16. Bullet Wounds and Overprotective "Enemies"
A/N: Answering one of the questions last post, I was reminded that I wanted to clarify something. This is NOT NOT NOT a starker fic, and it NEVER will be. I just wanted to clarify that because I am completely against starker. I am an irondad/spiderson kind of person. Anywho, on to the story!
UPDATE: I was asked to add a warning in here for you all regarding this chapter (or at least, I think I was??? I can't find the comment anywhere, but I'll put it in here for you all anyways). If you ever feel like there is something that deserves a warning or a trigger warning in this story, let me know and I'll put one at the top of the chapter for you all. So...
WARNING: Spidey gets shot and needs to dig a bullet out. To highlight the pain it's causing him, I often bring up the wound and the pain coming from it. Then there is the scene where he digs it out. Not super graphic, but not glossed over either. Just warning you all so you aren't caught by surprise.
Tony's POV:
By the time we have a working kitchen again, I have finished the upgrade to my suit. But before I can start on a new project, FRIDAY interrupts, "Boss."
"Yes FRI?"
"Spider-Man has been spotted. He is currently at the scene of a bombing, helping people get out safely."
My heart fills with guilt, sadness, and disgust after hearing that last sentence.
"Stupid Fury, making us do this. Spider-Man's a good guy," I mutter under my breath.
"Hey FRI?"
"Yes Boss?"
"Please gather everyone in the living area."
After getting her affirmative answer, I start to head there myself. When I step out of the elevator, I look around to see that I'm the last one to show up.
"What's going on Tony," Steve says, crossing his arms.
"Spider-Man has been spotted in Queens." With that sentence, everyone freezes and the room grows quiet.
"So what should we do?" Sam asks.
"I say we just get it over with," I answer, "Let's all go so that we can get him the first time and be done with it."
"What's he doing now?" Natasha asks.
FRIDAY speaks up, jumping at another opportunity to subtly voice her opinion on Spider-Man, "Spider-Man is saving people from a bombing."
Wanda huffs through her nose in anger, "I know we have our hands tied, but can't we just... I don't know, untie them and leave him alone?"
"No," Clint states, "If we do that then Fury will send SHIELD agents after him, and you can bet they won't be as nice. They won't care about his safety. They'll just want to get the job done."
"Wait, hasn't Fury already sent SHIELD agents to get him and failed?" Vision clarifies.
"He sent one team of agents at a time, but he's fed up with this. If we don't do this soon, he'll start doing whatever he can to capture Spider-Man and learn his identity and everything that he can do," I respond.
"So what's the battle plan?" Steve asks.
"Less of a battle and more of an ambush," I hear Clint mutter under his breath.
"Let's all go and get him, harming him as little as possible. When we have him, we can talk and come to some kind of compromise."
Steve stands up and starts heading to his room, "Okay then, let's suit up and get this show on the road."
Peter's POV:
I couldn't help but whoop as I freefall between two skyscrapers, shooting a web out just in time to stop me from becoming a literal bug splatter on a windshield.
I swing around for a bit before settling down on top of a building in Queens, "Hey FABAE?"
"Yes Peter?"
"What do you think will happen if the Avengers decide to actually come after me?"
There is a pause while FABAE thinks through her answer, "Well, I think that your identity is yours to keep and it is important for you to keep it."
"But what should I do when they come FABAE? Will they ever stop?"
"Maybe they could be compromised with Peter. But if they can not, you just might have to fight them till we can figure something out."
"What do you think they would do to me if they caught me?"
"I.... I don't know Peter. They are supposedly the good guys, but with your experience of getting captured I can not promise anything."
A barely heard whimper escapes my mouth as my mind is transported back into those dark times. Pain. Knives. Needles. No no no nonononon--
"-ETER!" FABAE yells in my earpiece.
I startle and nearly fall off the roof.
"Peter, you are not there anymore. You are here with me."
"I...." I take a deep breath, "I'm sorry FABAE. Thanks for snapping me out of it."
"I am worried for you Peter. You healed physically, but you are still struggling.... I had to transfer from the mask to your earpiece just so that I could yell directly into your ear!"
My frustration at this whole situation bubbles up and starts boiling over, "I know I'm not healing emotionally FABAE! How do you think this feeling of helplessness in my battle against my emotional scars feels to me?! I feel awful FABAE! I want this to stop, I want this to heal, I want to just be able to go back to my life before the Goblin and him. I can't anymore..." I trail off and become aware of the hot tears streaming from my eyes and wetting my mask.
"It is okay Peter, you can do this," FABAE soothes.
"You know what?" She firmly states after a moment of silence.
I sniffle pathetically, "What?"
"I am going to get a doctorate in psychology."
I pause, "What?"
"I am going to go through all of the schooling courses to get a degree. Then I can be your therapist and know how to help you. I am done feeling helpless." FABAE declares.
I smile, "That would be nice."
"I can learn much faster than the average human being, so I should know how to help you in a few days."
With the conversation near its end, I let out a releasing sigh and stand up, squaring my shoulders, "I can get through this."
"Yes you can Peter! How about we try that again, huh?"
I take a step towards the edge of the roof and yell as loud as I can, "I can get through this!!"
"That is the spirit honey!"
I smile, already feeling a bit better, "Thanks FABAE."
"No problem Peter. I am always here for you."
I smile, bouncing on the balls of my feet, ready to do something. After a moment, I leap off of the building and start swinging around again, waiting for anything. Right when I'm passing an office building my spidey senses blare, HARD, making me physically flinch and grab my head.
Bomb. Lives threatened. Threat HIGH!
I swing myself into the top floor of the office building and land in a roll, "EVERYBODY OUT!"
Some people glance towards the shout in curiosity, their eyes going wide when they see that it is me. After a brief second, they decide that I'm someone they need to listen to so they jump up and start towards the exits. Some kind souls point me out to the people around them, leading to those people starting a chain reaction of evacuation. But they aren't going fast enough. My already hightened spidey sense is starting to blare more and more, telling me that we don't have much more time till the bomb goes off.
I glance around the room and my eyes spot a fire alarm behind a glass cover. I rush over to it, easily break through the glass, and pull it down.
Sirens sound and I flinch as, with my advanced senses, they send stabs of pain shooting through my ears. It's worth it if I save lives.
After reminding myself that, I shake off the now constant pain of the fire alarms and start to steer people out. When I finally get the top floor clear, I move onto the next floor below me. I have two and a half floors left when the bomb goes off.
The building shakes on its supports and I steady the civilian I am ushering out. Debris tumbles around us and I can smell fresh smoke curling into the air. Thankfully for me, the fire alarms stop, leaving my ears ringing.
There isn't enough time for everyone to take the stairs so I weave a large web in the alleyway directly below one of the third story windows.
"GO GO GO!" I shout, quickly guiding the rest of the civilians out the window. They briefly fall before bouncing into the hands of the waiting paramedics.
I pray that the officers at the scene evacuated the bottom two floors, meaning that everyone is now out of the building. My senses go haywire and I spin around, coming face to masked-face with a man in a suit.
He growls at me, "Spider-Man. You're not supposed to be here! This company deserves to go down!"
"But why? They're all just people doing their jobs. People aren't perfect, but nobody deserves to die!" After saying that, I glance behind me to make sure that everybody else has gotten out safely.
With that distraction, the masked man rapidly fires the gun that magically poofed into his hands out of nowhere. I scream when one bullet rips through my left shoulder and another one tears into my right leg. Luckily, the others miss their mark.
When I flip over his head, the pain radiating through my leg tells me the bullet there didn't pass through and is stuck pretty deep. The one that hit me on my shoulder thankfully went all the way through without hitting anything major.
I gracefully land behind the guy, wincing from the pain. I shoot a web towards his gun as he spins around, sharply tugging it out of his hands. Making sure that my web shooters are set to shoot webs that will dissolve in fifteen minutes, I cocoon him like a wiggling caterpillar waiting to burst out into a beautiful butterfly, or, in his case, hopefully turn his life around.
I web his mouth shut before the first curse word aimed towards me can leave his lips.
Wagging my finger at him, I smirk, "Don't you know that cursing at people is bad?"
I feel the building start to shake and debris starts to tumble gracefully (for debris of course) to the floor, landing with loud thumps.
The guy's eyes widen as he glances fearfully around us.
I roll my eyes at him, proud of myself for finally upgrading my mask's eye lenses so that they can show my "I'm rolling my eyes" emotion, "Dude. If you didn't want to go down with the ship, why are you even here? I mean, I'm glad I was able to catch you and stop you from doing this again sometime in the future, but still."
A large piece of debris crashes down right next to us and I feel the ground start to give, "Oops! Time to go!"
I grab him as I swing out the window, landing on a roof outside of the danger zone right before the building comes crashing down. I glance at the debris cloud, "Jeez, what is it with me and collapsing buildings lately?"
I swear I can feel the guy shrug.
Before I swing down into the bustle of officers and health workers, I scan the crowd for Greg and the normal paramedics that help stitch me up. Why those paramedics you may ask? Well, as I was getting to know Greg, I also got to know them. And I was able to show them what they need to do to help me, what with my advanced healing and all. The others don't know how to do that.
I don't see them, making me huff, "Great. Just great. I'm going to have to dig the bullet out myself now."
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, calming down my frustration and clearing my mind. With my clear mind, I remember something, making me facepalm, "Of course! I remember now. Greg and his team are taking the day off. How could I forget? I'm super happy that they're taking a much needed break. They deserve it. But still..." I trail off.
I look down at the man cocooned next to me, realizing that I have been absently directing my comments towards him and that he has no idea what I am talking about. I should probably get him into custody now.
"Come on," I grab him and swing down to an officer, "Excuse me sir?"
The officer turns around, "Spider-Man! I was worried you didn't make it out."
I smile, "Thanks for the concern sir," I push the webbed up man towards him, "This man was the one who bombed the building. I suggest you take him and get him some help. I believe he could turn his life around if he wanted to."
The officer looks at me in a bit of wonder, probably because he's never talked to me before, "All right Spider-Man."
"Thanks!" I wave at him and take off before he can notice the blood dripping down my arm and my pant leg soaked in it as well.
Before I leave, I swipe a scalpel from one of the tool trays, trying not to think of the pain I am going to have to inflict upon myself in a few minutes.
Swinging up onto a nearby roof, I sit down on an upturned bucket. I rip open the hole the bullet wound left in my costume so I can reach the wound easier.
Just as I am about to cut the newly healed and irritated skin over where the bullet is, I hear a shout.
I glance over and groan when I see Iron Man rushing up to me. I hold out a hand to stop him before he can advance further, "You better not come any closer sir. I really don't want to deal with you and this right now."
Iron Man stops where he stands, which surprises me, "Spider-Man, cutting isn't the answer. Please don't."
I mentally facepalm. He's right, cutting never is the answer, but you would think one of the smartest men on earth would understand that I need to get this awful bullet out. I mean, he's close enough to see all the blood if he looked.
"Yeah, well, not in this case. By the way," I raise my voice so that everyone who has been slowly surrounding me can hear, "none of your buddies should come any closer too please."
Captain America steps into view, a bit behind Iron Man, "Spider-Man, please. We need you to come with us. Fury won't stop and will come down harder on you and with less mercy than we will."
A stab of pain starts at my leg and shoots up my side as my stupid healing factor digs the bullet in deeper. I can't wait any longer.
I decide to ignore them unless they come closer so that I can just get this over with. I look down at the scalpel, which I had let rest on my leg as I talked to Iron Man. I raise it back up over the wound and move to press it down but am interrupted yet again.
"Spider-Man, please! Listen to us for once." Iron Man takes a step closer as he almost pleads with me, which really surprises me.
I nearly let loose a growl of frustration at the Avengers, but I reign it in, knowing that it will just make things worse, "Guys, I always listen to you. But I usually don't act on it because you guys don't understand me and the situations I am in."
I move my gaze to Captain America and stare him down, "Please Captain. We have sort of gotten to know each other. Please, just trust me with this, please." By the end I am close to pleading as continuous pain starts to radiate from the now fully closed wound.
He pauses and looks back at me. I can see him pondering over my words, and usually I would appreciate that, but now is not the time for pondering.
Hoping that he will decide to trust me, I turn my full attention to the wound, lifting the scalpel. I pause for a brief second, waiting to see if the Avengers would interrupt again. I hear Iron Man start to take a small step forwards, but Captain America holds out an arm and stops him. Captain America's voice wafts over to me, calling off the others.
Some of the tension leaves my shoulders and I can't help but look over at him, not realizing how well my lenses are communicating the relief in my eyes, "Thank you."
With that said, I steel myself for the pain, and plunge the scalpel down, carefully reopening the wound.
I release a small shout as the pressure of the bullet in the wound releases all in one go. I take off my gloves and set them next to me before I stick my fingers into the wound and dig around. I grind my teeth together and squeeze my eyes shut in both pain and concentration.
In what seems like forever, but is probably only about half a minute, my fingers touch a hard object. I grimace as I open my fingers slightly to grab hold of the slippery thing, wiggling it out of the wound.
I sigh in relief when I finally get it out, holding it up to the light in triumph.
"Finally," I quietly breathe out. I limp over to the roof and drop the bullet right next to the edge, in a place where I can pick it up later and properly throw it away. It lands with a light clink.
"Okay," I clap my hands together, "Lets try this again."
I look out over the city to make sure that there is nothing going on that the police can't handle before I turn around to face Captain America and Iron Man.
I am met with both of them staring at me in shock and disbelief.
For another moment, Captain America and Iron Man, who has his faceplate raised, give me weird looks.
I let a few seconds pass before I get fed up with the unique silence.
I raise my eyebrow at them, "What?"
"Was that a bullet?" Iron Man questions.
I double over laughing, more from the adrenaline still coursing through me from taking the bullet out than his question.
After a moment I am able to stand straight, still chuckling as the adrenaline fluttering in my stomach continues to search for an outlet to escape, "NoOOo," I sarcastically reply, "It was the end of a piece of debris I had to hold up."
Black Widow steps out of the shadows and rolls her eyes at me while directing her speech towards Iron Man, "Tony, stop being an idiot. Of course it was a bullet."
Not registering what Black Widow said, I absentmindedly comment on what I sarcastically told the Avengers, unpleasant memories rising to the surface, "Man, that did hurt though. But it was a building, not debris."
Everyone freezes, including the rest of the Avengers, who were just stepping out of the shadows. Apparently, they all have come this time to get little ol' me. Great.
All their heads swivel in my direction and I can feel their attention land on me.
"What?!" Iron Man yells.
The yelled question snaps me out of the painful memories and I realize what I just said. I take a step away from them as I push out the unpleasant thoughts, "Uhhh..." I trail off.
After a split second, my quirky side surfaces as a natural defense. I wave my hand at them, as if I am waving away my last comment, "That was all in the past. Now what can I do for you?" I raise my eyebrows at them and wait.
"Wait, wait, wait," the Falcon steps forward, "You can't just say that and then wave it off."
I glare at him, "I can and I will. I am not reliving that again, not if I can help it."
I see a look of understanding about that last sentence pass on some of their faces.
Captain America opens his mouth, but my spidey sense blares and then a sharp pain shoots through my head. I double over in pain as I clutch my head and groan. I see red and I can feel my mind automatically pushing against it, keeping it out.
"Argh! That hurts! Stop it!" I yell, staggering a bit. After a moment the pain is manageable as I get used to it.
I straighten, my hand still holding my head and red still ringing my vision. I grimace from the continuous throbbing and flinch at the bolts of pain that shoot through my head everytime me and whoever is doing this clash.
I fight to push them out and clear my mind while making sure none of the Avengers get too close. I growl and look around at them, my eyes settling on the Scarlet Witch.
Her face is also full of pain and she looks at me in unbelief, "Wha-.... how? Nobody notices me coming into their mind, much less being able to keep me out like this."
The rest of the Avengers look between us two as we both grimace at the same time.
"Well get out!" I shout, "I don't want you in my head!"
After another moment of battling her, I give up on a peaceful solution, "You know what? I'm sorry I have to do this."
With one hand to my head, I use the other to shoot out a web onto the wall right next to Scarlet Witch. I'm able to shoot out another one before the other Avengers can react, expertly sticking her to the wall, her head hitting the cushiony web already on there rather than cracking against the red brick.
Startled, Scarlet Witch stops her attacks. I sigh in relief.
Arrow. Dodge left.
Immediately after dodging left my spidey sense tingles again.
Bullet. Dodge right.
After avoiding the bullet as well, I face the other Avengers again, my hands raised next to my head, "Woah woah woah. That was just self defense guys. She started it!"
I turn to Black Widow and wag my finger at her, "And I just got a bullet out! But I do have to appreciate that that shot wasn't going to hit anything major."
She gives me a smirk, "You noticed that huh?"
"Of course!"
Iron Man gets my attention before speaking, "Back to business, Spider-Man. All of us," he waves his hand around at the rest of the Avengers, "really don't want to do this, but we really need you to come with us. And if you won't do it willingly, then we're going to have to do it forcibly."
I sigh, "Well, since you guys won't leave this matter alone, let's get this over with."
Everyone else sighs as well, but gets into their fighting stances.
I prepare myself for the fight that is about to happen.
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