Hiya there lovelies.
We are almost into 20k reads,
how amazing is that!???
Thank you all so much!
Chapter 15
Louis got released from the hospital after two days, he could have went back home sooner but Harry insist that he stays longer while Niall's 'friends' installs the new security features of his house.
Louis wanted to protest because he thought they were joking about the security thing but he knew he wouldn't win the argument.
When he got out of the hospital, he was then being summoned to the police station to file a report. He was glad to know that Evan was sentenced 40 more years for attempted murder and trying to escape prison so Louis wouldn't be seeing him anytime soon.
He fucking hopes so.
But Louis has had a whole day reflecting yesterday because he got some alone time due to the others being banned inside his room after they trashed his older room and he wanted to see Evan one last time before he gets transferred somewhere else.
Harry didn't want him to be 20 feet away from him or even in the same room with Evan so he insisted to come along. The other's decided to stay behind but they were confused as to why Louis would want to see him.
It wasn't really a normal thing to do.
"Are you 100% sure?" Harry asked, his face set on a deep frown. It has been like that since Louis told him about wanting to see Evan.
He must have been contemplating if his boyfriend was crazy.
Oh god, Louis still hasn't gotten over the fact that he and Harry are together. What are the odds really.
"I have to do this Harry." Louis smiled at him reassuringly.
Louis might be acting crazy right now but he knows that he's ready to do this, he never imagined in a million years that he's going to do it but avoiding death changes your perspective in a lot of things.
"Okay, but only for a few minutes. I don't like for him and you to be in the same room." Harry said, voice laced with a small hint of anger.
Louis can relate, if something happened to Harry, Louis was sure he'd lock him up in his bedroom to get all the evil people away.
"There's a police escort inside and you're coming with me." Louis said to him with a smile.
He was confident that nothing harmful would happen, they were just gonna talk with Evan.
"The hell I am." Harry grumbled before helping Louis up a flight of stairs.
They have been walking towards the investigation room and the atmosphere of prison should be creepy but Louis felt oddly calm walking next to Harry.
He knew that despite the odd choice in clothing and his all too soft personality, Louis knew that Harry shouldn't be messed with, Louis has seen him do yoga multiple times, he's fit as fuck.
Louis suddenly felt hot.
"You look hot when you curse." Louis whispered to Harry while they round the corner and came face to face with the door where Evan was.
"We'll flirt later, let's finish this first." Harry said with a determined look on his face as he knocked on the door.
Even in prison, he was so fucking polite.
"Buzz kill." Louis muttered before finally entering the room with Harry right next to him.
Evan looked from where he was sitting on the end of the table, two muscled man guards his side and Louis felt a little annoyed because he was surely the smallest in the room.
"Hello there." Louis waved at Evan who only stared at him murderously.
Good thing he was handcuffed.
"What do you want?" Evan growled.
Harry placed a protective hand around Louis back, Louis can feel him glaring daggers at Evan.
"Nice scar." Louis couldn't help but point out instead.
There was a bandaged wrapped at the side of Evan's face where Louis had struck the pan and the top of his head was shaved where Louis can see his stitches.
He deserved it though.
"Fuck you." Evan snarled at him before looking away.
Louis stared at the man for a moment before finally speaking up.
"I forgive you." Louis said with a small smile.
Louis had expected the series of what's that will come his way.
"What?" Harry asked in confusion.
"What?" Evan asked too, his face masked in surprise.
"What?" The two guards also asked from what they've heard.
Louis thought they weren't listening but turns out they are.
Louis placed took Harry's hand to lock it with his own, he can now feel all eyes on him, even the two guards seemed interested in what was going on.
"I forgive you for almost trying to kill me and I hope when you ever leave jail when you turn 60, that is if you survive 40 hears here then you turn your life for the better and not go on a killing spree." Louis explained.
"Are you high Tomlinson?" Evan asked, still not looking too sure if he was to believe what Louis saying or not.
Louis couldn't blame him, what sane person would easily forgive someone who wanted them dead.
Well, Louis isn't exactly the most sane.
"I thought for you to rot in hell but the hatred will not do me any good so say hi to satan for me." Louis finished before turning around and walking towards the door.
He noticed that Harry wasn't next to him so he looked back where Harry was still staring confused at the wall.
"Let's go Harry." Louis sighed which got Harry to snap out of his thoughts and hurriedly followed Louis out of the investigation room.
"What the hell just happened?" Harry asked, after finally letting everything that happened to sink into him.
"Don't worry about it, we have a house to get home too." Louis stated with a nonchalant wave.
He really just didn't want to remember this day again, so best to forget about the hatred and forget about Evan.
"Are you sure it's safe for you to leave the hospital?" Harry asked again in worry, stopping on his steps to evaluate Louis.
"Come on." Louis laughed before pulling him hurriedly down the halls.
"Why the hurry?" Harry questioned him.
"I've been wanting to kiss you since yesterday and if I don't get to do it, I'll die." Louis stated as he stared at Harry hungrily, Louis just can't believe that Harry has been his boyfriend and yet they haven't kissed.
What fresh hell is this?
"Well you could have said it earlier, let's go." Harry said, he was finally smiling as he took Louis' hand but didn't make a dash for it as he didn't want Louis to strain himself.
"Louis." Harry said when they successfully descended the stairs.
"Yeah?" Louis asked as he stared at Harry.
"What you did was totally crazy forgiving him but I'm very proud of you." Harry said with a small smile.
Louis couldn't help but smile back at him.
"You just make me want to be a better person that's all." Louis admitted.
"You're the best person I know." Harry grinned.
"I have 10 best places in mind which is best in announcing your undying love and devotion, jail is not one of them." Niall's voice echoed from behind them and Louis really wanted to hit him so bad.
"Let's all go home lads." Louis sighed before glaring at them for laughing but couldn't help himself from following after.
He still has a great memory from this nightmare, he had caring friends and a now a loving boyfriend.
Fuck yeah.
"Has anyone seen my phone?" Was Louis' first question when they arrived at his house.
"Now that you mention ot, I haven't see it." Harry told him as they entered the door but not before typing in a passcode which Louis rolled his eyes at.
They were honest to god serious about this.
Louis just let it slide and couldn't help but coo when Biscuit came running down from downstairs, barking excitedly.
Niall picked Biscuit up before Louis can.
"I want to cuddle him." Louis scoffed at Niall, trying to get Biscuit.
"You can't lift any heavy things." Niall argued back at him.
"Are you calling my dog fat!?" Louis gasped, offended by the accusation.
Biscuit was just fluffy.
"I tried calling your phone but it can't be reached." Harry muttered next to him as he typed on his own phone.
"I remember hiding it in the kitchen cabinet when I sneaked in a call for help." Louis explained to the others, letting Niall have Biscuit, for now.
"The police had made an inspection yesterday and retrieved the baseball bat, the knife and our cooking pan, they never saw your phone." Liam piped in, being helpful as ever.
Louis nodded in understanding, seems they have no cooking pan now, he should have someone buy some, he should go ask someone to buy like five more baseball bats too.
"Wait, let's go check it out." Niall said excitedly before ushering them all to the kitchen.
Louis went straight to where he last remembered that he left his phone.
The cabinet was left slightly ajar so he wondered if the police ever found it, but he still kept snooping around it.
"I know that it's here somewhere...hmm, aha!" Louis cheered triumphantly when he saw his old mobile hiding on the far corner of the cabinet.
"You said you called for help, who did you call?" Zayn asked before peeking at Louis' shoulder.
Now that Louis actually has his phone, it was clear that he didn't miraculously called any of the boys.
He had a lot of people saved in his contacts so it could be anyone really.
"Wait, let me see." Louis said before trying to tap his phone to life.
"The battery is empty." Liam said.
"I'll go get a charger." Harry said immediately before dashing upstairs to Louis' bedroom.
Louis smiled fondly at where Harry disappeared before realizing that the others were staring at him with a smirk on their face but decided not to comment on how smitten Louis looked.
Louis then remembered something that happened on that unfaithful day.
"Before I forgot, Liam, Zayn, you literally saved my life, you can fuck anywhere you want except my bedroom." Louis told the two boys.
Liam blushed so damn red while Zayn grinned so wide Louis was concerned for his face.
Zayn's face was too perfectly sculptured for it to be ripped in two from him grinning after Louis allowed them to fuck.
"Louis!" Liam squeaked, horrified beyond compare.
It's odd how Liam being the stripper acts like the prudish virgin and Zayn being the pre school teacher is the perverted one.
You really can't judge a book both by appearance and profession.
"You're bluffing." Zayn's grin couldn't get any wider and creepier.
"If you weren't such horny assholes, my baseball bat wouldn't be where it was." Louis explained to them, giving them both an eye roll but he knew he was grateful for the horny bastards.
"We're not fucking that time though!" Liam said, flabbergasted.
"We're glad we could be of help." Zayn nodded at him and smiled to himself, his eyes trained on Liam.
Harry then came back a few minutes later with Louis' charger in hand, he didn't even look out of breath even after running a flight of stairs, the bastard.
Louis just went to where the electric outlet was for the microwave oven and plugged his phone in.
Niall got impatient waiting so he went to the fridge to grab himself a beer, he was almost hugging his refrigerator in happiness.
Louis shook his head and just tried to click the power button of his phone to bring it back to life.
"Holy shit." Louis cursed when his phone finally lit up and he was bombarded with the number of missed calls he had.
"Is that 342 missed calls?" Harry said in surprise.
He was the one standing closest to Louis.
Louis was surprised himself because he didn't know it was possible to get that much.
"What's going on?" Niall asked from he was busy downing a beer.
"Louis has 342 missed calls." Zayn explained to Niall, just as surprise.
Harry and Zayn were now just as close to Louis, Louis didn't even notice when Harry had secretly pulled him closer to him, Zayn noticed though so he backed off and snickered.
"From who?" Liam followed, sneaking a glance at Louis' mobile but stepping a few feet away when Harry turned to him.
"My mom." Louis sighed, already feeling like he's about to get in serious trouble.
He then proceeded to play the voice mail that his mom has sent to him multiple times.
'Louis what's going on? Is this a prank call?'
'Boobear? What's happening back there?'
Louis stared at his phone horrified when his mom mentioned the forbidden childhood nickname, the worst part is the others heard.
"Your mom calls you boobear?" Niall snickered to Louis.
"Shut up." Louis snapped at him before going over the other messages.
'Oh my god Louis, why are you not answering your phone.'
'I'm calling the police.'
'Louis William Tomlinson, answer your phone this instant.'
'We're coming down there'
"When was that last sent?" Zayn asked curiously.
"Last night." Louis muttered, regretting everything about his life choices.
"You mum is coming over?" Liam asked curiously.
Louis felt like throwing himself at an incoming bus.
"My whole family is coming over." Louis whined, burying his face on Harry's chest.
"But that's great, they need to see you and know that you're safe." Harry said cheerfully, rubbing Louis' back soothingly.
"You don't understand, my family is coming." Louis said, emphasizing the word 'family'.
"Louis has five sisters and one brother." Niall chipped in.
"What the hell, how did you know that?" Louis asked as he glared at Niall.
"We're friends on facebook remember?" Niall said before rolling his eyes at Louis, judging him for forgetting what Niall had done for Louis to accept the dreaded friend request.
"Heeey, why aren't we friends on facebook?" Harry said with a small frown, then eventually just pouting sadly at Louis.
"I'll add you later Harry." Louis smiled at him.
"You should change your relationship status too while you're at it." Zayn rolled his eyes at Harry.
It was meant to be a sarcastic remark but Harry had actually thought that it was a wonderful idea.
"That sounds like a great idea Zayn, thank you!" Harry said, not realizing that Zayn was making fun of them.
Louis glared at Zayn but sighed in despair because there are much more things to worry about right now.
"Why is no one panicking about my family coming over?" Louis whined.
Where will they even sleep?
"It will be fun for sure." Harry reassured him.
"Do you realize that your about to meet your future mother in law Harry?" Liam suddenly said to Harry.
That's when Harry freezes from patting Louis' bum and realization finally dawning at him.
"Oh......OH!" He gasped, looking horrified all of the sudden.
"Now you're panicking?" Louis snorted at him.
"We just got together, it's not even a week! Why am I meeting them already?!" Harry started whining along with Louis.
It was a mess, on different circumstances, Louis would be ecstatic to see his mother, he loved him dearly and he's not ashamed to admit that he's a big mama's boy but it's different right now.
"Where are you going?" Louis asked in surprise when Harry gently pulled him off his chest with so much restraint and went towards the front door.
"Out." Was Harry's only reply.
Louis' eyes grew as he stared at Harry in disbelief.
"Are you leaving me!?" Louis screeched at him.
Harry looked wounded at the accusation, Louis has had a habit of accusing him all the time with things that would never happen, like leave him.
"Of course not! I'm going to buy food to prepare for your mother!" Harry stated, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion, wondering if Louis was really turning crazy.
"And my sisters?" Louis asked with a small smile.
"And your sisters, christ, I'm not prepared for this." Harry muttered before opening the door and leaving the house.
Louis sighed longingly because he was waiting to wake up from a dream where in reality, Harry wasn't his boyfriend.
He hopes that it wasn't the case.
"Well, I'm going upstairs to take a nap." Niall muttered as he let out a big yawn and a burp.
Louis scrunched his nose in displeasure.
"Oh no you're not, you're gonna help me clean the house." Louis told him firmly.
Niall stared at Louis as if he'd gone mad, Louis has been getting that look far too many times today.
"Why can't you do it then?" Niall grumbled when the look on Louis face did not disappear.
"Because I just got stitched from being stabbed, do you want my wound to reopen and my guts to fall off?" Louis explained to him flatly, as if it wasn't obvious already.
"You're so dramatic." Niall muttered.
"Just go please." Louis sighed.
"Ugh fine!" Niall agreed before fetching his mobile from his pocket.
"What are you doing?" Louis asked his fake blonde friend.
"Calling for some help, what do you think I'm doing?" Niall explained to him happily before typing something on his phone.
"You're so rich why can't you just afford your own house." Louis muttered.
Niall can literally own a much bigger house but here he is being a nuisance to Louis' life.
"I have like 3 houses Louis." Niall said while he waited for someone to answer his phone.
"What the fuck?" Louis gasped.
Louis' disbelief and protest was ignored because someone finally answered Niall's call.
"Hello? Is this the Rent-A-Maid agency." Niall asked the other end of the call.
"Is that legit? It sounds like a porn company." Liam asked Niall.
Louis almost forgot that Zayn and Liam was still here, they tend to blend in the background when they get trap in their weird little bubble.
"I want to go back to the hospital." Louis whined to himself.
The hospital was much better than this crazy house.
"Hey Liam, I feel like we should do some laundry." Zayn suddenly took Liam away from Niall.
"But I already did laundry yesterday." Liam said with a confused frown.
"I think you missed something." Zayn explained with him.
"That's odd, I was sure I washed everything." Liam muttered before letting Zayn drag him to the laundry room.
"We'll be in the laundry room." Liam waved at Louis and Niall both before disappearing with Zayn.
Louis was not sure if Liam was just a great actor or if he's honestly oblivious to what was going to happen in the laundry room.
"I'm starting to think that letting them fuck around the house was a bad idea." Louis told Niall who he forgot was still talking on his phone.
"What do you mean if I want my maids to have big boobs or big ass? Will they be using those to wash the dishes?" Niall asked confused to whomever was at the other end of the call.
Louis shook his head and just went to the living room where he saw Biscuit sleeping by the sofa.
"Kill me now Biscuit." Louis muttered to his baby before burying himself to his soft, fluffy fur.
He knew the only time he'll get a proper rest today is when his two housemates were busy fucking, Niall was arguing with someone on the phone in the kitchen and Harry was out somewhere buying god knows what.
He couldn't imagine the craziness that will come once his family arrives.
Oh god.
As you might have noticed,
Louis' family will be joining us.
Johanna will still be part of the story because I love her dearly.
We all miss her.
Thank you for the support guys.
FYI, can someone private message me if you know how to write decent smut, I'm really not that good LOL.
Harry tops or Louis? Hmm 🤔
Let the vote begin!
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