Chapter IX - Tests are the fuel for the flame of determination
— Only you came? — his eyes widen.
— I don't understand, are the others late?
— I hope so, we'll wait for them — he breathes more frantically, while his gaze is low.
— Is there a problem?
— Let's just wait a little longer — Yang Cheng's irrational hope no longer exists — There's no point! They won't come...
— What happened?
— I summoned all the generals after being informed that some high-ranking militaries, including Yang Yingyue, had been murdered. However, I didn't expect that only you would attend.
— Why did they die? — Despite his calm demeanour, his anger is growing.
— Jiang Shi, he's come back to haunt us.
— We must call master Wen, this is a serious matter that requires his presence — he continues to keep his gaze fixed on the leader, masking the impotence he feels when he realises that his work hasn't been enough.
— I thought you knew what happened to the marshal — Yang Lian loses his composure — Calm down, he should be fine, a doctor is looking after him.
— What happened to my master? — His speech is frantic, his shoulders are tensed and Yang Cheng can hear him breathing heavily.
— Nothing out of the ordinary, it's just that problem again.
— I see — and he settles down, relaxing his posture.
— At night we'll certainly have his support, but right now, it's down to the two of us.
– We're not Jiang Shi's only enemies, it's possible to make them our allies because we're on the same side of this conflict.
— Which of them do you intend to ally ourself with?
— The emperor and the Zhu clan — before the sentence was finished, Yang Cheng furiously slammed his hand on the table, demonstrating the disagreement that rises when the Zhu clan is mentioned.
— You're as crazy as the marshal! — and frowns.
— This idea is not immoral or even unreasonable, so we have no reason to restrict our means.
— It's a question of honour! They are OUR enemies!
— I don't believe it's honourable to allow our clan to collapse out of pride.
— Fight to win, but don't diminish the clan's reputation — he sighs.
– It would be feasible to draw Jiang Shi into a direct confrontation, surely master Wen would defeat him — he pauses — Have the changes that were ordered been made to the prison?
— Yes, the marshal upset me so much that it was no longer possible to ignore it.
The wooden items have been replaced by iron ones and the guard system has changed.
— In the meantime I order you to kill Jiang Shi, we won't arrest him.
— Master Wen taught me that we mustn't take the lives of others — regardless of his master's stance, he only wishes to avoid unnecessary deaths, especially that of a friend, yet he uses the marshal's name to convince Yang Cheng.
— You're a military man, that's not within your power.
— Master Wen is a marshal who protects life, he is the example that both things can be reconciled.
— Our goal isn't to protect life or follow any morals, we're just fighting to win.
— Your objective is that, mine is another. But don't worry, we'll beat Jiang Shi without killing anyone.
— So tell me genius, how will you make this a reality?
— I already told you, by luring Jiang Shi to Master Wen for a fight.
— You talk as if I don't realise the obvious, the problem is how to execute this idea.
— I'll take care of it — he ends the conversation, leaving Leader Yang without the information.
Fearless in his ideas and motivated to win, Yang Lian walks aimlessly through the streets of the clan, continuing to make his pragmatic and creative strategies that are nearing their end. The marshal's orders to Yang Lian are to increase the clan's security as much as possible in order to attract Jiang Shi.
Yang Lian is certain that Yang Cheng will be one of the targets of the series of assassinations, just like him and his master, but the fact that the clan leader is the most vulnerable of the three makes him perfect bait because the next planned death will certainly be his. However, in order to maintain safety during the execution of his plan, before he goes ahead, he spends hours of his day making sure that no one gets hurt as a result of his ideas.
Over time, questions arise in Yang Lian's mind. As he meticulously carries out his plan, he wonders why he is still alive and worries that he may have been spared only to be used in his enemy's plans, however he remembers that he is very close to Marshal Yang, which gives him greater security. Nevertheless, his commitment is kept above reproach and he continues to work until nightfall.
His efforts have drained all his energy and he returns home. Yang Lian is greeted by one of Yang Jingyi's servants and a bouncy little boy who accompanies her.
— Brother, brother, you've been gone all day and Mum's been worried sick, she's made the whole house mad, even more than Ji Ji with the duck.
— Sorry, I was busy.
— I'm glad you're here! — Yang Ming approaches, holding a duck — Please, Lian, have Shu⁷ taken out of the house.
— Shu?
— That's the name of the duckling you gave me — intrudes Yang Ji.
— Just obey our mum.
— She's busy looking after dad.
— I see, what a mess — he laughs.
— Lian, help me out here — says Yang Ming, panting.
— All right, a-Ming, just get Shu out of the house, you've certainly had a lot of fun with him and it's time for bed — Yang Ming sigh.
— It's a good thing I'm not as old as you two, it's a lot of responsibility — says Yang Feng.
— Won't Shu get cold? — replies Yang Ji, reluctantly.
— No, it has feathers and outside is more suitable for animals.
— All right, then.
— Shan Qing, please put them to sleep for me — he asks the maidservant.
— Yes, I will.
Yang Lian hurries to meet the marshal. He waits by the bedroom door, uncertain whether he will be allowed in. Noticing his presence, Yang Jingyi beckons him in.
— Master Wen, how are you?
— Hi, Lian, I'm very well, Jingyi was too worried.
— I don't worry too much, you don't look after yourself properly.
— Seriously, I'm fine.
— You fainted!
— It's nothing.
— Can we discuss the job? — he interrupts them.
— Yes, more effort is needed to ensure the safety of the clan.
— And more rest is needed to ensure your safety.
— Don't worry, I've had it since that day, and it's been long enough for me to know how to cope.
— What if it's the result of an injury? You should be careful.
– I've had no physical injuries.
— Excuse me, could we work? — says Yang Lian, who longs for objectivity.
— Tomorrow you'll sort out your problems.
— I'll be quick, rest a bit while we talk.
– Fine, but don't delay — she realises how determined the two of them are and gives up on stopping them. To give them space, Yang Jingyi eats steamed vegetables in the kitchen.
— Master Wen, I want you to see if I did everything right today.
— Tell me, I'll help you — Yang Lian stops for a moment and starts waving his hands, trying to find a way to say so much information — All right, you can write it down if it's easier.
— That's right, I had recorded everything I did to organise it and then give it to you — he takes out a scroll from his hanfu and hands it to his master, who reads it.
— Your plan is fine, I'd just change one thing.
— Really?
— Yes.
— Memorise what you've read, because I need to burn the scroll to prevent it from becoming known to an enemy.
— You've learnt well — he smiles as he sees his disciple following his teaching
Yang Lian, having noticed the fragrance exuded by Yang Jingyi's vegetables, deduces that the fire is burning in the kitchen, a safe place to reduce only the scroll to ashes and not the whole house. He places the paper next to the wood, ignoring his master's wife, who watches him without understanding his actions.
— I came back, the information turned to ash as I watched.
— Did you burn yourself?
— No.
– And I want to know more about what you wrote about Jiang Shi — he pauses — What do you mean you found him on your own, taking a risk, and you haven't told me?
— You didn't ask me to.
— Try not to forget to tell me everything related to the war.
— I'll try — Yang Wen smiles — That day, I met him by accident, but I imagine he was following me.
— Don't do that again.
— It wasn't deliberate. I'll try.
— And how was the interaction?
— Fun, we talked for hours! I got too carried away, finally I have someone to debate philosophy with. By the way, we've been best friends for a while now.
— I get it, but be careful not to be too innocent.
— Was I naive?
— Not really. From what you've written, it's clear that you know your enemy better than the rest of us. And despite being aware of the danger he represents, you haven't tried to distance yourself from him.
– I'd forgotten that we're enemies. I mean, we're friends, it's our clans that are enemies.
— Just be more cautious, I'm starting to think it's a bad idea to let you leave the clan on your own.
— Don't worry, I'll take care of myself.
Faced with the dominance of the shadows under the sky, Yang Wen once again absents himself from his home, without anyone's knowledge, avoiding worrying his wife with the trivialities of the work of a marshal of a warring clan, and meets up with Yang Cheng. Leader Yang hasn't finished his work and is still at the Pavilion of the Sun, his delay due to the unforeseen events of the day.
— Excuse me leader, I'll be your bodyguard until we find Jiang Shi — he greets him.
— And how are you going to find him? Your disciple didn't tell me anything and left before I finished talking — he says, putting his hand on his waist.
— Sorry about him, I'll tell you the plan.
— Good.
— We imagine that you're one of Jiang Shi's targets, so I'll keep you safe. He'll certainly try to get me away from you in order to get closer, but my disciple has managed to prepare for any trouble that might come to attract my attention, and if you try to distract me, you'll be walking into a trap.
— Thank you — he sighs, a little relieved of his anger.
— You should go to sleep, there's nothing to worry about.
— I've almost finished my work, then I'll go home.
— I understand, I'll wait for you.
— It's good to have you with me — he picks up some records — Who will the new generals be?
— No-one yet, I'd rather avoid any more targets for Jiang Shi.
— I understand, but we need their labour, we should have military personnel temporarily fulfilling their duties.
— I thought of that earlier today, don't worry, I'll sort it out.
— Thank you for your work, it's difficult to maintain the army when you're away. And on that subject, I'm worried about your health.
— It's nothing, I've had it since I was a child and it's not a disease.
— It's dangerous, what if it happens on the battlefield?
— I find it difficult, during battles it's as if I gain more strength, although I always feel out of the reality.
— I'll take your word for it.
Not long afterwards, Leader Yang completes his duties and returns home accompanied by the marshal. It is a vast, empty palace, the servants sleep and only the sentries stand in the darkness of the moonless night. The decorations are old, classic of the past generation, and it seems that nothing has changed in decades. However, there are strange empty spaces that indicate the removal of something, perhaps works of art, because none are found on display in the mansion.
Yang Cheng doesn't initiate any conversation, he just sleeps. The marshal remains alert throughout the night and is a bad sleeper, however he is still able to stay awake because he is used to it from his experiences in the war. And even the majestic sunlight doesn't brighten up the mansion, which remains as lonely as Yang Cheng.
Early in the morning, they return to the Pavilion of the Sun and Yang Cheng continues working, just working. Later, Yang Lian knocks on the door, the marshal allows him in and approaches his disciple.
— Master Wen, why did you call me?
— Hi, Lian, if we keep going at this pace, it'll take us a while to fulfil our objective, so we'll speed things up a bit.
— How?
— By opening the way from Jiang Shi to Yang Cheng. Weeks ago, during the conference of the three clans, I got an ally and I want you to work with him. Just find him and you'll know what to do.
— And how will I meet him?
— He'll be waiting for you at the entrance to the Golden Palace, at the eleven o'clock — the marshal limited the information, because he didn't want Yang Cheng to understand.
— There's not much time left, should I go now?
— Soon, I'll go with Yang Cheng to the Jin clan because I have no intention of leaving any of you alone, at least until you enter their district, which is safer than our clan. I'll drop you off just after I cross the gate... Do you know where the Golden Palace is?
⁷ "Shu" literally means tree, there's no reason for the choice of name, and there really isn't supposed to be.
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