Chapter 35 - 'Dad?'
A small announcement, mvongh has started to translate Hades' Daughter into Italian, so those of you who are Italian, go and check it out if you want, and let me know how the translation is as I can't speak Italian. (I'm certain it's amazing!) On the other hand those of you who aren't Italian go and show it some love anyway! You can find it in a reading list on my page as well as on mvongh's page! This amazing cover ^^^ was made for it by lighthell! I love it! <3
"It's nothing." I insist for the second time, cutting him off from his rant, as we continue out of the police station. I had explained to him about the photos, and then brushed it off as nothing, at my indifferent tone his face had turned to stone and he then started to rant at me about the risks, like I don't already know them. Of course my dad has to play the overreacting dad now.
"How can you say that?! You've been careless ever since you have arrived on Earth. Biting people out in public, letting people follow you without you knowing, and using your powers when they are not needed. You want to get caught? You've even told people, or they've found out! You've only been here just under five weeks! Or is that it, are you bored of Earth after five weeks?" My dad holds himself back from shouting. I find myself speechless, my mouth slack. I let out a small breath, feeling slightly hurt at my dad's observations. The shock at my dad knowing about Reid (with his old memories), Hunter, Bianca, and Lily knowing what I am, however outweighs the pain. My dad looks around at the curious glances we are receiving, and mutters for us to get out of here. I follow obediently, only to be stopped by a shout of my name.
"Scar!" I close my eyes as I turn around to see, as expected, Hunter. I look over my shoulder at my dad, who is looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Dad, can you give us a moment?" I inquire. He doesn't say anything as he turns and walks away from me, and an advancing Hunter. It's not really the best time for them to meet. I turn back to Hunter who is looking over my shoulder at my dad's back as he walks away.
"That's your dad?!" He asks with a bit of fear and disbelief tainting his tone.
"What are you doing here?" I query not bothering to answer his question.
"I wanted to see if you were alright."
"Well here I am, and I'm fine." I tell him shortly. I was still hurt from what my dad said, but I also knew that if we stay too long my dad will come and interfere. I don't really want Hunter to meet him right now when he's in a bad mood.
"Um, okay. I talked to Stacey, and she explained to me..."
"Why? Why did you do that? I don't need your help." I say annoyed, turning around to follow my dad. Hunter grabs my arm, turning me back.
"What happened? What did they say?" He inquires his eyes holding concern. "I came here because I work here, and I would be able to get more information than you." I roll my eyes pulling my arm away from him.
"Nothing happened. I said I'm fine."
"I didn't ask if you were fine." He comments. I groan and step away from him.
"Hunter, I just want to be alone right now." I lie not wanting my dad to think any worse of me. Annoyed with myself, and my dad, I spin around and stride after one of my annoyances right now. I find my dad standing in the entrance talking to what looks like a woman and man, but I know better. They're demons. When my dad sees me getting closer, they quickly stop talking and the demons walk away.
"Why are they here?" I ask.
"They're going to sort out the problem, get rid of everything, but from what I heard you don't need them, you already have a cop who undoubtedly will do it all for you." My dad says snidely. Why is he so angry with me? I can get him being annoyed at me being arrested, but I would have thought that he also would have been proud. When I was sitting outside the principal's he was glad that I was there. He can over worry sometimes, so he's probably just worried that they found out what I am.
"So, you moved onto the cop, huh?" I narrow my eyes confused.
"You went from Reid, a gang leader, to Hunter a cop?" He thought that Hunter and I were together? "He sounded like he cared about you." My dad explains obviously sensing my confusion.
"Oh, we're just friends. I'm still with R..." I trail off looking to my dad walking beside me.
"Wait, what did you say?" I ask.
"Hm?" My dad asks meeting my eyes. "He sounded like he cared for you?" My dad repeats.
"No. Before that."
"You went from Reid..." I cut him off from continuing, my thoughts being confirmed.
"Why did you call him that?" I inquire stopping from walking any further. I take my phone out tapping out a message discreetly.
"Isn't that his name?" He asks looking confused.
"No. Not to you." I look around at the people walking in and out of the station as I hear my message tone ring. I bring it around to my face and see what I expected.
Scar: Where are you?
Dad: Home. Sorry for hanging up on you, I sent someone to bail you out. I guess they were successful then. I ponder what to do; I don't want to make a scene. I scoff before confronting the person in front of me.
"What do you think about this, Dad?" I ask showing him the text on my phone.
"Well, I think my phone was stolen." My dad replies with the first smile on his face trying to brush it off.
"That's funny, Dad, because earlier you said you broke it. Now, who are you?" I ask. The person pretending to be my dad lets out a mirthless laugh, and moves putting his arm across my shoulders. To anyone looking at us, it probably looks like he's giving me a hug from behind, but the strength in the arm pushing my back against his body indicates otherwise. I feel a hard object hit me between the shoulders, slightly to the left so it's right behind my heart. He angels my body so it hides his hand, which is holding the gun. I grit my teeth, as whoever is pretending to be my dad bends down to my ear to whisper.
"The bullets are laced with Demon's Torment. If you try anything stupid, I will put the bullet in your heart, causing the Demon's Torment to enter your bloodstream. You will not be able to get very far, with the immeasurable pain you will feel. Give me your phone." He lets me know. I do as he says putting it in his hand. I hear it break. "Now. Walk." He orders forcefully. I grunt as we start forwards, the fraud waiting a second before following. I hear my phone being thrown into a trash can as we pass one.
"Right." He mutters low enough only for me to hear when we come to the end of the block. I turn right assessing my options. I could run, having only a few second advantage from the view being blocked by the buildings, but quickly think against it when the footsteps behind me speed up. I try and figure out his next move, is he getting me somewhere quiet so he can do whatever he wants to me without any witnesses? Or is there another reason?
My questions are answered when the sound of a vehicle's tires screeching against the asphalt hits my ears. I pause only to be jabbed in the back telling me to continue. I search the alley we are walking down for a potential weapon calculating how long I will have before he reacts, or we get to the end of the alley. Knowing I only have milliseconds, from the smell of demon coming off him, I act quickly. I pretend to lose my footing, stumbling to regain my balance, all the while using my body to hide me reaching for the broken plank of wood on the floor. My fingers wrap around it, and I bring it up and around using my extra speed.
Bang! I cry out in pain as the bullet tears through my skin, the skin burning from the Demon's Torment. The bullet continues, slowing its journey. I fall to the floor, still clutching the plank of wood. The burning starts to travel throughout my body, causing my screams to become louder and higher. Tears form in my eyes, blurring out everything that is happening around me. I try to focus on the movements, but the pain is all I can think about. I try to move my arms and legs, wishing to make contact with whoever is picking me up, but my legs and arms stay exactly the way they are. Soon enough the Demon's Torment stops my scream, my silent screams and curses are the only things I am aware of as my vision goes black, the pain getting too much, even for me.
I am sore all over – I feel a crick in my neck as I try to move it to see where I am. I blink a couple of times, looking at my lap, past my blood covered chest. I look either side of my thighs, and see a concrete floor. My arms tied behind me, and my legs bound together, I realise that I am sitting on a chair. Moving my head from side to side, trying to stretch it, I am finally able to look up. I give my surroundings a glance over and see that the room I am sitting in is plain, with four grimy walls, that I assume were white when they were painted, holding no windows with only one door. I look to my right and see that I have an IV attached to one of the arms behind my back holding a clear liquid (it must be a sedative of some sort). The taste of blood is present in my mouth, and I can't tell if it's mine or someone else's. I move my tongue trying to taste it better, and am surprised to find my fangs down. I try moving my hands to try and take the IV out but find that they have placed it far enough up my arm that I am unable to reach it. I groan as I move my hands over the chains that hold me, finding that they are covered in Demon's Torment. I lift them, seeing if I can get them over the top of chair, but find that they are shackled to the chain around my feet. I test the chair to see if I can break it, but find that it is made of metal. I look over both my shoulders to see if there is anything else in the room and find a small drain at the back of the room. At least they look at the practical side – blood is a pain to wash away. I look again at the IV, to see if I could maybe use that in some way. I budge chair, trying to tip it over or move it, but find that it's bolted to the floor. I grunt out in frustration, causing the door to fly open. I glare at the person standing in the doorway, knowing it wouldn't be anyone else. Kyle. With a grin on his face he walks until he is standing in front of me.
"I'm sorry about shooting you, and the situation we are in right now, but I can't trust you." He lets me know. I shake my head, knowing it was him as soon as I found out my dad was at home.
"Your apology means fuck all." I grit out. He leans down on the arms of the chair, pushing his face forwards. I move mine back in disgust.
"I would be nice to me, there's two very angry women standing outside that door that would happily come in and torture you right now." He lets me know. I spit in his face.
"Give me your worst." I tell him with a smirk on my lips, I don't care what he does to me, I know for a fact he won't kill me. Kyle sighs, moving back as he brings a hand to his face.
"I wish you didn't do that, now I have to something we both won't enjoy. I was trying to give you a chance here Scare Bear." He tells me using his nickname for me when I was a child, storming out of the room. He was 20 when I was born, so his role changed from protector and carer to best friend over time, but throughout the whole time was always a brother to me. Nothing he can do will hurt me more than what he just did.
"Don't ever call me that again!" I shout after him, tears coming to my eyes. The door nearly closes before it is pulled open again. The door moves past two scars I know all too well, from being the giver of one of them. I wonder how Kyle got around my compulsion.
"After death this will not apply." My words come back to haunt me. How did Kyle know that?
The door opens fully to reveal her companion, the other betraying friend. I look her over and see that she has a bandage over her right shoulder, hiding the gunshot wound courtesy of Hunter. That's handy to know. I recall her words about getting my blood, undoubtedly Kyle already has some. Kyle's been busy recruiting all my enemies.
"Meredith. Lily." I greet, feeling the anger trying to escape. I can't let them know my feelings; they'll only use them against me.
"It's payback time, bitch." Meredith tells me gleefully.
Here you go my little devils!
I hope you liked it!
When I was thinking for a nickname Kyle would call Scar, I thought of tissue (Scar Tissue). I was literally laughing at myself for five minutes afterwards. I'm so weird. ;)
So Kyle has her captive... What do you think?
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What will happen next?
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