20. Of Course Everybody Knows Spider-Man!
A/N: First off, Splashheart8 convinced me to coauthor a crackfic Wrong Number story with her. It's called Error 404 Person Not Found and is on the account Mama_nayk_Romanoff. Go check it out if you're bored and need something to read!
Secondly, hello! I hope you guys are doing okay. I've been doing better than I was, and hopefully it stays that way. Fingers crossed! Thank you guys SO much for all of your well wishes and for being understanding.
Okay, sooo.... I know I told some of you guys that I would have this new chapter out two weeks ago or so. But hear me out! I was planning on this chapter being around 1,500 words long. That was the plan at least. So now here is a chapter that is nearly 6,000 words long (that's over three of my chapters long okay guys!) that I worked hard on because I wanted it to be worth the wait. Usually if a chapter gets this long, I would just split it and post it as multiple chapters, but this one is so unique that I felt like I couldn't do that. So I hope that you guys enjoy this super long chapter and find it worth the long wait. Thank you all SOO much for being so patient with me, and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all of your support and encouragement. It really means a lot to me! Okay, okay, I'll stop holding you guys up. I hope you enjoy!
TW: Mention of attempted suicide. This is found in the segment with Clint and Natasha.
TW: There is one paragraph that gets pretty dark. It's found in the segment with Sam and Bucky. The paragraph dialogue starts with: "What I can say for sure is that Spider-Man has seen the true monsters of this world." Just be cautious when reading it!
"Okay guys," Steve claps his hands together, "It's time to break into pairs and take to the streets. Since we have an uneven number, I'll be going on my own, but the rest of you need to pair up. And please put on some version of a disguise. You would think that you all would be competent enough that I wouldn't have to remind you to do this, but apparently not. Remember to take note of anything you think should be said in the meeting later tonight, and don't forget to stay on task," he pointedly looks at everyone before grabbing a baseball cap and sunglasses and heading to the elevator.
Natasha and Clint nod at each other and stand up, following Steve's example by grabbing a hat and sunglasses before stepping into the elevator as well.
Bruce glances around the room before his eyes come to rest on Tony, who's currently complaining about having to down-grade his sunglasses to a pair below his usual sunglasses standards, and rolls his eyes.
He walks over into the kitchen and grabs two pairs of normal sunglasses (oh the horrors!) and two hats before striding over to Tony, grabbing the fancy sunglasses off of Tony's face, tossing them onto a table across the room, and shoving the normal sunglasses where the other pair used to sit, "You're fine, Tony. Now come on."
Making sure to change Vision's appearance into one that wouldn't stand out in a street full of relatively-"normal" looking humans, Wanda and Vision head to the lobby and out into the streets of New York.
Bucky and Sam, who both hadn't moved to try and pair with someone else, narrow their eyes at each other when it's obvious that they are the only two left. Sighing, Bucky stands and offers his hand to Sam, "Come on. Let's get this over with."
* * * *
Scanning his surroundings, Steve spots an African American teenager shooting hoops on a basketball court built next to a group of apartment buildings. After watching the basketball fall through the hoop the majority of the time, he walks up to the chain link fence running along the perimeter of the court. Grabbing onto the fence, he calls out, "You're really good at that."
The teen startles just before he lets go of the basketball, his shot hitting the hoop at an angle that sends the ball bouncing off to another corner of the court.
Steve winces as the teen chases after the rogue basketball, "Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you."
The teen turns to face Steve with the basketball now in his hands, awkwardly shifting his weight as he gives a wary smile, "It's okay."
After a brief moment of uncomfortable silence, Steve speaks up, "So, I just moved into the city and wanted to know more about New York's very own Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. I've heard that most people who live around here have been or know someone who's been helped by him. So I was wondering if you would be willing to give me your opinion on Spider-Man. If you have one of course."
Glancing around and seeing all of the people walking within eyesight, the teen gestures for Steve to join him on the basketball court, "What's your name?"
Unlatching the door in the fence and stepping inside, Steve answers, "I'm Steve."
Nodding, the teen dribbles the basketball to one side of the court before passing it to Steve, "I'm Eli. How 'bout this: I'll talk to you about Spider-Man if you shoot hoops with me. My normal buddy who helps me practice hasn't been able to come around for a few days when I'm out here. We keep missing each other."
Steve dribbles a bit closer to the hoop before shooting and, of course, missing, "Sure. Who's your normal basketball buddy? A neighbor?"
A knowing smirk crosses Eli's face as he catches the rebound, "Uh, no. It's Spider-Man."
Whipping his head towards Eli after the unexpected answer, Steve exclaims, "What?!"
Laughing slightly, Eli dribbles to the free throw line and shoots, the ball swishing into the net, "Yeah, he's great! A couple months ago he was swinging past while I was getting bullied on this very court. They were making fun of how bad I was at basketball."
"Well, they weren't paying attention then, because you're much better than I could ever be," Steve states as he shoots and misses.
Grabbing the ball and dribbling around Steve, Eli heads to a spot on the 3-point line, "Thanks, but they were right. I was awful at basketball when they were teasing me. But Spider-Man helped me get better."
Watching as Eli releases the basketball which misses the hoop and bounces away off of the backboard, Steve asks, "What'd he do?"
"Well, he turned around and landed next to me before telling the bullies off. He then took time to correct my shooting form and show me some drills that I could run to help me get better. And the next time he was in the area and saw me out practicing his drills, he stopped again and coached me on some more techniques and showed me a few more drills before playing one-on-one with me for a bit." Eli smiles and dribbles back to the same spot on the 3-point line, shooting again and making it this time.
Steve grabs the basketball and passes it back to Eli, who dribbles to the same spot yet again as he continues with his story, "Apparently he used to play basketball with his Uncle all of the time. When I told him that I'd been wanting to try out for the school basketball team for this season but didn't have anyone to help me get better, he started coming around more often to coach me and help me practice."
Steve watches Eli bounce the basketball off of the backboard and into the hoop before nodding contently and grabbing the basketball to pass to Steve. This time Steve's basketball makes it into the hoop and the teen whoops before smiling encouragingly at Steve and giving him a high-five, "You did it!"
Steve laughs before catching the basketball again when Eli passes it to him, this time missing when he takes the shot, "So, did you make it on the basketball team?"
Beaming and bouncing on the balls of his feet, Eli chirps, "I did! Now I have another coach who's been teaching me a lot and I even became friends with people who are on the team with me! Spider-Man was so happy when I told him about it. Told me he knew I could do it and that he was so proud of how fast I was progressing and the effort I've been putting into becoming better. Now he doesn't come around as often since we don't have a deadline anymore, but he still does stop by whenever he sees me out here and has some time to shoot hoops. So to answer your question, Spider-Man's amazing! He really cares about everyone, no matter your problems or how unimportant or invisible you think you are. I certainly didn't believe a few months ago that I was worth it. But he didn't care. Showed me that the opposite is true. I hope you get to meet him outside of a stressful situation. You'd like him."
Steve leans down to grab the basketball and pass it to Eli, "I bet I would. Thanks for talking to me! This conversation really helped me figure out more about Spider-Man."
Eli tucks the basketball under his arm to give Steve yet another smile and high-five, "No problem man. I'm up for ranting about Spider-Man's awesomeness any time. Thanks for shooting hoops with me."
"No problem. I enjoyed it!" Steve points behind his shoulder with his thumb, "Well, I should get going. Thank you again!"
Unlatching the door in the fence, he waves goodbye to Eli before turning around and walking away.
These four asterisk proudly wear the name 'Linda the scene change.'
Everyone say hi to Linda. :D
* * * *
Natasha and Clint stroll down a busy New York street, naturally blending seamlessly into the crowds. Horns honk as the traffic moves forward at the standard New York pace while hustling people move along the sidewalk as they work to quickly get from Point A to Point B. Scanning the masses for the best person to approach, Natasha pauses and steps to the edge of the sidewalk as her eyes come to rest on a teenage boy sitting inside of a coffee shop across the street.
His face is peaceful as he grips a sketching pencil in one hand, different sized inking pens and various shades of colored pencils neatly lined up next to his drawing pad. He sits on a bar stool with his body facing the window, providing a view of the usual bustle of New York. His posture is completely relaxed as the murmur of the coffee shop he sits in filters through his ears, providing a nice background sound that helps his concentration and creativity while improving the atmosphere he's drawing in.
After crossing the street and walking closer to the coffee shop window, the red-and-blue sketches the teen is working on become more visible, causing Natasha to smile.
Turning slightly, she makes eye contact with Clint and tilts her head towards the teen. He gives her a nod of acknowledgement before taking a moment to study the teen himself, coming to the same conclusion Natasha did. They both reach the coffee shop door at the same time and enter together, heading to the counter to place their order. After being informed that they would have to wait a few minutes, they head towards the artist.
"Excuse me," Clint calls out as they get closer. No response is given, the teen too focused on his drawing to recognize that someone is trying to get his attention.
Clint tries again, this time tapping gently on the shoulder of the one he's trying to talk to, "Excuse me."
The artist startles, pulling his pencil up just in time to save himself from accidentally drawing a line across his work. He blinks rapidly a few times as his bubble of focus pops and he is thrust into reality once more. Looking up, he makes eye contact with Clint and Natasha, "Hello? What's up?"
Smiling gently, Natasha gestures at the open seats next to him, "May we sit down?"
"Uh, sure...," the teen replies, his confusion and wariness obvious.
After taking their seats, Clint decides that it's his turn to speak up, "So, we've been trying to figure out how good a guy Spider-Man is and noticed your drawings. May we ask you a few questions? You don't have to answer any questions that you don't feel comfortable answering."
The artist stares down at his various drawings of Spider-Man in different poses throughout the city before slowly nodding.
A friendly smile spreads across Natasha's face, "Great! Well, we're just wondering what your opinion about Spider-Man is and if you've ever come into contact with him."
The teen turns towards them, studying them closely. After a moment, he opens his mouth, "You're Avengers."
Glancing at each other, Natasha and Clint both nod.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to learn more about Spider-Man?"
Deciding that telling the truth would be the best, Natasha jumps in, "We're trying to figure out what to do with him. We have some influential people telling us to capture him and figure out his identity because he's dangerous, but recently we've been realizing that it might be the opposite. That he helps, rather than hurts. That he's caring and is doing this because of the right reasons. But we can't fully decide that without some stories and evidence to help back it up."
The teen gives one decisive nod after pondering on that answer for a moment, as if the question that was sitting behind his eyes has been solved, "Well then, I'll let you know that I've talked to Spider-Man multiple times. He saved my life."
Clint's eyebrows raise, "What do you mean?"
The teen fixes a hard gaze on them, "I'm trusting you guys. Normally I wouldn't explain this all, but if this will help Spider-Man, then I will."
The two spies give a nod of acknowledgement.
Taking a deep breath, the artist starts to talk, pride and admiration shining through his voice whenever he mentions Spider-Man, "A bit over half a year ago I wasn't in the best place mentally. One day I decided to take a trip to the top of a tall building to watch my last sunset, but low and behold, right before the sun went down, a red-and-blue hero spots me and comes swooping in my direction. I couldn't believe that he was giving up his time to come and talk to me. Why would I be worth it? And yet, here he was, chatting with me and coaxing me away from the edge."
The teen looks down at his drawings, smiling slightly, "I don't know what it is about him, but I ended up telling him everything that I had never felt like I could tell anyone else. And you know what he did? He didn't judge at all. He listened and then offered help. Rather than just getting me down from there and leaving me, he took even more of his time to bring me to a center that would help, making sure that I was comfortable with staying there. And for a lot of people, that's enough. But not for him. After that day, he regularly checked up on me to chat and help celebrate my progress. Now, I finally feel like I'm living, rather than just surviving, and Spider-Man was the one to help me do that. He helped me accomplish something that I didn't think was possible. I had given up. But he took so much of his time to help prove to me what I'm capable of, and that I'm worth it."
Tapping his finger on his sketchpad, he glances back up at the spies, "Now when I draw, I usually find myself drawing him. Because seeing him reminds me of who I am, and what I can do. He reminds me that I have people who will support me, and drawing him also inspires me to be better. To help others. To live my best life. So, Avengers, remember this: Spider-Man is the definition of a hero. At least to me and the majority of the population here in New York."
Silence envelops the three of them as Natasha and Clint process the story they were just told. The young hero just keeps exceeding their expectations.
"Thanks for being willing to tell us all of that. That type of story was just what we were looking for," Clint smiles gratefully as he stands up and pushes in his chair. Leaning over and tapping on the sketchbook to draw the teen's attention to his artwork, Clint continues, "And keep drawing. You're really good!"
Beaming, the teen watches as the two spies walk up to the counter to collect their orders before heading to the exit. The bell on the door jingles as they step outside and disappear into the crowd.
* * * *
Rather than having to approach someone about Spider-Man, Tony and Bruce end up being approached themselves.
"Excuse me sirs," a warm voice calls out to them. Turning around, they spot an elderly lady standing in front of an apartment building, a couple bags of groceries sitting by her feet. The crow's-feet around her sparkling blue eyes become more defined as she smiles kindly at them, "I'm wondering if you're willing to help an old lady carry in her groceries for her?"
Tony and Bruce immediately go over to her and grab two bags of groceries each, "Of course."
She pats Tony's arm gently, "Thank you young man," turning to look Bruce in the eye before she unlocks the door she adds, "and thank you as well."
"Our pleasure," Bruce replies, stepping inside with Tony at the inviting gesture of the elderly woman.
She introduces herself as she waves for them to set the groceries down on the kitchen counter, her eyes twinkling, "It's nice to meet you two. I'm Delilah," she starts pulling out produce and putting them in the fridge, gesturing for Tony and Bruce to take a seat, "Usually my Shining Knight in Spandex helps me carry in the groceries when he's around, but that doesn't seem to be the case today. So thanks for filling in for him."
Tony lifts an eyebrow, "Shining Knight in Spandex?"
Love and respect shine through her eyes as she lights up even more, "Yeah! You know, goes swinging around. Red and blue. A very humble and respectful young man, caring for everyone."
Bruce's mouth opens into a silent "oh" as it clicks with Tony as well, "Spider-Man's the one who carries in your groceries for you?!"
Delilah chuckles, "Sweetie, I don't know why you're surprised. It's Spider-Man after all!"
She finishes putting the produce away and sits down across from them, "I'm a good judge of character and let me say that there's more than enough reason that I keep him around. He's such a nice lad. If he wasn't so cautious about his secret identity I would've already adopted him as my own nephew at this point!"
Bruce chuckles, "From what I've gathered, it seems like you've come close to doing that anyways."
Delilah smiles mischievously, "Well, I've sure tried. He needs more people in his corner and I'm determined to make him realize that I'm here for him if he needs me."
Tony pauses, "What makes you say that he needs more people in his corner?"
A sadder smile is directed his way, "Well, if he has time whenever he brings in my groceries for me I can usually get him to stay and chat for a little bit. Heavens knows that an old lady like me needs someone to talk to every once in a while.
"I've known him for a decent amount of time and one day he absentmindedly mentioned a few things that I'm not going to share because I respect his privacy. But hearing those along with the bad rap from the Daily Bugle, I just know that he needs more people on his side to support him."
Tony and Bruce are silent for a moment, staring at either the counter or their hands. Eventually, Tony speaks up in a soft voice, "Yeah, he does doesn't he."
Delilah smiles and stands up, "Well, I thank you both for chatting with little ol' me, but I do have some things that I need to get done before I leave to go visit a friend."
Tony and Bruce follow her lead before moving through the doorway and onto the front step.
She faces them, her eyes glinting mischievously, "Before you two go, I will share one more thing with you."
She leans closer to them, covers the side of her mouth with one hand, and stage-whispers, "I think I got him addicted to churros."
With that said, she winks at them before stepping inside and closing the door.
* * * *
Wanda and Vision find themselves talking to two women sitting on a park bench, their children playing on the playground nearby still within their line of sight.
"Do you guys have any stories or opinions about Spider-Man that you would be willing to share?" Vision asks the two friends, who had just finished introducing themselves as Dana and Bethany.
A smile crosses both of their faces as Dana replies, "Of course we do! In fact, Spider-Man is the reason that we are friends. It actually all started with our daughters, who are playing out on the playground right now."
Bethany nods, "My daughter Allie had her only friend move away a year or so ago and couldn't seem to make a new one. She was so sad for so long. But one day when she was moping in front of our apartment building, she was approached by Spider-Man, who had noticed how sad she was. He listened as she told him that she didn't have any friends anymore and told her that he would keep an eye out for a friend for her, and that if he found one, he would let her know."
Bethany trails off for a moment as her eyes soften, "She was so excited, even when I told her that Spider-Man was very busy and probably wouldn't have the time to look for a friend for her. I didn't really expect him to keep his promise!"
Dana jumps in, "Me and my daughter Sophie ended up meeting Spider-Man about a week and a half after he talked to Allie. We had just moved to New York and were struggling with getting all of our furniture up into our apartment when along comes Spider-Man, offering to help us finish.
We chatted for a bit and he mentioned that he knew a nice young lady around Sophie's age who was looking for a friend and lived just a few blocks away. I knew that Sophie was already struggling with the move, and told him that meeting someone that lived nearby could maybe help her with that. He smiled and let me know that he would be back soon with Allie and her mom if they were free and willing to come meet us."
Bethany interrupts as she continues the story, "Well, imagine my surprise when someone knocked on my door and I opened it to find Spider-Man! He was so polite and reminded me of the conversation that he had had with Allie a while ago. At first I was confused, but then he mentioned that he had actually found someone around Allie's age who had just moved to New York and was also looking for a friend. He invited us to come with him to meet them, and at that moment, I knew that there was no way I would turn him down. And he was so happy when not just Allie and Sophie became friends, but me and Dana did too!"
Dana smiles and nods in agreement before two children around the age of eight come running up to them, catching the group's attention. Bethany smiles at them and reaches into the bag sitting on the ground next to her, pulling out two juice boxes and two bags of Goldfish, "Hey girls! You ready for your snack?"
Two nods are immediately sent their way as two pairs of hands reach out to grab the snacks. One of the girls shyly glances at Wanda and Vision and, after getting an encouraging smile and nod from her mom, sticks her hand out to shake, "Hi! I'm Allie."
Smiling gently, Wanda grasps the girl's hand, "Nice to meet you Allie, I'm Wanda, and this is Vision."
Seeing that the couple are friendly, the other girl jumps to grab some of their attention for herself, "And I'm Sophie!"
"Well hello there Sophie," Vision responds, a warm smile blooming across his face.
Bethany smiles before addressing her daughter, "Sophie, these two were just asking us questions about Spider-Man."
Immediately after hearing the young hero's name, the two girls perk up and any trace of shyness vanishes. Allie nods excitedly, her eyes bright and a big smile on her face as words spill from her mouth, "He's awesome! He's so nice and was my friend when no one else was and then found me a friend who is Sophie who is also awesome! And he always made me laugh even when I was sad and helped Sophie's family put furniture in their house and helps a lot of people in New York! He's my hero!!!!"
Sophie bounces slightly while she nods in agreement, "I was so scared when mommy told me that we were moving to a new place where I had no friends but then Spider-Man was there to welcome me here and help us move in and then he found me a friend! He's my hero too! He's so nice and helps everyone around him. I want to be just like him when I grow up!"
Dana laughs at the two girls' rapid explanations, "Woah woah woah! Slow down! They can barely understand you when you talk that fast."
Calming themselves down slightly, Sophie and Allie smile sheepishly at the couple.
Wanda laughs, "It's no problem! That was exactly the kind of info we were looking for anyways. Especially from these little munchkins."
A giggle escapes Allie as she slurps the last bit of juice from her juice box and hands it off to her mother, "Can we go back to playing now?"
"Sure hunny."
The four of them watch the two girls laugh their way back to the playground before Vision turns to the moms again, "Thank you two for being willing to talk with us. We really appreciate it."
"No problem!" Dana replies, Bethany nodding her agreement.
Waving first at the two women sitting on the bench, then at the two girls playing lava monster on the playground with some other children, Wanda and Vision stroll away.
* * * *
After a purposefully drawn out discussion, Bucky and Sam decide to approach a random NYPD officer to get their opinion of Spider-Man.
They quickly find themselves approaching a man in his late thirties who seems very comfortable in his gear, the way he moves and acts speaking of years of experience in the police force.
Catching his attention, Sam speaks up, "Excuse me sir, me and my buddy have been trying to learn more about Spider-Man and were wondering what the police force thinks of him. Would you be willing to help us?"
After a moment of thought, the officer replies, "Sure. When Spider-Man first started off about two years ago the police force wasn't a huge fan of him, but over time he grew on us and our opinions changed. Currently he works with us regularly and has helped us out a ton. Everyone but the newbies have worked with him multiple times by now and are pretty comfortable with him. I know that I fully support him, and I also know that the majority of my coworkers do as well."
"When was the last time that you worked with him? Is he nice to work with?" Bucky asks.
The officer chuckles, "He's a very fine lad and very nice to work with. I've never doubted that he has my back, and he's saved my life multiple times when I was on a job and didn't even know that I was in danger. I'm more than willing to work with him again," he pauses for a moment before continuing, "I actually finished a job with him last night. He's been working with us for a bit over a week now on locating and busting a child trafficking ring that we haven't been able to pin down on our own. We were finally able to converge on their main base of operations last night and cut them off at the roots. Without Spider-Man, I don't know if last night would have gone as well as it did."
Sam's eyebrows lift, "Really? I was under the impression that he just handled the little things, like helping people cross the street and saving cats from trees."
The officer chuckles, "Not quite. Spider-Man does do stuff like help people cross the street and save cats from trees. But he also does so much more! Spider-Man doesn't just handle the little things. What he does is handle what the Avengers don't, which ranges from the small things like helping people cross the street, to the world saving things like bringing down major supervillains. And that's just the stuff that I'm aware of. We're pretty sure that he's been a part of a lot of other major activities like the magical, supernatural, and otherworldly that we just aren't aware of. He sure does have a lot of valuable connections because of everything he does, both in the superhero world and out of it."
The officer grows more solemn, "What I can say for sure is that Spider-Man has seen the true monsters of this world. The ones that take advantage of other people purely for their enjoyment. The ones that kill and sell and harm for their own benefit, completely uncaring about what they do to other human beings. He's also seen and helped heal the effects those monsters leave behind. The sobbing and tortured children locked in chains and in cages, stripped of their humanity. The young girl who had something so precious ripped away from her in a violent and intrusive way. The victims of drug lords who become so addicted that they don't care about anything else, about anyone else. The Avengers may save the world from aliens, which I agree wholeheartedly is great and needed when that happens, but Spider-Man is the one who constantly fights the scum of this world. He's seen more and helped more than anyone in this workforce has. And because of that, he has my full respect and support. He deserves it many times over."
Bucky and Sam are quiet, shock covering their faces as they process what the officer just laid out in front of them.
After a moment of silence, the officer nods his head towards the parked car they're standing next to, "If that's all you guys were looking for, I need to get back to the job."
Shaking himself out of his daze, Bucky replies, "Of course sir. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions."
"No problem. I'm more than happy to inform people of how much Spider-Man does for the people of this city. Thanks for being willing to ask."
After another moment of standing there in silence, Sam turns to Bucky, "Well that was eye opening."
Bucky snorts as they start walking, "At the very least."
Moving to cross a street, they hear a shout, "Look out!"
Somebody barrels into the pair and knocks them back onto the sidewalk just as a car runs the red light and drives right through where Bucky and Sam would have been if they had continued on their way. Bucky ends up taking the momentum of the shove and rolling back onto his feet, while Sam finds himself flat on his back, blinking up at the sky in surprise.
"I am so so sorry to push you guys over like that. I only had a moment and didn't know what else to do! Please, let me help you up," A young voice pleads as a hand is extended out to Sam.
Grasping the hand, Sam is pulled up effortlessly to find himself face to face with a teenager who looks to be around the age of fifteen. A mop of curly brown hair springs from his head and his fingers fiddle with the hem of a science pun t-shirt.
"It's okay kid. You saved our lives afterall," Bucky assures, stepping up to stand next to Sam.
The kid's head ducks down in a vain attempt to hide his blush, "Thank you sirs. I'm just glad that I was in the right place at the right time."
"I'm Sam and this is Bucky by the way," Sam explains, jabbing his thumb towards Bucky.
The kid smiles and holds out his hand to shake, "I'm Peter."
"Well Peter, it's nice to meet you."
Smiling warmly at Peter, Bucky's eyes come to rest on the Spider-Man backpack slung over his shoulders. Making eye contact with Peter, he gestures to the hero-themed backpack, "Is that a Spider-Man backpack?"
Peter's blush grows, "Umm, yeah, it is. I lost my last backpack a few days ago and my Aunt thought it was absolutely hilarious to get me this one."
Sam's smile grows and he can't help himself from asking, "So you like Spider-Man?"
Peter's fidgeting increases, "Uh, yeah. He's, um, he's great!"
Catching on, Bucky asks, "Have you ever met him?"
"Not face-to-face," Peter replies.
"Okay. What do you think of him?"
Peter shifts uncomfortably for a moment before responding, his confidence growing as he does, "Spider-Man has helped a lot of people. He does his absolute best to help as many people as he can every single day. Crime has dropped dramatically and the officers of this city have been working a lot with him. Overall, I think he's done a lot of good. Maybe not enough to make a difference, but I know that that's his goal."
Sam smiles encouragingly, "From what I've been hearing, it sounds like Spider-Man has made an even greater impact on this city than the Avengers have."
Peter smiles back, "Yeah. I guess he has."
Peter's phone vibrates in his pocket and he digs it out, glancing at the screen. His eyes grow wide and he glances up at Sam and Bucky in a panic, "I am so sorry to leave so suddenly but I am so late! Again!"
Giving both of them a big wave and a dazzling smile, he dashes away.
Chuckling at the kids' antics, Sam and Bucky go on their way, making sure to look both ways before crossing the street.
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