23. Mr. Spider-Man
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm not super proud of this one as I struggled hard with writer's block and my health throughout this chapter, so sorry about that. Thanks for being patient!
Also, I have finally gotten around to writing a Spider-Man oneshot and publishing it in what should hopefully become a book of oneshots centered around our web-slinger. If you like my writing or just want something to read, feel free to check that out.
Without further adue, I hope you enjoy!
I abruptly stop walking, "Wait, the Green Goblin as in Harry?"
"Yes the Green Goblin as in Harry! Who else would I-" Ned cuts himself off before switching tracks. "It doesn't matter. What does matter is you not going out on Patrol today. He's after you and it won't be safe."
I sigh and continue walking to the subway station, "Ned, Patrol is never safe. Besides, if Harry's after me then he'll find me either way. He's my best friend. He knows who I am and won't hesitate to use that information in his quest for... I don't know. Revenge? That doesn't sound quite right, but whatever. I'm not analyzing his motives right now. What I'm saying Ned, is that I'm going on Patrol when I get home. People out there need me and there's no point in attempting to hide and eventually fail. I don't even want to hide anyways."
Ned's quiet for a moment, "Okay, I see your point, but that doesn't mean I'm happy with it," he inhales sharply. "Peter, what about Aunt May! She's in serious danger since Harry knows who you are. He could use her to get to you!"
I shake my head while stepping onto the subway, "No Ned, I honestly don't think she's in any danger if I make sure she stays out of Harry's way. Remember that I grew up with Harry. I was his only friend before you and MJ came along. Harry's dad wasn't really a dad to him so growing up the only true parent figures he had were Aunt May and Uncle Ben," I continue before Ned can interrupt. "Harry may have a few screws loose right now ever since he turned into the Green Goblin, but he still has some morals about specific things that are sort of hard wired into him. I'm pretty positive Aunt May is one of those few things, which I'm extremely grateful for. I doubt Harry would harm Aunt May unless she stood in his way, which I'll do anything I can to prevent."
"Are you really willing to risk Aunt May on that?"
"Yes. I've seen Harry go out of his way to avoid attacking me in my home where Aunt May could be when he has the chance to get me on Patrol or around the city."
"Okay, I trust you. But Peter?"
"Tell FABAE to send me updates, which includes when you start patrolling."
"Will do, but I doubt I'll be able to pick up your call if Harry does go after me. I'll probably be busy fighting him off or something."
"Yeah, I know. But I'll still appreciate those updates," There's a pause before Ned continues. "Speaking of Harry, are you still attempting to find a cure for him?"
"Yeah," I follow the crowd of people exiting the subway and start my walk home. "It hasn't been on the top of my priority list for a bit because of all of this Avengers mess right now, but since I now have access to some of the Stark Industries labs, I have an even higher chance of figuring it out. I haven't given up hope yet," I pause. "Actually, now that I'm Mr. Stark's intern I don't know if that'll work anymore. But I'll figure it out. If I can't use those resources anymore it'll just take more time."
"Wait wait wait, back up for a moment. What's this about being Mr. Stark's intern?"
I perk up, "Oh yeah! That's why I called you. I can barely believe it myself, but I ended up meeting Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark made me his personal intern! How exciting is that?!"
"What?! That's sooo cool! You'll have to tell me how it goes!"
I smile, "Of course!"
I hear a muffled voice calling Ned's name right before he speaks up, "Okay bro, I'm being called. I better get those updates, and stay as safe as you can. Talk to you later!"
"Bye!" I squeeze in before he hangs up. "Hey FABAE?"
"Yes Peter?"
"Harry's escaped jail and now Ned's super worried and asking for you to send him updates."
There's a troubled pause before she responds, "Of course I'll send him updates."
"No problem mea verculum."
My eyebrows scrunch together, "What's that nickname?"
"It's a secret," FABAE chirps back.
"Uh huh. That's very reassuring. What language is that? Latin?"
"And do I want to know what that means?"
"You might. Do you want to know what the definition of a secret is?"
My eyes narrow, "You know, as happy as I am that your personality is developing, I also hate it."
"I love you too."
I roll my eyes and attempt to suppress a smile as I step into the apartment. I grab an apple and take a big bite as I head to my room and toss my backpack on my bed. Rifling through it, I pull out my homework and textbooks, placing them on my desk before plopping down in the swivel chair and spinning aimlessly around as I finish up the apple.
I end up breezing through my homework and just two hours later I find myself slipping into my suit and swinging through the city, scanning for something to do.
A little boy, probably five or six years old, standing in front of a shop window catches my eye. His face is distressed as he scans the passing crowd and shifts nervously on his feet.
Shooting a web to change my direction, I swing down and land right next to him, startling several passersby and causing the boy to look up at me. His face brightens considerably as he chirps, "Spider-Man!"
I smile and crouch down to his level, "Hey little buddy, what's up?"
He beams for a moment before his face crumples, "I lost my Dad. He said when I lose him I needa find a safe place to stay put 'til he finds me or I find someone trusted to help. Like a policeman! Or... or you!" he looks up at me and his face grows as serious as he can manage. "Mr. Spider-Man, can you help me find my Dad please?"
"Of course!" I chirp. "You've already done so well listening to your Dad. Good job!" I hold out a fist to the boy that he gleefully fist-bumps. "What's your name?"
"I'm Timmy!" Comes the enthusiastic reply.
"Nice to meet you Timmy! Now, can you tell me your Dad's name?"
"It's John."
"Alright. I'm going to climb up this building - I'll still be able to see you so don't worry - and see if I can hear or see your Dad okay? And if I see him I'll take you right to him! Is that alright?"
Timmy hesitantly looks up at the building I pointed at, "Yeah, I guess."
"Okay, great! I'll be real quick okay?"
Making sure to stay in Timmy's sight line, I skitter up the brick building until I can see a few streets and sit on my heels, my back pressed to the wall. Looking out across the streets, I allow myself to stop filtering out all of the extra sounds my enhanced hearing picks up, causing them to wash over me in a wave of jumbled sound that eventually untangles itself and evens out. Filtering through the noise, I focus on finding a rushed and frantic tone of voice searching for Timmy. Singling it out, I turn my head towards the source and spot a younger man frantically calling Timmy's name and searching the streets as he walks towards us.
I smile and drop down next to Timmy, "I found him! You ready to go get him?"
Holding my hand out for Timmy to take, I start to lead him down the street towards his Dad's voice, "He's just a block over and heading our way so it shouldn't be long now. You did good getting help."
Timmy looks up at me and smiles as he bounces down the sidewalk with a hand still in mine, "Thanks Mr. Spider-Man."
"You're welcome Mr. Timmy."
Timmy giggles, "I'm not a Mr. Timmy! It's just Timmy!"
I widen my eyes, "What? Really? Are you sure?"
"Absolutely positive?"
"100% certain?"
"Yes yes yes!" Timmy squeals.
"Well okay then," I grab his second hand to swing him off of the curb as we cross the street, causing him to giggle. "By that logic, I'm just Spider-Man, not Mr. Spider-Man."
"Yup!" I chirp, "I expect you to call me that from now on Just Timmy!"
A laugh, "It's Timmy!"
"Wha? You told me it was Just Timmy."
"No! You didn't understand! It's Timmy!"
"Okay then Timmy. Guess what?"
"Your Dad's just around this corner!"
Excitement causes Timmy to bounce more each step he takes as they round the corner. Timmy's face breaks out in a beaming smile as his eyes land on his Dad, "Dad!!!"
Whipping his head around to zone in on the pair, a relieved smile blooms on his Dad's face as he quickly closes the distance between them, "Timmy! Oh thank goodness!"
After checking over his child he turns his attention to me and I smile inwardly as he does a double take, "Spider-Man!"
"Yes, hi! Timmy was super good and asked me to help him find you."
Smiling down at Timmy, his Dad turns to me, "Thank you so much Spider-Man. I can never thank you enough."
Shaking my head slightly I explain, "Oh, it's no problem whatsoever. Timmy's amazing and I enjoyed helping him out."
"Thank you anyways Spider-Man."
Timmy grabs hold of his Dad's leg, "Yes, thank you!!"
I crouch down to meet Timmy face-to-face, "No problem little buddy. You keep being good for your Dad okay?"
I hold out a fist for him to fist bump before standing back up, "Well, I need to swing. Have a great day guys and stay safe!"
"You too!"
Shooting a web and waving goodbye, I swing around the corner until I spot a perch that would allow me to hear and see a large part of the city, "FABAE, anything on the police scanners?"
"Actually, it sounds like Greg and his team are at a hostage situation at a grocery store. Maybe you can go check that out?"
I nod my head, "That sounds like a great idea. Can you give me directions?"
Following her directions, I swing until I see a group of police vehicles grouped in the parking lot of a smaller grocery store. Once I find where the command truck is parked, I change my direction and land right next to the door leading into the back.
I knock on the door and wait until it swings open, revealing Greg on the other side, "Spider-Man! Come in!" Greg steps aside to give me enough room to step in before he closes the door behind me. "We're just finishing up this hostage situation."
Walking farther into the truck, I see a man in his late-twenties sitting in front of a computer and speaking into his comms, "Okay, the cameras show that you guys should now be able to get them from behind if Brian distracts them with a flash bang. Do you guys agree?"
Switching his comm back on so his team can hear him, Greg replies, "That sounds like a good idea. Everyone set? ...Good. Ready when you guys are."
He turns to me after switching his comm back off so he doesn't distract his team, "We should be good but you're welcome to stick around. I know Michael would be happy to see you."
The man in question throws his hands up in the air and gives a happy spin in his swivel chair, "Success! Subjects down. Nice going team."
Completing his circle around, he comes to a stop facing Greg, causing him to notice me. The smile on his face grows bigger, "Spidey! Hi! It's been too long man."
I feel a matching smile grow on my face, "Yes it has. It's nice to see you back on your feet and moving around. That bullet really did a number didn't it."
Grinning, he stands up and opens his arms for a hug that I gladly give him, "Sadly, not all of us have super healing."
"Well, some people just don't have the capacity to be as awesome as me," I tease.
Greg snorts, "Ain't that the truth."
Gasping, Michael puts a hand to his chest, "How dare you. What is this, gang up on Michael day?"
Greg scrunches his eyebrows together, "Isn't that every day?"
I nod my head sagely, "Yeah, you're spouting nonsense Mike."
Rolling his eyes, Michael plops back down on the swivel chair, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up."
There's a comfortable pause in the conversation before I perk up, "Guess what?!"
"I finally made a phone number for Spider-Man, which means I can give it to you two and we can stay in contact."
Greg smiles, "That's great!"
Michael pulls out his phone and Greg follows suit, both of them pulling up their contacts and sliding their phones over to me to input my phone number.
Giving their phones back once I finish, I continue, "Feel free to use that number whenever. I'll have FABAE monitor it when I'm not in my suit which means no matter what time it is someone should pick up and alert me if it's time sensitive."
Greg and Michael nod, "Sounds good."
Greg's face grows serious, "Speaking of phones, I got a call today saying that the Green Goblin's escaped prison. You gonna be okay?"
I grimace, "I better be. There's honestly not much that I can do besides stay on the lookout more than usual. I don't know what his end goal is so I can't do anything to prevent it right now."
Michael nods his head slightly, "Okay man, but remember that we're here for you. You aren't all on your own anymore."
I smile tiredly, "And I can never express how grateful I am for that. Now that I have a phone number I've shared with you guys it should be much easier to stay in touch and contact each other when we need help."
Michael hums and gently pushes off the ground with his foot, causing him to complete another spin in the swivel chair before coming to a lazy stop facing them, "I'm going to remind you that most of the team is going to be out of town and unable to help for the next few days."
"I totally forgot about that," I remark. "Isn't this your last shift before you get a couple days off in a row?"
"Yup! Most of the team including me is going out of town. I think the only one staying here is Greg."
Greg smiles slightly, "That's right. I don't really have anything to do aside from take it easy at home. It'll be nice to have a break even though I'm not doing anything exciting with it."
I flash a smile in his direction, "We all need down time at some point. Without it we would just crash and burn."
Michael nods, "Truth right there."
I rock back on my heels and clasp my hands together, "Well if you guys don't need any help I'm going to head back out on patrol. It was super nice seeing you Michael, I'm glad you're doing better. And both of you remember to continue being your awesome selves."
Michael holds his fist out for a fistbumb, "Will do little dude."
Rolling my eyes with a smile on my face I return the fistbump before being clapped on the back by Greg, who follows me to the door, "Stay safe out there Spidey."
"I always try," I reply as I give a wave goodbye and shoot a web to pull me onto the roof of a nearby building.
"Hey FABAE? Do you have anything for me? My hearing and Spidey Sense isn't picking anything up."
"I don't, sorry. It's been pretty quiet all night."
I nod my head and jump off the roof to start swinging to one of my favorite perches, "That's fine. I can always just enjoy the night air and a quiet city is a good city."
Landing on my perch I sit down and dangle a foot off the edge. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting all the smells and sounds wash over me and relishing in the calm and gentle breeze of the evening. Opening my eyes again I slowly glance around and feel the love I have for my city as I look at the buildings' silhouettes against the setting sun.
Sitting in a calming silence, FABAE and I just enjoy the moment.
My Spidey Sense blares: Major threat, in front of you, MOVE
Quickly getting my feet under me, I push off and backflip to the middle of the roof just as an explosion rocks the ground where I was sitting. Cackling assaults my ears as my Spidey Sense shrieks once again and I jump to the other end of the roof just in time to avoid another explosion.
I slide into a defensive stance just in time to watch a green figure in body armor fly to the edge of the building using what looks like a dark-purple, high-tech glider. The figure tosses what looks like an orange ball with a jack-o'-lantern face on it between his hands before opening his mouth to speak, "Hello Spider-Man! How would you like to play? I can assure you, you'll have a blast!"
He cackles again before lobbing the grenade at me, causing me to flip to the other side of the roof to avoid the resulting explosion.
"Harry, stop this! I'm almost done with a cure for you! Just turn yourself in and we can fix all of this!"
The figure visibly gets angrier before yelling, "I am the cure for humanity! Harry is no more, it is only the Green Goblin now!"
I click to silence my mask before hurriedly saying, "FABAE, this is gonna end in a fight. Get whoever is needed to pick Harry up after I take him down on standby and try to keep as many people away from the fight as possible. Do what you have to, whether that's calling the security officers of buildings to keep people indoors or delaying trains, I don't know, that's up to you. Let's just try to minimize the damage as much as possible. No casualties."
"Will do Peter."
Clicking again, I mutter, "Let's get this over with."
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