Chapter VIII - Remember who you are!
The star that gives life to humanity shines on the infinite celestial mantle, with no clouds surrounding it, but a distant storm, rare at this time of year, adorns the horizon with shadows as dark as the unknown depths of the ocean.
Yang Lian watches Yang Ji play on her balcony, while Yang Ming walks with Yang Feng in a nearby park. She holds a light wooden sword and tries to strike fencing blows in the air, which she had read about in old books she found in her father's things. Sweat drips down the little girl's face and her breathing becomes increasingly breathless. Yang Ji leaves the sword on the ground, puts her unruly strands of hair back and approaches her brother.
— Lian, can you tell me stories? — sits down next to Yang Lian.
— Yes.
— But can't be horror stories.
— Really?
— Of course, you have lots of scary and dark stories. I don't want to hear any more of them.
— What stories do you want to hear?
— Any nice one that isn't horror. You travelled to learn a lot of things when you were Ming's age, what did you learn during that?
— Complicated things for you to understand.
— Like physics?
— I learnt physics from the Greeks and Persians.
— Are there any foreign stories that aren't too complicated?
— Would you like to hear about the legend of an immortal king?
— Yes — he says, smiling.
Yang Lian tells his little sister the Epic of Gilgamesh, who listens attentively to the story and his explanation.
— Why did he want to be immortal if he was going to witness the death of everyone he loved like Enkidu?
— Perhaps Gilgamesh hadn't thought of that.
— Why does everyone want to be immortal? If I create an elixir of eternal life, can I sell it for an expensive price?
— You just mentioned the principle of demand and supply, the Jin would be proud of you.
— What's that?
— Why are precious stones expensive?
— Because they're rare?
— And?
— Because lots of people want them?
— That's right.
— I'm more excited about playing now, not studying finance.
— What game do you have in mind?
— I don't know… Let's sew clothes for flying ducks!
— Although ducks have wings, they can't fly.
— Why don't they fly?
— I don't know, maybe they're too heavy? Are their wings weak? Do they lack intelligence?
— So let's buy a duck, put it on a diet and exercise while we teach it every day how to fly.
— We can try, but we must have a duck specialist with us, because the animal needs to be well looked after.
— Yay! Let's buy a duck and then hire a specialist to look after it.
— I'll get the money.
Situated on the side of a mountain that retains a stunning beauty, there is a balcony graced by the light of the sun's diminishing rays, which humbly diminish their majesty to make room for the moon. The sky is painted in vibrant reds and yellows. The breeze is sweet, but it's getting colder. The act of gazing at the celestial painting is as cosy as sitting around a fire on a winter's dawn.
In the peace that exists only far from his clan, Zhu Yin rests far away from everything he hates most. It's not often that he gets the chance to leave his clan's district without professional reasons, but as a result of wounds acquired in a bloody battle, he was forced to take time away from his duties, and at his request, he was given the chance to rest wherever he wished. Despite his recovery, the leader has no intention of risking his best warrior and remains extremely cautious.
Zhu Yin only contemplates the beautiful and ordinary artwork drawn in the sky. However, noises coming from the ground indicate that someone has been injured. A child who was venturing into the unknown, exploring the “immense forest full of monsters” (valley), fell while running away from the “mind-eating beasts” (birds) and began to cry. Realising the situation, Zhu Yin came down from the hillside to meet the little boy. When he arrived, he saw the child's tiny arm coloured with blood, even though it was a minor injury.
— Calm down, it's ok, first we'll clean the wound, and then we'll bandage it, OK? Then we'll go to the lake, do you want me to carry you there?
— No need, it doesn't hurt to walk — the two arrived at the lake, which was just a few steps away.
— Is it burning badly? — he says as he wipes away the blood.
— It hurts a bit, but I can take it!
— Keep going a bit longer, I know you're strong, and you'll make it — a reassuring tone is present in his voice.
— Yes, I'm strong! — and before long, Zhu Yin finished.
— Now I require a bandage… oh, I don't have one — after thinking quickly, he comes to a conclusion — All right, use the bandage that covers my eye, it should be enough — he unties it and makes a bandage.
— That's nice! You have a warrior's scar!
— Yes.
— How many monsters have you defeated?
— I don't exactly fight monsters, but if you're excited like that, it doesn't seem like your wound is hurting.
— Oh, that's nothing, no pain can get me down!
— I'd better prepare some medicine for you, because even if you're strong, it's no fun being in pain for hours.
— H-hours!
— Don't worry, I'm a doctor — he says smiling — wait here, I'll be back in a little while — he does what he says.
— That's quick!
— I can't be long, because you need to get home before dark.
— I'm not such a little kid any more to have to go home early, I'm already six years old! — The excitement in his smile is contagious.
— But you need to protect the people you love from the monsters that appear at night.
— Yeah, they wouldn't be able to manage without me, I scare all the ugly monsters!
— Do you want me to help you get home?
— Thanks, but I remember the way very well — the two say goodbye and the child returns home.
Zhu Yin hurried home because he didn't want her location to become known. His parents were deserters who, despite having risen to nobility, were still discovered and killed by the Zhu clan. However, almost all of their assets have remained hidden, like this house on the mountain, which makes it a safe hiding place.
He goes into his room, locks it and tries to breathe. Zhu Yin doesn't have the balance to continue walking and sits down next to the door. His posture slumps and he hugs himself as tears run down his face.
His purpose of: “end the war by eliminating all those responsible” is almost nothing more than a distant memory of naïve idealisation because, the longer this killing goes on, the more he wants to abandon the plan and kill the one human he believes doesn't deserve to live.
Most of the troublemakers in his clan are dead, with only the leader Zhu remaining, but among the Yang, there is still much to do. Zhu Yin has long since forgotten who he is, the doctor who always cared about life has become a murderer.
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