the way Tiffany went. I stare after him dumbfounded.
"I fixed the small problem that we had earlier; he's not going to remember you. Oh, and with him talking to you, Hunter was right, he wasn't in control." Kyle decides to let me know in my head. "Enjoy the party!" Kyle adds before leaving me alone. Angrily I walk back towards where they are all sat. They were taking shots of tequila.
"You know what we should do?" Bianca asks.
"What?" I ask, still slightly angry from what just happened.
"Body shots!" She replies. There are cheers from our group and the surrounding people that heard. I look back over my shoulder and see Reid and Tiffany making out. I have to stop myself from being sick. I turn back around grinning.
"Why not?" I say. I want to show Kyle and Tiffany that I don't care. "We'll go first." I say pulling Hunter up. He has a big grin on his face.
"I'm not going to refuse!" He says. Bianca clears the table near the couch, and I lie down on it. She pours a shot for Hunter, giving him the salt and passes me a lime piece. I put the lime piece in my mouth. Hunter looks me in the eyes as he pushes my dress up. There are cheers and whistles. I have to hold back a moan when he licks my belly under my navel. He shakes some salt where he licked and then looks at me. I wink; trying to make it seem like it's not a big deal. Hunter smirks and keeps eye contact as he licks off the salt. I can't help myself and let out a small moan. He then takes his shot and comes down for the lime. His lips brush against mine as he bites into the lime. He lifts up with the lime between his lips, spitting it out before coming back down for a kiss. Cheers sound. Hunter backs up and winks.
"That was hot." Bianca comments.
"My go!" I say, getting up and pulling the dress down. Hunter lies down on the table, with his shirt off, and I get on top of him. I bend down and lick his neck, pouring the salt there. I hear a grunt from Hunter. I smirk and lick his neck again, getting the salt, before placing a small bite with my fangs. I lick his neck again to seal the bite. He moans, grabbing my hips. I then take the shot from Bianca and knock it back. I smirk as I see Hunter's eyes full of lust. I lean down and bite into the lime between his lips, pulling back. He leans up on his elbows and gives me a deep kiss. I can taste the tequila on his tongue. Bianca clears her throat, and I pull back grinning.
"Now that you've finished practically fucking in front of us, can someone else have a go?" She asks. I chuckle, getting off of Hunter.
"We'll go next; show you how you really do body shots. That was nothing." Reid says. Suddenly that's my good mood gone!
A nice long update for you! I nearly had to start all over again as it hadn't saved (even though I had saved it)! Argh! But luckily I was able to get it all back so you could have an update today and I didn't have to start all over again. :)
Is Kyle telling the truth? Has he fixed the 'problem'?
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CC ;)
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