Hey guys!! How are you all doing?
Thank you very much for the amazing support, there are a lot
that I haven't mention personally but please know
that you are appreciated.
Louis should have known that once he arrived at the night before the bake sale, he's house would have been a total mess already. The sight that greets him does not disappoint.
A total mess means flour scattered all over the floor and various baking equipment piling up on Louis' sink. Louis doesn't know where it came from, he doesn't even he owns any baking equipment. The scene that unfolds before him is Niall lying on his stomach, hugging a metal mixing bowl with what appears to be chocolate on it and Liam trying to pull the said bowl away from him, they were both covered with flour.
He was facing Harry's back who appears to be kneading some dough, drenched in flour from head to toe and Zayn who was sitting on the counter, giggling to himself while being covered in flour and chocolate frosting.
"Niall! the dough is still raw! Stop eating it or you'll get sick!" Liam protested while giving all his strength to try and free the bowl from Niall.
Which in Louis's opinion is never going to happen, no food un-eaten will escape his crazy Irish housemate hands.
"But it's delicious Liam." Niall moaned before sticking his chocolate filled finger to his mouth and moaning unashamedly.
Louis was kind of impressed with Niall because Liam's biceps are bulging from the force of trying to separate to the two, Niall surely has a dead grip on that thing.
"Not when you're in a hospital for food poisoning." Liam chastised him like a child.
"You're such a dad." Niall rolled his eyes but let the bowl go to Louis' surprise.
He was sure Niall would have fought Liam but the way Niall's stomach was slightly raised means he's eaten a lot already.
"No daddy kink while I'm baking guys." Harry suddenly muttered without turning away from what he was doing.
Louis merely raised a curious brow when Liam sputtered in shock and face going red in embarrassment.
"Harry! I have firmly mentioned not to broadcast my kinks." he shouted, still red in the face.
Louis turns to Zayn who appears to be looking interested, Louis might be lying if he said he didn't notice the sudden glint on Zayn's eyes.
"So you're into daddy kink Zayn?" Louis asked as he stepped inside his disaster of a kitchen, mindful of the way the floor was slippery because of the added pile of flour.
"What the hell have you guys done on my kitchen." Louis hissed at the people responsible to it.
He was a messy person but this was on a whole other level of messy.
"Harry slipped while carrying a bag of flour." Niall pointed out while he was star fishing on the floor, creating an angel figure below him.
Harry suddenly turns around to face him, a small pout on his face and Louis didn't want to stare at the frosting's on Harry's face and how his hair was covered in white flour, he wanted to punch him honestly because why in gods name does he still look attractive. That should not be legal anywhere!
"I'm sorry Louis, I will clean it after." Harry apologized sincerely.
He did all the work and he still have the decency to apologize, why is he being too kind?
Before Louis can react though, Liam was already speaking.
"You've done all the baking, I'll clean it up Harry." Liam said with a smile.
Two Saints are living in Louis' house.
"Thank you Liam." Harry smiled and turns around to walk to the oven to check his cookies.
Despite the mess, Louis wouldn't deny the heavenly smell floating around. He actually wanted to taste it but he didn't want to be overly excited from the prospect of getting a cookie, so he tried to be subtle at getting closer to the treats and trying not to drool at the sight.
The smell had distracted Louis so it took if a few more minutes to realize that Biscuit was nowhere to be found.
"Where's biscuit?" Louis asked in a worried tone.
Liam turns to him quickly to explain and he looked proper apologetic at doing so.
"I'm sorry if I locked him inside the bathroom Lou, he keeps licking the fallen chocolate stuffs." he explained sadly, as if he'd done something terrible.
Louis grumbled because he can't really be mad at Liam when he's looking at him like that. He just made his way carefully out of the kitchen to get his beloved dog.
"I should lock all of you in the bathroom." he snaps at them before making his way to the bathroom where he can faintly hear Biscuit whining. Louis knew Biscuit hated when he's being isolated but he knew Liam had a point, it's not good for him to have too much sweets, he's hyperactive enough. He opened the bathroom door and Biscuit came straight to him, jumping and barking excitedly.
"Hi there baby, did you miss me?" Louis cooed before lifting him up.
He will not put him down for now because of the mess but he won't lock him up as well.
"I'm sorry if I've been neglecting you but it seems the others always treats you like a king right?" He snuggled him to his chest while he made his way back to the kitchen.
Niall quickly stood up from the floor, almost slipping on his haste to get to Biscuit. Louis rolled his eyes but can't help but feel amused.
"He sometimes sleeps in my bed while I sleep on the floor." Niall commented while he scratched the back of Biscuits ear.
Harry and Zayn burst into fits of laughter at Niall's declaration.
"Because you always fall asleep while on a meeting with that French dude." Zayn told him after his laughter had subsided, Harry was still giggling to himself while he took the baked cookies out of the oven.
"Mikhail understands me, timezones fucking sucks." Niall sighed before completely taking Biscuit off Louis' embrace.
Louis glared at Niall but let him have Biscuit, he might just steal a cookie or two for now while it was still freshly baked, the smell was just outrageously delicious.
"Speaking of work, Niall, will you be able to hack on my works security footage." Liam suddenly piped, Louis noticed that he moved towards the sink to try and clean the piled dishes.
Louis was a bit shocked of what Liam had asked, he didn't think Liam was the type of guy who breaks the law and hacking is surely an illegal act.
"Liam, I didn't know you were into illegal things." he stated curiously.
Liam just let out a huff of frustration while he scrubbed a pan painfully, the sound making Louis cringe uncomfortably.
"I'm not but someone has been stealing all my money from tips lately and it's getting frustrating." He sighed after a moment of trying to drill a hole to the poor pan.
"Aww don't worry, I'll look into it now. We don't want anyone taking advantage of our Liam." Niall said to Liam before he beckons him upstairs to his bedroom where his laptop is.
Liam smiled widely before leaving the unfinished dishes and following Niall who was still carrying Biscuit.
"I'll come with you." Zayn jumped off the counter and quickly followed the two.
So Louis was left with only Harry in the room and of course there's nothing wrong with that, it's just Louis was more used to hanging out with Niall, Liam was nice to talk to because he has a lot of hilarious experiences at work while Zayn and him would usually spend a Saturday afternoon in the basement, talking about a lot of random things while sharing a joint.
He spends the less amount of time hanging out with Harry because he still feels off around him, like he doesn't know how to properly act around him, but they were housemate so moments like this were unavoidable.
"So how's the baking thing going?" Louis scratched the back of his neck while he watched Harry place the cookies on a plastic bag, sealing it close after.
Louis doesn't know what the proper Ice Breaker is on awkward conversations. He knows that he can just leave and follow the others, but he was just to drawn by the delicious baked goods and he wants to have one.
"It's fine, I miss doing this." Harry replied to him with a small smile, dimples appearing distracting Louis for a minute.
He'd never seen an abnormality in the human body that was so beautiful. He quickly snaps out of it, eyes widening a little when he realized that Harry must have noticed him.
"How did you end up from being a baker to being a sex therapist?" Louis decided to ask, ignoring the smirk on Harry's lips.
"Baking and cooking is more of a hobby, I took up psychology when I dropped out of law school." Harry said.
"You went to law school?" Louis asked in an incredulous tone.
With Harry's hippie get up, Louis has a hard time imagining him being a lawyer.
"Yeah, wasn't really my thing because it was too boring and i realized that lawyers were awful so I went and took up psychology." Harry didn't even look offended as he explained.
"You must be really rich if you have the capacity to change degree anytime you want." Louis muttered before skimming the array of desserts displayed on the counter.
Harry really gave a hundred percent effort into this, they all looked amazing.
"We managed." Harry chuckled before going over to the sink to place more used dishes on the already overloaded pile.
"Do you want to taste the cookies?" He suddenly turned to Louis.
Louis couldn't help but grin, a little embarrassed because Harry might already have noticed what he was planning earlier.
"If there's any extras, I don't want to eat what you've prepared for the kids." He said.
"I made a whole load of them." Harry chuckled before showing him the neatly boxed cookies, Louis didn't know they were already filled with them.
"Wow, that's a lot of food." He whistled.
"Niall did all the shopping." Harry shrugged, closing another cookie filled box and placing it on top.
"It all makes sense now." Louis sighed.
Niall is the worst at shopping, if Liam is all sensible and only taking what they needed in a grocery store, Niall would do his shopping online, ordering various amount of anything and being distracted by things they don't need but will still end up buying it. Zayn refuses to go shopping while Harry? Louis doesn't know how Harry does his shopping, he hasn't been living here long enough for Louis to know all his habits, all he does know is that he likes getting damn naked.
"So we have chocolate chip, peanut butter, raisins and oatmeal cookies, I'm going to start with the cupcakes later." Harry starts explaining to Louis.
"Why didn't you go for normal chocolate chip?" Louis asked curiously, because for someone who doesn't really thought has a lot of time in their hands, they would go for the easiest thing. Louis wouldn't lie that he will probably just buy the cookies that he's about to sell.
"I have to think about the kids who have allergies." Harry answered him.
"That's very nice of you to do." was all Louis managed to say. He was busy trying to figure Harry out, because why does everything about him sounds perfect, surely, he has some things that will categorize him as an asshole.
"Do you want me to teach you how to make red velvet cookies?" Harry asked eagerly, staring at Louis and waiting for him to answer.
Louis knew how to bake but it doesn't mean he's good at it, it's considered good when the food actually looks edible and not overly burned or terribly raw. He once sent a friend to the hospital for food poisoning so Louis usually refuses to offer to cook anymore that he's not really used to cooking yet.
But Harry was offering and it'll be ace if he knows a thing or two, for future reference of course, he'll take all the help he can get.
"That sounds delicious." He said before making his way over where Harry was preparing the ingredients.
Louis watched as Harry poured and stirred everything into one bowl and at some point, he forgot what the ingredients were even called, Harry was just too damn fast mixing them all up and before he knew it, the red dough was already finished with white chocolate chips.
"So to get the soft texture of the cookie, you have to be firm on pressing on the dough." Harry said to him.
Louis furrows his brow when Harry ushered him closer.
"But won't it be more delicious if it's a little more hard than standard cookie?" he stated when Harry gestured for him to wash his hands and put some plastic gloves on which he did quickly.
"It actually depends but kids like their cookies to be soft and chewy." Harry replied.
"Well, you're the expert." Louis murmured with a small shrug, clueless on what to do next.
Harry stepped aside to make room for Louis, with concealed enthusiasm, Louis went to the dough and started rolling it around like what he'd seen on TV. He was actually enjoying himself because it's been too long since he'd last been on the kitchen to do things other than eating.
But then he froze when Harry suddenly stepped behind him, too close to be necessary and his hands suddenly appeared on his sides, taking the dough and pressing it much harder.
"Put a little more force to it, like this." he whispered, his breath hitting the side of Louis' neck, making him shiver and close his eyes.
"Um okay." Louis said dumbly.
He didn't know why he was acting this way, this was bizarre. It wasn't anything sexual or anything but why does it feel like it is. Has he been gone for too long without sex and now this simple skin to skin contact is driving him nuts? Christ, it's not even skin to skin because they're both clothed from head to toe.
"It looks like the dough looks fine now Harry." Louis suddenly said, voice unusually loud.
Harry did in fact step away from him and Louis can feel himself breath much more comfortably now, he turns to glare at Harry but he has this innocent happy look on his face and Louis just swallowed the mean comment he was about to throw into his face.
"It does, great job Louis." He grinned excitedly.
Almost like a child really.
"All i did was mold it." Louis said.
"It's probably going to be the best mold." Harry laughed before going over to the other side of the kitchen to get the rectangular metal pan and placing some baking sheets over it.
Louis just stared at him incredulously because he was right all along, Harry actually did that on purpose. Louis was right for thinking that Harry was 100% perfect, he was just as sly.
"You're flirting skills are damn weird Styles." He grumbled as he took a cookie from a plate and started munching at it while still glaring at Harry who only laugh.
Louis stayed in the kitchen while Harry busies himself on putting the dough into the oven and when it's all finished, he turns back to Louis.
"I saw a picture of the guy from the club on one of the bottom drawers in my room." Harry suddenly spoke making Louis almost choke on the chocolate chip cookie he was eating.
"Remind me to burn it later." Louis coughed as he went straight to the fridge to get some water.
He didn't even know he has pictures of Kyle all over the house, Louis rarely takes picture of him. He believes that in such a digital age, physical photography was too hassle, all the digital copies were easier to permanently deleted.
"You have weird taste." Harry added knowingly.
"Did you just judge me?" Louis asked in disbelief.
"I just feel like you settled for something less." Harry shrugged.
"Thank you for making me feel like an idiot for choosing him." Louis muttered lowly.
"You're not an idiot, he's actually the idiot one because he let you go." Harry quickly explained, noticing how Louis' mood suddenly dropped.
Louis wanted to throw a cookie at Harry's face because what does he know about his relationship and why did he think that Kyle was the one who left him, he was the one who kicked him out but he shouldn't me telling this to him. He shouldn't be telling it to anyone because Kyle was just a thing o the past even I Louis wasted 5 years on him.
"Just finish cooking the damn cookies Harry and stop acting like you know me." Louis snapped before taking another cookie and stomping out of the kitchen.
He wasn't mad at Harry per say, maybe a bit upset. Upset because it feels like he still hasn't completely moved on from his past. Upset because Kyle might already have had hundreds of men or women before him and it makes him feel like he was easily replaceable.
He was relieved that Harry didn't follow him to apologize or something as he went straight to the living room where the other three are, huddled over the couch and watching something on Niall's laptop.
Louis almost forgot that Niall was hacking into Liam's work surveillance, illegally might he add.
"I can't believe Fernando has been taking my tips! The nerve of that guy!" Liam suddenly shout, making Louis jump in surprise, he almost dropped his cookie on the floor. Good thing he still had quick reflexes and managed to catch it just in time.
"Do you want me to hack on his Facebook?" Niall asked as he started typing away on his laptop.
"You can do that?" Liam asked curiously, checking Niall's laptop, confusion written all over his face when his eyes landed on the jumbled numbers on letters showing on the screen.
Louis had an idea on how Liam feels because he once too, tried watching Niall doing it. He had a headache when Niall explained things to him so he vows never to do it again.
"I may or may not have an agreement with Zuckerberg that I wouldn't do it again but we need to catch Fernando."
"Are you fucking friends with Mark Zuckerberg?" Zayn gasped in surprise, eyes widening as he stared at Niall.
"Don't be over dramatic, he's just an acquaintance." Niall rolled his eyes at Zayn.
Zayn got over the initial surprise and he was hurrying next to Niall. Louis wasn't even surprised that Niall knew the Facebook guy.
"I need a drink." Liam groaned as he massaged his head and started going to the kitchen.
Louis decided to slump on the floor next to Biscuit who was peacefully sleeping while Zayn and Niall started doing god knows what on the laptop. It was silent for a minute until a sudden loud noise came from the kitchen and Harry's booming voice called them.
"Guys! Liam slipped on the floor again." He said, not really worried because it was the third time Liam had slipped.
Louis watched amusedly as Zayn shot up from the couch and hurriedly went to the kitchen to try and help Liam but was only followed by another crashing noise.
"Zayn fell on top of Liam." Harry shouted again.
"Are they kissing?" Louis shouted curiously, it was a scene worth watching but he still can't make himself face Harry.
"They will be in a minute if no one stops them." Harry answered him, still in the kitchen.
Niall laughed but made no move to interrupt while Louis only sighed and closed his eyes, hugging Biscuit to his chest. He had lifted the sex ban on the rooms but he was too damn exhausted to do anything, if they start humping each other on the kitchen then he'll just dump some flour on their rooms tomorrow.
No big deal.
He fell asleep just like that, not even minding if it was on the cold hard floor, he'll worry about it tomorrow.
When Louis woke up, he as expecting to his body to be groaning in pain after being in an uncomfortable position but instead, he found himself inside his room and a plate full of cookies on his bedside table and a sorry note. No one must know how he groaned and blushed on his pillow, because damn Harry, damn him really.
Progress everyone, Progress!
I can't wait to get the lovey dovey shit but
Louis just came from a long term relationship
we need to be realistic and not let them fuck each other already.
Make sure to vote and comment!
Much much looooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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