The Whills stood at a cliffs edge, looking down to the green forest below. The sky, filled with dancing aurora's. Blues and greens, reds too, reflected of green eyes. Stongs winds picked up as the grey storm clouds rolled in bearing thunder and lightning. Defeaning to ears and echoing the drums of a beating heart. Floating mountians dotted with ever changing flora, as they constantly shifted between death and life, just as Sun and Moon brought day and night. A mirialan watched the odd beings of light and dark, and both, all glow in unison as they reflected the ever changing environment around them.
"Compasion..."the Whills bellowed like great thunder.
"Love..." their voices flowed like honey.
"Fear..." the Whills spoke in a voice of sadness.
"Know this, what is loved, what is of compasion and what is of fear...dies" never before had the young Force sensitive heard of, or seen for that matter, these creatures.
The eternal beings parted to reveal a shadowed figure standing at the cliffs edge, beyond Ryki's reach. A man stood with slouched shoulders. Defeat and sadness rolled of him in great waves. Something about him felt odly familiar, maybe his scent or the taste of his lips.
Hunter turned around to meet Ryki's eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in hi tattered form. He looked like he had just fell from a great height. Hair dishevelled, fresh scars on his handsome face.
"What happened to you?"
Ryki tried to reach for him but strong arms held her back. The Whills gathered around her, masked like faces turned to face Ryki. "No power in the galaxy may change!"
Their command rang through Ryki's bones and into the smallest of cells, embedding themselves in her mind.
"You cannot change the inevitable"
Blaster fire began to pick up making Ryki unconciously sheild herself. To her surprise, the blaster shots passed through her body and left trails of stardust as they passed through. "Hunter!"
The Marauder came to view hovering inches away from the cliffside. A woman reached out desparately.
"Take my hand! Hunter, take my hand!" Ryki watched her ownself call out to Hunter. Time slowed down but the dreaded feeling surged up like bile in her throat. She knew. She just knew, that Hunter would fall like a injured bird.
"No! Hunter, no!"
Breaking free from the Whills' grip, Ryki launched herself to grab hold of her lover. It was all for not because the Whills surrounded her in an instant. Their ghostly bodies began to circle her, throwing taunts and spiteful words and Ryki's direction. They told her that any efforts to save her dear lover would be fruitless. Ryki didn't care and neither did she give a damn about the power of the Whills. Electricity surged through her body when she tried to reach beyond her ghostly cage.
One last time, Hunter turned to look as his lover. "Don't fret, my love." Hunter jumped of the cliff side. Fingers just missed my millimeters and gravity pulled him down. A piercing cry left Ryki when he plummeted to his supposed death and the world tilted, throwing everthing unbound and bound to gravity crashed into themselve. Whills screamed and dispersed, Ryki fell into an abyss. Rain began to pour down like those in the storms of Kamino. A great sea opened up way down below, its large waves now illuminated by lightning.
Hunter's body was a few meters from hers. They fell through a cloud and emerging on the other side was... Omega.
"Help me!"
The little girls screams and fear writen on her face made Ryki cry. Once again, she tried to reach out to help. Too little, too late. Waves opened up and engulfed Omega.
Ryki was swallowed by the waves next, Omega slowly sinking into the darkness. They tried to swim to each other. Just finger tips away, so close to saving the young girl.
Water began to swirl voilently below Omega's feet sending a rogue current. Omega screamed and water rushed into her lungs. Her fingers faltered and her body gave into the current. Ryki watched in horror as the girl she came to love was dragged away into the sea.
Screams left the mirialan. Pain surged in her lungs as the salty water occupied the cavity of her lungs and the water pressure crushing her ribs.
Omega was showered under the warm lights in her room, sleeping soundly as the Havoc Marauder sailed gently in space. Ryki trailed a finger over the clones forehead then tucking a stray lock of blonde curls behind her ear. Omega hummed and snuggled closer to Lula. Images of Omega drowning surfaced into Ryki's mind every now and then. "I won't let anything happen to you," whispers of her promise towards Omega, hoping that her Force visions would not come through.
At first she thought of cuddling with the child but fat tears began to pour down Ryki's face. The mirialan quietly drifted to the cockpit, now empty since most of the boys had also gone to sleep. Tech's vacant chair gave her the best view of hyperspace. Watching the stars pass by as light streaks was both comforting and nauseating.
"It's not real...It won't happen" she prayed to the maker.
"What won't happen?"
Ryki jumped a little, thinking Hunter had caught her.
He did.
The sergeant walked in to occupy the co-pilots, sifting his fingers through his hair. Since their kiss on Ord Mantel, the two had been on edge around each other. Both scared to advance on the other. After Ryki told him she could not be with him, Hunter didn't want to press on any further. Not that he gave up on their love, just afraid of how'd Ryki would react if they ever confronted their feelings.
He still loved her. Nothing changed that.
"I-It's nothing" Ryki gripped the arm rests tightly. "Why aren't you asleep?"
Hunter toyed with his fingers nervously. He wanted to say, 'I can't stop thinking about you' , "I heard you. You were crying and I was worried."
Ryki's throat felt dry, she simply stayed silent while trying to fight back her tears. She felt as though this sad moment would be the last she shared with Hunter.
Hunter leaned forwards and closer to her, worry lacing his voice "A-are you alright?"
A tear dropped down her face. "Was it another Force vision?"
Ryki broke, vulnerable in front of him. Nodding and sobbing, the glimpses of Hunter falling to his death anchored to her mind. Hunter slid down from his chair and held her soft hands, one hand coming up to cup her cheek and wipe the tears away.
"What was it, cyare?"
Blinking the tears away, she shook her head, not wanting to even speak about it. Hunter felt afraid to push her, so he gently cradled her head trying to look into her eyes, "We'll be alright, Ryki. We'll be alright, I promise you"
While the boys resided in the cockpit, Ryki lurked in her room. Trying to sleep just a little, but her visions clouded her mind from rest. Disheveled and sick,the mirialan refrained herself from venturing out to greet the others. Only slipping by unnoticed to get some food and water.
She tried to sleep again but some quiet knocks came at her door. Straining her ears to wait for the persons voice, silently hoping it wasn't Hunter or the boys, finally a small feminine voice called from the other side. "Ryki? Are you alright?"
Sighing quietly, the mirialan grunted loud enough for Omega to hear as a confirmation to come in. The doors opened slightly allowing a sliver of light to come in. Omega gasped quietly, hands coming up to her lips. The clone raced to the edge of the bed where Ryki had been sitting, bent in an awkward position bound to make her back hurt. "Are you alright? Do you need me to get you some water? Maybe Hun-"
Ryki shook her head almost immediately, grabbing Omega's hands that now wrested on either side of the mirialan's face. "I'm alright, Omega. Don't worry about me..." she tried to plead with her most comforting smile. Omega however was to observant to simply pass Ryki's condition as nothing. She continued to fret over the older female, gently moving silky black hair away from Ryki's face. Tired eyes and swollen eyes releaved themselves to the clone, further making Omega's heart crush in worry.
Omega continued to kneel by the mirialan, holding the latter's face in her hands in hoped of giving some sort of comfort. Ryki's smile softened more as she leaned into Omega's touch.
Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is .
"Why wouldn't you want Hunter here? Won't he make you happy?"
The kind words from the child only made Ryki break further. "It would, Omega. But, I don't want him worrying about me anymore than he is already worrying for his family."
Omega pouted slightly, making Ryki sigh then proceeded to tug on Omega's arms, settling her between the mirilan's legs and hugged her. Ryki always had a soft spotfor children. She remembered how she used to baby Trace Martez when Rafa was off on a smuggling trip.
Omega snuggled into Ryki's warmth,holding onto the mirialan's hands as if they were a lifeline. Ryki wouldn't have it any other way. Just having Omega there comforted her and kept her mind of any sort of worry. She planted a kiss on the younger girl's head. "Thank you, Omega. You make me feel better already."
The Marauder's engine died away. "Get the girls?"
Tech obliged to Hunter's request, leaving the rest of his brother's to gather their belongings. The smart-alec of the crew marched down the corridor, eyes fixiated on his datapad. "Omega? Let's go"
The absence of a well known cheery voice drew Tech from his datapad. "Omega?" He called again. He poked his head in the gunners mount, hafe hoping Omega wasn't hiding behind the blankets. She had a very high success rate of pranking Tech whenever he ventured to her room. One can say Omega took after her brothers a lot.
A yawn came from another room. Tech found himself walking towards Ryki room and saw the door was slightly opened. "Ryki? Omega?" He called softly. When his eyes trailed down to the floor, he found the sweet picture of the two ladies hugging each other as the slept soundly.
"Wrecker, Hunter, Echo. You wanna come and see this, but be quiet." Tech called over the comms. Not a moment later, three other clones found thier place by Tech. "Are they alright?" Hunter couldn't help but worry. Tech smirked, "No, but the view is rather sweet if you ask me"
Wrecker hummed curiously and took a look in side. He cooed at the side, "They look o precious"
Hunter, Tech and Echo shuffled under their tallest brother. Hearts in their eyes at the sight of Omega cuddled into Ryki's secure hold. Although the four were mostly surrounded by the presence of men, they had an innate soft spot for family and inconsequencial, these two special girls. Echo clapped Hunter's shoudler, "Quite a family you have there."
The other two snickered. The sound was regretably enough to wake the two girls. "May I help you?"
"U-uh, we were just coming to wake you up."
Ryki tilted her head curiously towards Echo. "We've got a mission from Rex. He got a lead from another clone hiding here, on Daro. We're here to rescue him."
Ryki nodded silently. Wrecker smiled as he approached her side and scopped a sleepy OMega into his arms, telling Ryki he'd get her ready. Tech and Echo went to wait outside,leaving Hunter to her company.
"You didn't tell me about this"
Hunter watched the woman carefully, " Didn't want to worry you. You needed the rest, Ryki."
"Well I'm worried now. I told you about my vision. Hunter, I-we can't risk this."
"We don't know for sure if what you saw would happen. For all we know, none of what you saw could happen. For all we know, this mission would just be fine." He countered.
Ryki felt her nerves tingle in a bad way, "You don't get it. This isn't some dream. This is the Force."
This made the Sargeant scoff, "You don't even know how the Force works"
"Neither do you, but you don't have the Force do you? So how would you know?"
Feeling defeat sink in, Hunter just chose to remaine silent.Ryki huffed in annoyance, "I'm not going to argue with you and make you abandon this mission now that we are already here." Getting the last of whatever she needed, Ryki stopped at the door and looked Hunter in his eyes. "Promise me you all will be safe."
"Promise me you will stay safe"
A dangerous promise to make. Especially with all the odds and uncertanties seemingly piling against them. If he could kiss her worries away right now he would, but the moment was too dire to give an unfaithful promise. "I'll try"
She wasn't satisfied with Hunter's answer. "Hmm. Better than nothing." Ryki shuffled passed him only to be caught by her wrist. She could have sworn seeing tears in Hunter's eyes, "I love you"
Heart strings pulled. Why did love torment them this way. Resting at their feet only to be blown away the next second. Her arm slipped from Hunter's grasp. Ryki blinked her own tears away furiously as she stopped by the cockpit entrance.
"I know"
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