Chapter 21 - Clive.
I enter the building, and look around. As usual it is busy with people walking to their different destinations. I put two fingers in my mouth, and let out a loud whistle. It was one of the first ever things that my dad taught me, saying it would come in handy, and it has more than once. It causes everyone in the entrance to stop and look around trying to ascertain where the sound came from, and Hunter to flinch away rubbing his ear.
"Thanks for the warning." He tells me sarcastically, but still he has an underlying tone of annoyance and anger at the situation. At least he's talking to me.
I remember the awaiting people in the entrance hall, and turn back to address them.
"Take me to your leader!" I shout, only getting weird looks in response.
"OK... Just tell me where he is then." I continue.
"He's in his office." Hunter says, rolling his eyes. He grabs my arm, pulling me with him. "You didn't need to do that, when he calls us in, he's waiting for us in his office."
"Oh well." I reply.
I follow behind Hunter to the office. As Hunter knocks on the door, I freeze. I've not been back here since I was knifed and Reid found out what I am. Reid calls for us to come in, sounding slightly desperate. Hunter pushes open the door and my eyes zero in on the couch that changed everything. It might sound dramatic, but it's true. If I hadn't have told him what I am, he wouldn't have been mad at me, meaning he wouldn't have followed me and got injured. He then wouldn't have been in the process of turning into a demon. However, Kyle might have shot him anyway if he was human. I tear my eyes away from staring at the couch and turn them Reid. Unfortunately by doing that, I see Tiffany sitting on the desk facing him. She's swinging her legs and fiddling with her bleached hair. I roll my eyes, and mimic her. She continues not realising that I was copying her every move. Reid notices and tries to hide a grin.
"OMG, Reid Baby, you are so funny!" I exclaim mimicking Tiffany's high pitch, annoying voice, using her endearment for him. Tiffany freezes in her movements and turns around to see me and Hunter in the doorway. She blushes when she sees my hand in my hair. I give her a grin.
"Did I get it right?" I ask. All I get in reply is Tiffany showing me a derisive smile before turning back to Reid. I guess I was correct after all.
"What is she doing here? She ruined my party by inviting hundreds of her deadbeat, waste of space friends." Tiffany moans to Reid. I roll my eyes.
"She is right here with a name, and to be honest, I think I made your party better. Most of the people there were from your boyfriend's gang, so by disrespecting them you're disrespecting your precious Reid Baby." I tell her, forcing out the word boyfriend. She throws a glare over her right shoulder.
"Tha- That's not what I meant." She rushes. "Can't you get rid of her? We can then continue what we started." She pouts, rubbing her hand up and down his chest.
"No." Reid says firmly, pushing her hand away. "I called them in."
"Why?" She asks. I scoff, is it really any of her business?
"Because I needed to talk to Hunter..." He starts.
"What about her?" She continues to push for an answer. I lift my hands up and pretend to throttle her, wishing I could actually do it, without the fear of having her follow me home to Hell. Reid's eyes look to my hands, and they show longing for the same thing. I cock my head to the side silently asking if he will allow me to. Unfortunately he shakes his head, mouthing to me 'Father'. Well that's a bitch; we wouldn't be able to do it without being found out by her police father. I sigh and allow my hands to fall down by my sides.
"She's my girlfriend, she wanted to tag along. I'm sure Reid doesn't mind." Hunter explains pulling me closer to him, contempt clear in his tone with the last sentence. I also hear him putting the emphasis on 'my girlfriend': way to be subtle. I see Reid pick up on it as well. However, Tiffany is as oblivious as ever.
"No. I don't." Reid replies frostily, making it sound the opposite. I pull out of Hunter's hold giving him an annoyed look. I'm not a possession, and he's acting like I am. They both are, they're both acting like they're dogs and I'm the last chew toy. Tybalt is better behaved with his toys, if I was a toy, than them both put together.
"If you don't like it, then leave." Reid adds, walking around his desk and away from Tiffany. Tiffany looks at Reid for a minute before angrily getting up and storming past me towards the doors.
"Why did you call me in?" Hunter asks, not hiding his wanting to leave as soon as he can. It's hard to believe that he wants to leave the police force to join the Grim Reapers full time. Every time he's with Reid they seem like they don't get along.
"I wanted to talk to you about the ongoing situation with the Fallen Angels; I also wanted to talk to you about the rising problems with the cops. We're just waiting for Leo, Liam and Jake." I let out a chuckle, just the people to talk to about the cops.
"What's so funny?" Reid asks. I shrug, not able to think of an answer.
"Do I really have to be here?" I ask confused, as to why he called me in.
"I want to talk to you about something else, afterwards." Reid lets me know
"OK." I respond. A thought comes to mind of what I can do while I wait. Hunter's annoyed me, and I don't want to stick around to hear them both carry on like I'm a possession.
"Hey, can you tell me where Clive, from the intercom, works?" I ask Reid grinning.
"Um..." Reid replies hesitantly.
"Please." I plead, pulling out my pout.
"Fine. He's three doors down on the right." He directs me, relenting.
"OK, I'll be there when you need me." I notify them. I leave the room and go, as Reid instructed, three doors down on the right. I knock on the door.
"Yes?!" I hear Clive's voice call out.
"It's Santa, the tooth fairy told me that you weren't pleased to see her. She thought you would like to meet me in person." I hear a groan from inside the room.
"I can only just take it when we talk over the intercom, I don't know how much I will be able to take of you if we actually meet." I try the doorknob and find that it won't open.
"Oh, come one Clive. Let me in. If only it's for the fact that I look weird talking to a door. Please." I implore him. I hear a loud half groan half sigh, before a chair's wheels roll across the floor and footsteps come towards the door. There is a click and then the door swings open. I let a smug smile come to my lips before they part into an 'O' when I see Clive. I blink a couple of times to make sure I am seeing right. I am. His similarities to Reid are endless. He almost looks like a younger (and softer) version of him. I then remember the picture frame on his desk – the one of his brother. This must be him. That explains why Reid was so hesitant. When I asked about him before, he seemed as if he doesn't want to talk about it. Ever. This is the perfect time to find out more about Reid, and his family.
"So, you're my brother's girlfriend." He says looking me up and down.
"Ex." I reply, looking away from his judging blue eyes.
"Oh yeah, he's now with the slut." He comments.
"Can I come in?" I ask. He thinks about it before opening the door further. I look around the room. It's small, only big enough to hold three monitors, with the different views of house and entrances, on a small desk. A microphone is sitting in front of the monitors.
"This is cool. I bet you see all the fun stuff." I remark. He sighs and looks back to the monitors.
"I guess." He says dejectedly.
"Don't you like it?" I ask.
"Not really, Reid wanted me to be in the gang but I didn't want to. As a result, I'm hidden away in here." He explains. A mischievous smile shines from my face.
"If you want, I can take over from you, until Reid calls me back." I offer. His eyes light up, before dulling again.
"I don't know."
"What can go wrong?" I persuade. He purses his lips.
"OK." He finally caves.
"I won't do anything that bad."
"You're not giving me any more confidence in you." He lets me know. I chuckle. He walks to the door, before looking back at me.
"Don't let any cops or Fallen Angels in." He instructs before leaving. I rub my hands before sitting down in front of the monitors. Let the fun begin.
Here you go! Hope you liked it! A long A/N today.
I've been thinking that I don't really have a name for all of you as a group! So I was thinking and 'Little Devils' came to mind (Jake's nickname for Scar). What do think? Do you like it, or are there any others that you can think of? If you see a name in the comments that someone has thought of and you like, reply to the comment, and then I can know which ones you like. :)
The Wattys winners will be announced 'soon'. Obviously it would be nice to win, but if the results say that I haven't I won't mind. I write because I enjoy it, not because I want to win competitions (it's just a plus). I've won anyway with all of your support, and knowing how many of you like what I post. So, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for everything you all have done! Thank you!
The Halloween Radish coin giveaway is here!! It's only open until tomorrow (31st) so if you haven't already, and want a chance at winning free coins to spend on Radish, do so today.
To enter all you have to do is:
1. Follow @radishfiction
2. Post a screenshot of your favorite Halloween related story from Radish
3. Explain why you love it in a few words
4. Add your Radish username in the post (if you haven't registered, you can do so easily through the Radish app.
5. Use the hashtag #TrickorRadish
If you want to enter, your Instagram account must NOT be set to private, so they can see your post and you have a chance of winning.
There will be 31 winners, getting 66 coins each. The results will be announced on November 4th.
Good luck!!
A shout out to Kathsum! Go and check out her book, it's really descriptive.
Also a shout out to _nuxxxx! Go and check out her book as well, I've only read a short amount but what I did was good!
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CC ;)
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