Chapter 1 - 'I know what I saw.'
This book is dedicated to Author_Bae for thinking of this amazing title!! It goes perfectly with the book as not only does Scar have the war in Hell she also has to choose which fate she wants. ;) Thank you all for the amazing title suggestions I had a really hard time choosing!! ;)
I kick open the door to what is probably the fifth property I have been to in the last week. After my boyfriend dying; my once friend, now enemy, taking him; my family and friends thinking I'm crazy; and coming home to find the head of Reid's killer, you probably think my life can only get better, right? Not if you're the devil's daughter. Life only gets weirder every second. I thought that after the head, Kyle would have left me alone, but no, he liked to keep tormenting me by sending me 'presents' and notes. The day after I found the head, I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, no one was there. However, at my feet, I saw a thick envelope. When I opened it on the floor, hundreds of photos fell out. They were all of Reid looking like he had just been tortured, some of them in the process of torture. A couple of them showed landscapes and attractions with Reid stood in front of them, they were showing me where they were. Along with the photos was a note:
Miss him yet? Here are some photos to help.
Remember when we used to play hide and seek? Well I'm hidden ready for you to find me.
K x
Every day I would determine where they were and teleport there instantly. I would get there only to find the place empty or with a surprise. The surprises included demons torment, the special demons or just an explosion. However, they made sure not to kill me. I kept getting a similar thing each day, all including photos of where they were and photos of Reid. I was getting tired and pissed off and today's pack was the worst. Instead of the hundreds of photos of Reid, I usually got, I received a couple of Reid looking healthy and happy. He was with another woman kissing her. As the photos went on, their clothes came off. The photos stopped when they were in their underwear. The note was different too;
You better find him soon; he's already moving on to someone who isn't a monster.
K x
I knew when I looked at the photos; he didn't know what he was doing, because his eyes were clouded over. Kyle was just playing with me. Instead of clues of their whereabouts I received one photo. It was of the Statue of Liberty with an address scrawled over it. I immediately teleport to the address, and when I arrived, the street was deserted. I looked up and saw that it was a rundown apartment building. The door was dented like it had been forced open, a foreclosure sign on the floor by the door. I went up to the apartment number on the photo, wary of my surroundings. That is how I got to where I am now, standing in a doorway, with the door hanging off its hinges. I look around and see that the room looks good compared to the outside of the building. It even looks good as new. I walk in, my boots clicking on the shiny floor. I am wary of every step I take, scared that it could set something off. I was ready to give up looking yesterday, but the way the photos changed and the way I was given an address meant that something changed. I know Kyle too well; he always changes his routine for a reason. I turn into the living room and nothing has been set off. I breathe out a small sigh of relief; I usually get attacked or surprised before I even take two steps into the property. I run at my fastest speed around the rest of the apartment, trying not to look at the bed that were in the photos, and see that I am alone. I am back in the living room, now confused, why would he send me to an empty apartment, except for the furniture? I take my phone out and hit Kyle's contact. Ever since I found out it was him, I kept trying to contact him, but he would never pick up. It's just a stab in the dark to see whether this time he will. It starts to ring and that's when I start to hear a ringing from further in the apartment. I follow it and end up in the bedroom again; I avoid looking at the bed and search for the phone. It sounds like it is echoing so I go to the bedside table and open the top drawer, and there it is. The screen is lit up and shows my name. I pick the phone up and hang it up, sighing. Well that's helpful.
"I believe that belongs to me." Kyle says from behind me. I spin around and throw a fireball at him. He shakes his head, moving out of the way. The fireball goes into the living room and hits the couch setting it alight, I try again, but again he dodges it. Now the living room and chest of drawers are alight. Kyle sighs.
"You shouldn't have done that," He walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I hear the tap run, and he comes back with a jug of water, throwing it over the chest of drawers before doing the same with the couch. He then comes back into the bedroom. "I'll have to replace them now."
"What are you doing Kyle?" I ask. He ignores my question. I look down at the phone in my hands and see it is password protected. I try a couple, but none open it.
"You won't get it." He says. I raise my eyebrow at him. Challenge accepted. I try and think like him. What would be the last thing I would think of for his password? I try a couple more and still don't get in. I then think of one, would he? I narrow my eyes at him and then enter it. 7227 I'm in. Kyle's eyes widen.
"How'd you..."
"I didn't know you cared so much." I joke, looking down at the phone. I am about to open the messages, when Kyle runs at me trying to snatch it out of my hands.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah." I scold him, stepping back. "Finders keepers." Kyle rolls his eyes. I start to look through his messages, I don't find anything incriminating or telling me where Reid is – it's all between him and me before I found out he was leading it. I hear Kyle start to talk.
"Hello... yes... it looks like I'll be here for a little longer." I freeze and look up at Kyle who is on another mobile. He gives me a smile and a wink. This isn't the phone he is using; he wanted me to find it. I don't want to know why so I throw the phone at him. He ducks, the phone shattering on impact with the wall. He hangs up the phone he was talking on and puts it back in his pocket.
"You didn't think I would be that stupid, did you?" He asks me. How could I have been so stupid? If he really wanted it he would have kept trying to get it.
"Are you going to tell me why I'm here yet?" I ask getting annoyed. "Or are you just wasting my time?" He looks down at his watch and then groans.
"They're late." He remarks. I throw my hands up in the air.
"Who's late?" I ask. He doesn't reply. It looked like he wasn't going to say anything else, and Reid wasn't here, my patience had run out. I didn't care who was coming, they would have to do without me. I was tired and had waited long enough.
"That's it, I've had enough." I tell him, running and grabbing him by the neck. His eyes hold a gleeful look, like he was expecting this, I've had enough of him and this whole situation and now I am here with an opportunity to stop this whole thing.
"Any last words?" I ask him as I grab his head and pull it off, the blood spraying onto my clothes. I wipe my hands down my vest as the doorbell rings. I drop Kyle's head and walk to the door, swinging my arms, feeling care free. Kyle's gone, finally, all I need to do is find Reid now. I open the door and scream. Kyle was stood there, smiling down at me. I pull the handle of the sword out of my waistband and without hesitation swing it around, pressing the button, so the blade comes out. Kyle's head rolls off his shoulders and onto the floor, his body slumping. Is he like the new demons, can he come back? I run back to the bedroom to verify and see Kyle is still headless on the floor. What is happening? It's just a trick, I keep telling myself over and over. He's just playing with you.
"What happened here?" A voice says behind me. I spin around and see another Kyle. Without hesitation I cut his head off as well. Why is it so easy? They're not even trying to stop me; they almost look like they want me to kill them. Are any of these even the real Kyle? I walk out into the living room, wanting to leave. I open the door and see hundreds more clones of Kyle in the hall. I back away and pinch myself, wanting it to be a dream. Nothing happens, this is real. They follow me in and back me into the wall. I fall to the floor, feeling like I'm going crazy. I bring my phone out with shaking hands and text my dad one word.
All the Kyles start to walk towards me and I push myself further into the wall. I draw a half circle around me in fire. It won't stop them, but it'll slow them down. The fire would hurt demons; however I'm immune to it. If it did kill them, then half the demons in hell would be dead, as all of us have fallen in the fire pits. We usually come out more tanned, no scars, as the fire burnt our skin. I close my eyes, I can't fight them all off, I wait for it to all be over. I wait for my death. I wonder as I wait what limbo will be like. Will it be peaceful? Will it be our own hell? I was told as a child that it's not a nice place.
"Scar?!" My dad asks. I sigh in relief and open my eyes and see that the Kyles have gone, and my dad is stood outside of the ring of fire, looking confused. I look around the room and see there is no sign of them ever being here, even the bodies have gone. I mirror my dad's expression.
"Wh- How?" I exclaim confused.
"Scar, what are you doing here?"
"There was loads of Kyle. I killed them but they kept coming. I got a note with this address." I didn't tell him the rest.
"You're just imagining it. It's impossible what you are describing." He says walking through the fire. "There's nothing here, I didn't see anything leave or move."
The couch was fixed and looked like the rest of the apartment – new. I rubbed my hands over my face. What is happening? The door opens and the woman from the photos is stood there, looking around the apartment. I growl.
"What are you doing here, in my apartment?" She asks. Her apartment? Of course, I should have guessed from the photos. I rush at her, and grab her by the neck, slamming her into the wall. I squeeze my hand until her face turns slowly red and then purple. My dad quickly follows and pulls me off of her.
"I'm sorry. Forget what you saw." He says looking right into her eyes, trying to make her forget. She looks over at me and gives me a wink and smirk.
"Oh. Hi. Can I help you?" She asks, faking amnesia. I go to punch her but my dad grabs my arm tightly. Who does this bitch think she is? My dad may be clueless but I know better, she is in on this whole thing, she knew what she was doing with Reid and knows who I am. My dad may think his compulsion worked, but it didn't.
"No. Sorry to intrude." My dad says pulling me out of the apartment. I struggle against him, but he gives me his devil glare and I stop.
"I'm not mad. I know what I saw." I tell him when we have left the apartment building.
"Sure. Have you been drinking blood lately?" He asks, as if he doesn't believe me.
"Yes. Of course." I tell him. He sighs and shakes his head.
"Just go home. No more adventures." He commands, running his hand through his hair.
"Argh, I'm trying to find Reid and Kyle, more than you are doing." I exclaim.
"Reid is not missing, and I am trying to find Kyle, but you're not helping if I need to come and save you from something you are just imagining." He says through his teeth. I glare at him and teleport home. Why won't he believe me, his own daughter? I stomp into the kitchen and grab a bag of blood, devouring it. I throw the bag into the trash angrily. I realise that tomorrow is the day that Grant will tell me what he knows. I calm down slightly; maybe he knows something that will help.
There you go the first part is up!!! Hope you liked it!
A shout out to JewlWiggins! Go and check out her book 'My undead lover'. For the other people that asked don't worry I haven't forgotten, I thought it would be fairer if I did one at a time. ;)
Was Scar imagining it?
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Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, sharing and following (to those of you who do that ;))
CC ;)
Edited 18 July 2016
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