Chapter 37 - 'I'm not playing your games'
Wait... What's this? A second update! Enjoy, even though it's only small.
Kyle, as Reid, walks around the chair bolted to the floor.
"Miss me?" He asks in Reid's voice. I bite my lip glaring at him in anger whenever he walks past me. He makes one more round of the chair, and when he comes back to standing in front of me, his appearance has changed. He is still Reid, but his face is bloody, and bruised, like the photos I received when I was trying to find him. His blue eyes have tears forming in them as he says my name in a helpless pained way.
"Scar..." I swallow down the tears at the pain in his voice, trying to tell myself that it's not real, and that Reid is fine. "Help me." He continues in the same way, his voice breaking towards the end.
"That's what he said when we were torturing him." Kyle lets me know, still in Reid's form. I scream at him moving threateningly towards him, but am stopped when the chains pull against me. A smile comes onto his face, as he allows his appearance to change back to the unhurt Reid.
"Who do you love more? Me..." He asks moving his head to the left, before his features begin to change again. His hair becomes an even lighter shade of brown, and when he looks back to me his eyes are chocolate, and his skin is more tanned. I gulp.
"... Or me?" He continues now in Hunter's voice.
"Reid." I state. "Or is it Hunter? I don't know, and even if I did I'm not going to tell you because you would only use it against me."
"Hm. You're probably right." Hunter's voice says. "Now, you can choose who does the next thing. Is it Hunter or Reid? Make the decision, or I'll make it for you." He demands moving his head to each side with each name. I bite my cheek, tying to guess why I need to make the decision. What will he do to the one I chose, or will he do it with the one I don't? Is this a trick, trying to see who I care more about by the person I protect? I purse my lips as Kyle, pretending to be Hunter, looks expectedly at me for an answer.
"Are you going to answer?"
"You know the answer to that. I'm not playing your games." I spit at him.
"Oh, that's a shame. I'm pretty comfortable right now, so I think I'll stay as I am. Is that alright with you?" I clench my jaw, but give him a forced smile.
"Whatever." I tell him trying to show him that it doesn't affect me, when deep down I'm worried about what he's going to do. I get my answer when he walks to the door and bangs on the door twice with his fist. The door opens for a demon. I hold in a chuckle at the demon's shocked face at seeing someone else's face which isn't his leader's one.
"Get Lily." He says with a smile back in my direction. I narrow my eyes even further, what's he going to use her for?
Here you go my little devils!
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