14. Coffee Deliveries and Unbelievable Compliments
Author here. A lot of this is Natasha, Clint, and Steve explaining to the others about what happened in the last three chapters. They haven't yet told the other Avengers, who weren't on the coms during it, the events of that night.
If you want the Avengers reactions to it, read the whole thing (And I use it to praise Spidey a ton because he deserves it). If you don't want to read that, you still need to read from the beginning of this chapter to the end of Peter's POV for some stuff to make sense.
This isn't my favorite chapter and I was thinking of just deleting the whole thing, but I decided not to. So I hope you guys enjoy it anyways. Thanks!
Hi, Peter here. Since you all are stalkers and would get bored reading about the same thing happening over and over when you know that more is coming, there's going to be a large time skip. But the author doesn't want you to be confused so I've decided to catch you all up to speed so she doesn't have to stress about that.
Okay, here's the gist: Nothing really happened. Done.
Fine, fine, stuff happened, just not a lot. My internship continued and I got a lot closer with Echo and Elaina. I got my robot done in about two days and decided to donate it to an elderly home near SI.
Since I finished everything so soon, I was able to upgrade a ton of stuff on my suit and allow FABAE to do a lot more.
I built a noise cancellation device in my mask so that no one can overhear my conversations with FABAE and others if I have to call someone. You guys should be able to pick up the command on how I turn it on and off pretty easily.
I also increased the accuracy of my suite's eye sensors, allowing people to read my emotions better.
I actually did end up building a mini arc reactor for my suit and installing it where it couldn't get broken (and I put a USB port in my padded pocket so I could charge my phone while on patrol). I have different settings on my web shooters now, so don't be surprised about that....
I could go on, but I don't want you guys to get too bored. Just don't be surprised if more tech comes in. The author already promised that she would make sure you would understand what it is in the moment.
FABAE has access to a lot of networks now. I had to make her promise not to hack FRIDAY unless she needs to or gets my permission. She also has learned how to help me more on my Patrols, but she still knows that a lot of the time her talking to me or giving me suggestions will distract me, so she doesn't talk much during my Patrols.
The Avengers are still after me, but since they're reluctant to capture me and Director Fury isn't pressuring them as much yet, I've been able to avoid them pretty easily. How do I know about SHIELD, Director Fury, and that he isn't pressuring them you may ask? Well, I may or may not have gotten bored at the beginning of my internship when I had nothing to do and used the last hour or two to hack SHIELD and read a lot of their important files. Oops! (I'm not sorry. It was a fun little project and I learned a lot. And FABAE has access to that network too now, sooo...)
Don't judge me okay? I do my homework when it impacts me being Spider-Man.
Um... what else... Oh! Remember Mr. Insomniac and Mama Spider? Over the past few weeks I've gotten a lot closer to them and have gotten to know them. Aunt May was really hesitant at first and reminded me of my cyber security assemblies that Ive been required to go to for years (which didn't do much since I was too busy hacking or building something during those things).
Over time, and after reading our conversations though, she gave in and let me continue talking to them (I may or may not have hacked their numbers just enough to see that they weren't a threat to me. But I decided that since I value my privacy, I would keep their privacy and not see who they were. It was a harder decision though because their number's firewalls were private and more complex than the usual phone-numbers security. So my interest was peaked).
You know what? Now with all of that said, there actually was a lot more that happened than I thought. Oh well...
Well, I guess it's time for the promised time skip:
A Month Later....
Peter's POV:
'FABAEEEEE!' I text to her on my phone, 'I'm soooooo booooooreeeeed!'
She answers through the earpiece I made that I wear everywhere nowadays, "Peter, you're fine. Stop over exaggerating."
'But I have nothing to do!'
"Then make something to do," She sighs, "You've been able to do that for a month now and I know you can keep doing it."
I love my internship at SI, but honestly, I'm getting pretty bored. I just wish that I would get promoted or something just so that I would have new stuff to do.
The higher-ups never actually ended up looking at our projects. They were too busy doing other stuff.
I perk up when Matt walks into our lab, his mannerism obviously portraying how flustered and rushed he is. He looks around at us working on stuff (Or appearing to in Flash's case. Well, and mine depending on how you look at it). After a moment he finally speaks his mind, "Hey guys, I'm getting a lot of pressure from some higher ups right now and there's been an order for coffee from a high level and all of the people who deliver those kinds of things are busy. Is there any possible way one of you can deliver it for me?"
Before anyone else can say anything, I jump at the chance to defeat my boredom, even if it was temporary, "I will!"
Matt gives me a relieved smile, "Thank you so much Peter."
I bounce up out of my seat and walk over to Matt, who hands me the coffees, "No problem!"
"These need to go up to floor thirty-eight. Your badge doesn't have access to that level, but if you explain the situation to FRIDAY she should let you go up. You seem to have a special bond with her anyways."
I smile. Me and FRIDAY get along great and have had some lovely chats. FABAE is pretty mad about that though. Oh well... she can deal with it. I have explained multiple times to her that FRIDAY won't take her place. I won't tell her face to AI-face, but I consider her a mother figure and FRIDAY more as a friend that I'm close to.
I step into the elevator, my hands full with the coffees, "Hello FRIDAY!"
"Hello Peter!" Friday cheerfully says back.
"I need to go to floor thirty-eight please."
"I am sorry Peter, but you do not have access to that level," FRIDAY announces, genuinely sorry.
"Oh yeah! I'm so sorry, I forgot! I'm supposed to explain to you that Matt sent me to deliver these coffees up there because of how busy everyone is."
It takes a moment before FRIDAY hums in approval, "Very well Peter. This lab is a full floor lab, and no one is in it right now. Please don't touch anything."
"I won't," I reassure her, "But when I get there can you show me where to set down the coffees?"
"Of course Peter."
The elevator starts to rise, and I make sure to keep the coffees steady just in case one of the lids is loose. When the elevator stops, the doors open with a ding.
"Wooooowwww..." I whisper, awestruck. The lab is beautiful, full of stuff that looks like Avengers tech. These people must be pretty high up to be working with the Avengers. I mean, they are on one of the very top floors that are the closest to the Avengers living quarters.
After snapping out of my marveling, I step inside of the lab, careful to avoid anything that is laying on the floor.
"Please place the coffee on that table by the whiteboard Peter." FRIDAY speaks up.
"Okay!" I go to place the coffees on the table, but the equation on the whiteboard catches my eye, "Hey FRIDAY?"
"There's a problem with this equation on the whiteboard."
There is a pause before FRIDAY answers, "Are you sure Peter?"
She hums, "Okay, I trust you."
"Thanks FRIDAY. Is there a paper and pencil I can use? I can correct the mistake on the paper and magnet it to the board."
"There is a pad of paper and a pencil on your right."
"Thank you!" I spot the pad of paper and rip the top paper off. I then grab the pencil and get to work. The equation was so fun to solve, that I just ended up doing the whole thing. About five minutes later, I'm done. I magnet it onto the whiteboard and leave, stepping into the elevator.
I take one last glance at the lab before the elevator doors close and I am left to prepare myself for the boredom awaiting me.
Natasha's POV
After a whole month of me, Steve, and Hawkeye going out to capture Spider-Man and coming back completely empty handed, Tony decides to call a meeting (who would have thought that was even possible? Tony and meetings do NOT go well together). Honestly, we haven't been trying very hard at all to get Spider-Man, especially after the last time we worked together. We haven't run into him since then because of our hesitation.
When I reach the living room, where Tony decided to have the meeting, everyone is either already there or just arriving.
Once we all get comfortable, Tony claps his hands together, "Okay guys, I have decided that we need to up our efforts to capture Spider-Man before Furious Fury gets on my case about it. Nat, Steve, and Clint, I know that you guys were told to go easy on him and not resort to violence, but I think it's time you guys do something different than what you're already doing. We need you guys to at least catch up to him again!"
Me, Clint, and Steve share a meaningful glance filled with worry and one question: Should we tell them?
"What?" Tony asks.
Steve sighs, "That last time we ran into Spider-Man and helped him, well, we learned some.... Interesting things about him."
Clint adds, "And that's the reason we've been so hesitant about capturing him. And he's an amazing man. He risks his life over and over for people of New York that he doesn't even know. Even if they hate him, he would lay his life down for them."
I speak up, "He has gone through a lot that could change him for the worse. But instead he took it in a way that built him up instead, even if it still left scars that haven't healed completely yet. He has my respect."
Everyone freezes and looks at me in disbelief, Tony's mouth even falling open in shock. I look around, annoyed. "What?"
"Did you just... compliment someone without having it veiled with threats?" Sam asks hesitantly, not sure of himself.
"Not just that, but you said that someone has your respect. Your respect! Do you know how long it took me to get that?" Clint exclaims.
I roll my eyes at them, "So? I have feelings too."
"Sometimes I doubt that," I hear Sam mutter, quietly enough that he thought no one could hear.
I glare at him, "What did you just say?"
His eyes widen, "I... I, um n-nothing?"
I increase the intensity of my glare.
He winces and raises his hands in front of his face in a protective gesture, "Please don't kill me..."
I humph and turn everyone's attention back to the subject of the meeting, "Spider-Man's been nothing but polite to us, even though we've been sent to get him. Every time we have caught up to him, he's been risking his life for others, usually with injuries."
"Wait, you guys seem to have avoided what happened the last time you saw him," Vision reminds him.
Clint visibly winces.
We share another glance again to decide who would share the story. We agree on Steve.
He hesitates before launching into the story, "When we found Spider-Man, he was in the middle of saving all of the hostages in what we thought was a robbery gone bad."
Vision lifts a brow, catching onto what Steve avoided, "What you thought was a robbery?"
"We're getting to that," I snap.
Steve continues, "Even though he knew we were after him, he asked us to help him in getting the last of the hostages out. He'd already gotten out all of the hostages from the back rooms, which left the main group of hostages in the lobby. We were kind of...," Steve winces, "ignorant of the situation and told him it didn't matter and he needed to come with us."
"What happened?" Wanda interrupts.
"The robber moved up the time-table. He would kill everyone in less than ten minutes if Spider-Man didn't come save them. But get this, he asked for Spider-Man specifically. Him and Greg, the guy we met when you guys were listening in, were confused."
Clint jumps in and continues the story, "The main lobby was protected, they couldn't see much. They didn't even know about the hostages in the back room until Spider-Man found them. All we knew was what we believed was true. Spider-Man gave us a plan where we would sneak around back and enter there, giving us the opportunity to quietly save the hostages."
"What was Spider-Man doing?" Bruce asks, the story sucking him in, along with everyone else.
"He was going to go into the front, even though we were blind to the situation. The robber asked specifically for him, and because it would help us, he decided to go in even though he had unreliable intel. When we were able to make it to the lobby, Spider-Man looked confused, then his eyes widened in what seemed like realization and he yelled at us to stay where we were."
"And you listened?" Sam broke in.
"We promised him we would," I explain.
Clint nods at me in confirmation, "Just a second later he looked horrified and yelled at everyone to get out. The door burst open and five men ran at him. But get this, we, the Avengers, were in the room and they didn't even spare us a glance. They all went to Spider-Man."
Tony whistles softly, "What did he do?"
"Well, we went to help him, but he yelled at us that the hostages were the priority, that we should leave him to deal with these five large, obviously trained men."
Steve nods his head, "He had told us before we went in that if anything happened and we had to choose between the hostages or him, that we had to pick the hostages."
"Wow," Wanda whispers, "He really does care about others more than himself."
"Continue please," Vision bluntly asks.
"Well...." Clint trails off and looks at me with pleading eyes, obviously not wanting to be the one to tell them.
I roll my eyes. Of course they leave the hardest part to me, "He had a panic attack."
"He what?" Tony's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, "What happened?"
"Well, when we got the hostages out, we turned around to see Spider-Man surrounded by all of the men, who were tied up, and none of them were hurt aside from bruises."
"None of them?" Sam wonders aloud.
"Yes, he made a conscious effort to not seriously harm the people trying to kill him. He limped towards us and was almost outside when one of the men laughed. He turned around and the man told him the someone was back, and that they were sent from him to get Spider-Man. Spider-Man spun around and was on him, asking who he was talking about. The man said some things and Spider-Man was close to freaking out. He said 'It can't be him, he's dead.'"
"That doesn't sound like a panic attack to me," Tony cuts me off.
"Stop interrupting," I growl. He slumps in his seat, trying to make himself smaller, "Spider-Man had a panic attack when the guy gave him a message."
No one interrupts, too scared of me to do so. I continue, "The message was 'he loved learning more about how you tick.' Spider-Man had a full blown panic attack, and when Greg got mad at us, I told him what caused it. All of the blood drained out of his face. He wouldn't tell us why. Once Greg calmed Spider-Man down he had to cut a bullet out of Spider-Man."
"Cut a bullet out of him?" Tony asks.
"Yes. He said that his healing factor was trying to get it out, but instead was growing over it. Greg cut it out of him without any pain-killers."
Everyone's eyebrows raise in disbelief and respect at that statement.
"It also sounded like Greg and him had done this many times before, and he mentioned that that was nothing, that he had been through much worse."
"Do you believe him?" Bruce says.
"All three of us believe him now. I wouldn't say we did then. Greg took us aside after getting the bullet out and explained some... disturbing things to us."
"What?" Wanda and Sam say at the same time.
"Greg explained that Spider-Man has a lot of villains and that he has done really good at stopping them-"
"I wonder how many he actually has. We're going to have to research that," Tony remarks.
For once I don't get mad at him for interrupting because I have that same question. I brush off Tony's remark for now and continue, "He did a good job stopping them until one of the supervillains he fights got him."
"Got him?" Wanda repeats.
"Yes, got him. And he did some... unspeakable things to him. Greg wouldn't tell us what, but he did tell us that it was Living Hell."
Bruce shifts positions in his chair before piping up, "What happened to them? Where'd the villain go?"
"Well, Spider-Man escaped after more than a month of going through that. Greg said that Spider-Man wouldn't tell him most of the details and how he escaped was one of the ones he wouldn't tell him. So Greg didn't know how Spider-Man escaped. But when he did escape the villain went after him to get him back. There was a battle. The villain died."
"He died? I thought Spider-Man doesn't kill," Sam says from his corner of the couch.
"He doesn't. It was an accident and it tore Spider-Man apart inside. Well, more than he already was."
"Wait," Tony says, "Spider-Man was sad that the villain who tortured him for over a month died? Wow, he really does have a pure moral compass."
Everyone nods their heads in agreement.
I go to finish the story, "Greg warned us that even though Spider-Man is almost healed, he isn't completely there yet. Then he basically told us that if we did anything to Spider-Man even remotely close to that he would hunt us down."
Steve reels back in shock along with everyone else.
"Wait, he didn't say that," Steve says.
"Well..." Clint trails off, moving his hands up and down in a weighing motion, palms up.
I snort, "You were not a professional spy Steve. It was pretty obvious what he actually meant if you know how to pick up on the signals."
Tony snorts, "He threatened the Black Widow? I like this guy."
I glare at Tony but agree, "Same."
This time Tony drops the cup he is holding and everyone's jaws drop, "Did you just bluntly compliment someone twice in one day?"
I cross my arms threateningly, "They both deserve it, unlike some people." I pointedly glare at them.
Tony shrinks back but then perks up as he remembers something. His eyes gleam right before he starts to fire questions at us, "Wait, did you say earlier that Spider-Man has advanced healing?! How fast do you think it is? How many other powers does he have?"
"I don't know!" Clint bursts out, "Why are you asking the non-nerds here? Ask Bruce! He heard our story."
Tony turns his questions on Bruce, who ponders for a second before responding, "It does sound like he has advanced healing. Greg didn't even try to give Spider-Man any pain killers. Since Greg knows Spider-Man so well, that probably means he knows that Spider-Man's healing is fast enough that his body burns right through them." Bruce turns to all of the non-science guys in the room, "Which is really fast by the way."
I interrupt before he can continue, "And we don't know what other powers he has. I don't doubt that he has more."
"If we really do need to bring Spider-Man in, we might need all of you guys, rather than just us three," Steve explains, "I mean, he brought down those five trained guys with almost no effort. And the only reason he got so hurt was because he had hostages he had to deal with and was in a really small space. When we go to get him, we would probably find him on a roof somewhere and he would be alone."
Tony stays quiet, thinking, "Well, I say for right now we send just you three again. Before that story, I would have laughed if you told me that he could bring you three down alone. But he has gone through so much..." He trails off before continuing, "Well, we don't have much of a choice on this. If he does bring you three down, we'll have to have all of us go."
Everyone looks uneasy and guilty of what they may have to do to Spider-Man, a guy who has done no wrong and is just trying to help.
After a moment of awkward silence, Tony slices through it, "Well, meeting dismissed I guess."
I stand up and leave, heading to the gym to punch out my anger of what we are being forced to do.
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