Chapter 47 - 'It's Good to Have You Home'
*IMPORTANT* I have a lot going on at the moment (exciting things) and I am busy trying to get some things done, so, as a result I may have to stop posting every week (it won't affect the parts already up on Radish). I'll try to keep going, as I love to update and write this book, but it just depends on everything that I am doing in the week and how busy I am with doing the things. It may just mean the days are random, or it's every other week, or the parts are shorter. I know it's really vague, but at the moment I can't give you any more information! I don't want you to feel like I am leading you on, and it may all still fall through, but I will tell you everything as soon as I can! I didn't want you to think that I have left or forgotten about this book, it's just because I am super busy. :) This also means that I have been unable to film any YouTube videos, and will not be able to, so that will be put off for a while.
Ten minutes go by, and I am still standing in front of the window, watching the chaos outside. Two minutes ago a fight had started. It's not like they never happen, but it was with one of my dad's guards at the entrance to the house. All the guards surrounding them almost instantly intervene, and it's quickly broken up, but there is still a tussle going on down there. The sound of hurried footsteps, followed by the door opening behind me, causes me to turn and see that my dad is walking hurriedly into the room, a concerned look on his face.
"Oh! Scar, your home," he comments surprised. I nod before turning back to the window.
"What happened?" I ask my eyes moving frantically over the scene that I used to love.
"We've been having problems. Kyle's riled up everyone here, including some of the souls," my dad explains moving around his desk, and joining me at the window with a sad sigh. He watches the tussle at the doors for a moment, before he bangs his fist against the glass, backing it up with a roll of thunder.
"Quit it!" he shouts down at them, using his 'devil voice'. I jump slightly, but cross my arms trying to show a serious exterior to everyone down below us, who are now lo0king up at the window. The guards take advantage of the calmness which was as a result of my dad's command, and grab the arms of the guilty parties, taking them down to the cellar through the exterior entrance. My dad turns to me once he's happy that the danger has been averted. I see him push it out of his mind as he forces a smile.
"It's good to have you home," he says. I smile.
"It's good to be home, after everything that's happened." I admit. He pauses before he says what's on his mind.
"How are you, after...?"
"I'm fine dad, I'm feeling much better." I tell him, knowing he worries but doesn't talk about it often. My mind travels to what, or more specifically, who made me feel better. I bite my lip, as I imagine all the things he did to my body.
When I regain my focus, I see that my dad is giving me a curious gaze. His eyes narrow, and before he can put things together, I change the subject by asking him a question.
"So, have you got the answers I asked for? About Reid?"
"McDonald's boy? Yeah, I think I found something in the library," he lets me know moving to his desk, and looking in the top right drawer. He takes a piece of paper out, looks over it, before returning it. His eyes travel to me, as I turn to look back out at Hell.
"Don't look out there." He lets me know as if saving me from distress. I press my lips together as I turn back to my dad. "I have something that needs to be done right now, but this evening I'll talk to you about what I found and what it could mean."
"OK. I'll go and find Tybalt then." I walk around his desk and out into the hallway, thankful for the familiarity. I walk down the corridor, noting that it looks the same but something about it as a whole feels off. Maybe it's the atmosphere, but it almost feels like I'm walking through an entirely different house to when I left. I push my worries out of my mind, as I call for Tybalt, knowing he'll be the same when he sees me.
Here you go my little devils!
I hope you liked it!
Sorry for the late one again! :)
Radish: Chapter 49: 7 days. Chapter 50: 14 days. Chapter 51: 21 days. Chapter 52: A month
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