Chapter 12 - 'What's up with them?'
Here it is!!! Thank you all for not giving up on this book when I said I would be posting on Radish!! I'm truly sorry that there is a wait as a result. I haven't posted anything else in the last 4 weeks (as I have been on vacation) so unfortunately there will be a month's wait again until Chapter 14 (which I will be posting today on Radish). However, the good news is that as I start updating on Radish weekly now, in a month's time they will be weekly on here!! :)
Some of you have requested more photos for the characters, so I will be posting them again. This is really close to what I think Jake looks like ^^^. I have also got photos for both of Hunter's other friends (Liam and Leo). I think some of you asked for Meredith and Tybalt, so I will try and find them as well. Is there anyone else that you would like me to find?
Now onto the part you have been waiting for! :)
As Leo, Liam, Jake and Hunter are going; the others decide to leave too. Once they have all said goodbye, loudly may I add making my headache even worse, I am left with an empty house, not knowing what to do with myself. Slowly, it sinks in that Hunter won't be here if Kyle tries anything. I think about calling him, asking him to come back, but I don't want to bother him. I also don't want to rely on him. I decide to get out of the house, and to somewhere that has more people. I'll feel safer, and I won't be here alone, worrying about it. I grab a bag of blood, pouring it into a mug, before running upstairs to choose something to wear. I grab a pair of high waisted, cut off denim shorts, a burgundy loose of the shoulder top and a pair of wedge sandals. I complete the outfit with a long necklace and a pair of sunglasses. I go back into my closet and pick out a grey handbag. I fill it with one of the many books I bought when my dad has brought me up to earth in the past, and all the things I need. I quickly do my makeup and hair naturally, before looking myself over in the mirror. My hangover doesn't feel so bad now that I have gotten dressed, and had some blood. I walk downstairs and outside, grabbing the keys to my car in the way. I look up and see that it is a sunny day, with no trace of a cloud in the sky. I put the roof down, and put the radio on low. I decide to go to the beach where I first met Reid. I really need a reminder of the old him right now.
I put the car into park, and look out the window. The beach is bustling with people. Images of meeting Reid come to the forefront of my mind. I sigh, reaching for my bag as the roof rises back up. I open the door, and step out onto the pavement. I get a few stares, but I ignore them. I walk down onto the beach to find an empty spot. I drop down onto the sand. I take my phone out of my bag, and see that I have 3 missed calls from my dad. Worried, I call him back.
"Dad? You wanted to talk to me?" I ask as it connects. I lean my arm on my bent knees, running my hand through my hair.
"Yes. I do. I want to know why you haven't been to school today." He inquires. I groan. I forgot it was school today. I bring the phone down from my ear and look at the time. 15.03. I return it to my ear.
"We had a party last night, and I slept in. There's no point in me going now." I explain.
"OK, please remember to go tomorrow. You wanted to have the experience on earth, so I expect you to go through with everything." He tells me. I exhale loudly before agreeing.
"How was the party?" He asks.
"Good, there were no deaths." I tell him. He chuckles.
"I am visiting your uncles and aunts today." He lets me know.
"Mmhm?" I encourage him to carry on.
"Poseidon was telling me about something he saw." My dad says, trying to hold back a laugh. I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"I hate you both right now!" I exclaim. My dad chuckles before responding.
"He thought it was hilarious and said that you are his favorite niece now, Zeus was hurt that you went for Poseidon." I shake my head. Only my family!
"OK, say hi to them from me." I tell him. He sighs like it's the hardest thing in the entire universe.
"Thanks." I say ignoring his antics.
"OK, well I should get back; we were in a competition to see how many donuts we could stack high. Zeus was winning, but I think he's cheating by creating wind to hold it up." I roll my eyes; I'm not surprised at all at that. Of course they would be doing that!
"OK, buh-bye." I tell him before hanging up. I throw my phone back into the bag, before taking out the book. I open it and begin to read.
I have been reading a while when a shadow falls across my book. I look up at the source and see a person. The sun behind them causes them to be a silhouette. Judging by the shape of them they are male. I shield my eyes, and slowly their features become clearer. A guy who looks to a couple of years younger than me is looking down at me. I close my book, putting it down onto my lap. The boy has russet hair that is cut short and green eyes. His skin is pale, with freckles scattered over his cheeks. I look him up and down before raising an eyebrow.
"Can I help you?" I ask him. He shoots a nervous look to the right. I follow his gaze and see a group of boys the same age as him, laughing. I look back to him.
"W-will you go out on a date with me?" He asks.
"Yeah, sure." I reply, picking my book back up.
"Really?" He asks shocked.
"No." I reply bluntly. I turn the page and start to read again. He doesn't move away so I look back up at him.
"If that's all then you can go. Or do I have to make you?" I ask him. He quickly rushes back to his friends. I hear his friends laugh at him, when he gets back to them. I shake my head at them and go back to my book. A minute later a shadow falls over the pages of my book, again. I sigh.
"I just told you, I'm not interested."
"Did you?" I hear Reid ask. I whip my head up to look at him.
"Hi." He says grinning.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your gang?" I ask.
"I wanted to come to the beach, is that not allowed?"
"So you finished with Hunter, Leo, Liam and Jake?" I ask.
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't call them back?" I ask confused.
"No." Reid replies. Why would they lie to me? Were they called back by someone, who wasn't Reid? Did Kyle get to them, or was Reid lying? I reach for my bag, taking out my phone, and text Hunter.
Text me, as soon as you get this. I look back up to Reid.
"What are you doing, bothering me? Don't you have something else you could be doing, like Tiffany?" I ask him irritably.
"She's getting needy and annoying." He says sitting down next to me.
"I wondered how long it would be until you realised that." I comment. "Why not just break up with her? That's if you're going out with her." I look up at him waiting for his reply. He looks confused for a minute, and before I can ask him why, my phone chimes with a text message. I look down and see Hunter has replied.
Hunter: What's wrong?! Did Kyle get to you?
Scarlett: No. Where are you? Are you able to come back?
Hunter: We're still at the gang house, Reid's not finished talking to us yet. I don't know how long I'll be. Is there something wrong? I furrow my eyebrows. Why is he lying? What is going on?
Scarlett: It can wait. I sigh throwing the phone down onto my lap; I don't want to break it, I had to get a new one after cracking the screen when Reid was hurt by the explosion.
"What's the matter?" Reid asks.
"Hunter lied to me. He told me, when I asked him where he is now, that he's with you."
"I haven't seen or spoken to any of them today. I can call the house and see if they're around, if you want." I stare at him.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"I actually had a good time last night. Don't get used to it." He replies taking out his own phone. I smile. Although he doesn't remember me, he's slowly starting to act like the Reid I know and love. At this moment, if I only get him to like me again, I will be happy. It would be nice for his memories to come back, but if they can't I will always have them and we can always make new ones. He gives me a weird look as he brings the phone up to his ear.
"Hi... are Hunter, Liam, Leo and Jake there?" He asks. He's silent for a couple of minutes, waiting for the other person on the call.
"No... Don't worry I'll do it... OK, Bye." He says before hanging up. I look at him expectantly. He shakes his head. I bite my lip getting worried, has Kyle got hold of them?
"Can you try texting them?" I ask. He smiles slightly, it's the first time that I've seen him smile since he died.
"Already have." He says turning his phone around. There were already replies from Hunter and Liam.
Hunter: I'm hanging around Scar's house, we didn't get up until late. Want us to come back?
Liam: I'm hanging with Hunter, Leo, Jake and Scar at her house. I sigh.
"What's up with them?" I ask. Reid shrugs.
"I don't think he's cheating on you." He says trying to comfort me. I look at him puzzled.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Hunter, your boyfriend..." He trails off, as if jogging my memory. My eyes widen remembering that he thinks Hunter and I are together.
"Oh. Yeah, I wasn't really worried about that." I explain. He gives me another weird look. "He wouldn't dare, he knows what I would do if he did." I cover up quickly. Reid chuckles.
"I'm sure, if you ask, he would tell you." He comments.
"Thanks Reid." His phone lights up and he looks down at it. A smirk comes onto his lips.
"Is that one of them?" I ask.
"No. It's Tiffany, I'm going to go." He tells me.
"I thought you found her annoying and needy." I reply.
"I do, but I'm not going to turn down a fuck." He winks. I pull a face.
"Well, I should go too." I put everything in my bag. He gets up, and reaches down for my hand to help me up.
"I'll see you around." He says walking off. I walk back to my car, and just sit behind the steering thinking about everything. Was there a reason why Reid was being so nice to me? Did Kyle put him up to it? I shake it off. I hate that I always automatically think that everything has to do with Kyle. I can't get one whole day where he's not in my thoughts, and not in the good way. Then there was Hunter, what was he hiding? What did he not want me or Reid to know? I grab my keys and start the car. I pull away from the curb and head home.
I arrived home a while ago, and have been sitting in the hot tub for most of the time. I lean my head against the side, looking up.
"Do you know what's going on?" I ask up into the sky.
"Going on with what?" Hunter asks. I jump, hitting my head. I groan in pain, staring up at him.
"Has everything been OK today?" He asks, sitting down on the side next to me. I turn to look at him. I nod.
"What about you? What did Reid have to say?" I ask watching him intently.
"Not a lot." He replies.
"That's interesting because I was with him earlier. Want to explain to me how he can be in two places at once?" I comment. Hunter swallows noticeably.
What do you think Hunter is hiding?
Is that how you imagined Jake? ;)
What did you think?
What will happen next?
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CC ;)
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