Chapter 3.1
The hypnotic pull of the swirling lights before the Agkistrodon kept Vatra's full focus. Despite the fact that the ship was in auto-pilot through the gambol, Vatra maintained a steady grip on the controls. Her eyes never left the glass in front of her.
She felt a chill through her bones, as numbing as a winter's breeze, but her stubbornness kept her from moving her hands. Instead, Vatra wiggled her toes in her boots. She'd freeze before she let her mind wander.
It was obvious the others didn't agree with her plan to will snowdrifts into the Agkistrodon.
Revna slipped into the cockpit and sat into the seat beside Vatra with a shiver. "The gambol doesn't have to be this cold," Revna said. She reached forward, but stopped her hand short when Vatra covered the controls protectively.
"It saves fuel, and we didn't get much extra from Tau Honnor. They decided to keep the reserves for themselves against the coming war," Vatra mumbled. She tried to hide the fact her teeth were chattering.
"You really think your friend Lorenzo is going to arm up a bunch of ships and go after Hephaestus?" Revna questioned.
"Tau Honnor can be a pretty terrifying place when the people decide to fight back. They didn't take too kindly to Hephaestus turning all those gods into monsters on their station. We should be ever so grateful that a neutral territory like that goes to war. At least we have them on our side," Vatra said.
Revna pursed her lips. "Speaking of sides. Now that the Morrígan are clearly not on ours, where are we going? Somewhere warmer, I hope." She pulled her arms around her tight, looking out through the window before them with a wishful gaze.
Sighing, Vatra switched the controls to allow a cycle of warm air into the Agkistrodon.
Gods, she plays pitiful well.
"Much warmer, actually," Vatra said. She traced down the controls and clicked on a song she'd been holding on to until the right moment. Like a child waiting to show-off something they found until their friends were around. Vatra giggled to herself.
The familiar catchy tune of "Kokomo" played through the speakers.
Revna looked up at the speakers above their head, the threat of a smile at the corners of her lips. "I'm sure Enyalius is loving this right now."
"Oh, I sure hope he is." Vatra leaned back in her chair, propping her boots up on the control panel.
She was still bitter about Enyalius and Hisato professing their feelings for her. It had affected her more than she thought it would have, but they didn't really have time to discuss it much further. Though, she would be lying if she said she wasn't just avoiding the conversation altogether.
Once we get to where we need to go.
"Seriously, though, where are we going?" Revna pushed.
Vatra opened her mouth to speak, but the shuffled steps of someone else nosing their way into the cockpit made her turn her head sharply. She narrowed her eyes at Enyalius, nostrils flaring, and sunk further down in her seat.
"Yes, please, tell us we're not listening to this song just because you have some twisted sense of humor and want to annoy the hell out of everyone here. If your choice of music has any consistency, I'd place a bet our field trip takes us somewhere we all might enjoy," the god said.
Enyalius crossed his arms over the headrest of Revna's chair and leaned his chin on his forearm. The spiraling lights outside the ship danced across his face, casting shadows through the curls lightly touching his forehead. He cut a glance to Vatra when she didn't reply.
"Vatra?" His tone was serious. Enyalius stood up, moments from stepping closer to her, when Vatra chuckled.
"What? I was just thinking about all the things I'm looking forward to when we get to this planet. You all had your fun, and now it's my turn for my idea of a distraction," Vatra said.
"It's not like you to go out and have fun when we still have responsibilities out here. We have to help those being hunted by Hephaestus until we can make a move against him. And Spyro-" Enyalius started, but Vatra cut him off.
"This planet isn't just for me. While it is a good place for us to stop and enjoy some sights, I heard Ares was seen there recently. I thought it might be a good time to try our hand at another responsibility since our plan with the Morrígan didn't go so well," Vatra shot.
"You could have led with that," Enyalius dead-panned.
Vatra shrugged. "Maybe."
"You're still mad at me for earlier," Enyalius stated.
"Uh," Revna cleared her throat, "I should leave you two to talk. Should I send in Hisato, too?"
"No," Vatra said hastily. She sat up and took her boots off the control panel. The metal clanked with a hollow thud to the floor. "I'm not finishing this conversation right now at all. Maybe after I have a few dozen drinks on a beach and a good nap in the sand."
Enyalius laughed softly and nodded. "All right, I can agree to that. What planet is this, anyway? I can't say I'd expect my father to visit a planet that sounds so much like a vacation to the Bahamas."
The animosity tensing Vatra's muscles waned. She exhaled slowly, pushing back the temper flaring in her veins. Deep down, she knew she'd feel better after she talked to them about it. But, now wasn't the time.
I just need more time, she thought. More time to prepare for the change that was to come.
"Teruta," Vatra said. "As much as you seemed to like Tau Honnor, I think you'll really like this place. In fact, I'm not sure I'll be able to convince any of you to leave. We'll probably stay here for a while. Until we get any leads, that is."
"And it's safe?" Revna asked.
Nodding, Vatra tapped the control panel. "The person that told me Ares was spotted in Teruta is an old friend of mine. This planet isn't involved in any wars. It's an exclusive retreat planet."
"Are you saying my father literally paid for a vacation?" Enyalius asked, brows furrowing in disbelief.
"I'm saying Ares paid for a very expensive trip to a planet that's under strict security. A place where only the richest and most affluent beings in the universe go to relax. Also, I'm pretty sure he paid for two because I think he has Spy with him," Vatra replied.
"Shit, and he would have never even gone to an amusement park with me," Enyalius muttered. He widened his eyes. "Wait, how the hell are we going to get there, then? Even if we combined all our credits, I doubt we could afford a single ticket to this place."
"My friend owes me big time, and she has the in for the planet. She's already put the Agkistrodon on the permitted entry list. We can go anywhere on Teruta."
There was a loud stomping beyond the cockpit. It sounded like someone was running toward them, careless to how much noise they were making.
"Teruta?" Fulgora nearly tripped over herself into the already crowded cockpit. She paused, steadying her uneven breaths from exerting herself during her run. "Is that why this music has been playing? I thought maybe you just couldn't find your usual rock playlist," the goddess added.
"You've heard of this place?" Enyalius asked her.
Fulgora nodded vigorously. "I've dreamed of Teruta ever since I've heard of it. Exclusive planet? I practically belong there. We're really going?"
"Might as well tell the others to get ready for a little wellness trip," Vatra said with a faint smile. "I think we're almost there."
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