Because you guys have been
nothing but lovely,
I present you with this unplanned chapter 🤣
You all deserved a treat
for being amazing and lovely.
Enjoy everyone!
Chapter 14
Louis knew that he must have dozed off when the nurse was stitching his side so he was surprised when he woke up in a dimly lit hospital bed, his clothes were completely changed into a hospital gown and Harry was sitting on the chair next to the bed, texting furiously on his phone.
"What did the phone ever do to you?" Louis asked as he stared at Harry sleepily.
Louis was hoping for something like this, waking up and the first thing he sees is Harry but he hoped it was in a different circumstance where it wasn't in a hospital and Harry loves him.
Yeah, what a dream.
Harry didn't seem to notice him wake up so he almost fell from his chair and dropped his phone when he heard Louis speak.
"Oh god, you're awake. Do I need to get you anything?" Harry asked, sounding worried and surprised.
He stood from the chair to get some water for Louis to drink, he wasn't even thirsty but let Harry helped him drink it.
"I'm fine, just tired I guess." Louis said after finishing the cup and went back to staring at the ceiling.
He still hasn't fully recovered from everything that has happened.
First he got almost dumped by Harry and his hunch were wrong all along, that Harry didn't feel the same way about him and then he got almost killed.
Fun times.
"You really scared the shit out of everyone." Harry started before pulling his chair closer to Louis.
"Imagine how I'm feeling." Louis murmured silently, still not looking at Harry.
He already has 6 stiches on his side, he didn't need to add more pain on his heart.
Stupid caring and attractive Harry, making Louis fall for him only to be left hanging.
Harry doesn't comment on how Louis was obviously ignoring him.
"The others are on their way, police now has the suspect and they'll be dropping by tomorrow to get a statement." He explained slowly.
Louis almost forgot about Evan. Bitch got what he deserved, he vaguely remembers how badassed he handled the situation.
"Why do they need to do it tomorrow and not just today?" Louis asked before finally turning towards Harry.
"I told them you needed some time to rest, you were almost killed you know." Harry said with a small frown.
"Thanks for reminding me." Louis stated before quickly looking away and staring at the sheets covering his lower half.
"Why are you being like this!?" Harry suddenly shouted, hastily standing up from his chair that it fell on the floor.
Louis jumped in surprise, what did he do now?
"Like what?" He asked after staring at Harry who was breathing heavily and pacing back and forth.
He stopped to take a deep breath and brings his attention back to Louis.
"You're acting so nonchalant and cold after you gave us all the fright of our life." He exclaimed, sounding upset and angry at the same time.
Louis pursed his lips, his temper was being tested and Harry is blaming him for acting this way even if he was one of the sole reason it happened in the first place.
Louis wasn't even the kind of person who holds his tongue.
"Well excuse me! I wouldn't be in this mess if you haven't let him inside our house! Scratch that, my HOUSE." He shouted frustratingly.
The commotion inside his room must have alerted the people outside because the door was being forcedfully opened and a worried looking nurse came into view.
"Is everything okay Mr. Tomlinson." She asked as she looked between him and Harry.
"Everything is fine." Louis said with a fake smile.
The nurse pursed her lips before nodding and looking at Harry.
"Please try to keep your voices down, there are other patients in the hospital." She said.
"We're terribly sorry." Harry said sincerely, he probably didn't mean to shout in the first place.
He looked guilty and Louis almost felt bad.
The nurse nodded finally before closing the door back again.
Harry took a long deep breath before he sat back down into his chair.
"I didn't let anyone inside the house." He said with no hint of anger in his voice.
Louis frowned because he recalled what Evan said in his house about a certain housemate.
"What are you saying? He said a curly headed guy let himself in to have some beer." Louis stated flatly.
Harry looked hurt at the accusation.
"I left the house early because my client cancelled our session and I was about to cook some lunch for you because you haven't eaten anything yet so I went to go out and buy something." He explained.
Louis closed his eyes and took a deep breath himself. Of course Evan was lying, why would he even believe him.
"That fucking prick." He gritted out.
He actually felt a bit relieved to know that Harry didn't possibly let a serial killer inside the house, he wouldn't know what to do if it was the case.
"I wouldn't let any stranger inside the house, my mom taught me better than that." Harry added sadly.
He must have still felt hurt at having Louis accuse him.of such thing, it was already hard for him to see Louis in a hospital bed.
"I'm sorry if I accused you or anything." Louis apologized sincerely.
"Don't worry, it's fine." Harry gave him a small understanding smile.
He's literally an angel and Louis wants to just jump him. Louis knew that he has to clear a few things with him right now where he can't say any nonsense excuse and flee, surely Harry wouldn't leave him in a hospital alone.
"Why have you been avoiding me and Niall." Louis asked directly which caught Harry off guard.
Louis knew that he should just get straight to the point, no reason to delay it any further.
"Uh I'm not avoiding you." Harry quickly looked away, his shoulder tensing and an uneasy look all over his face.
Louis felt a little bit of pity because Harry was such a shit liar, he couldn't do it to save his life.
"No shit sherlock." Louis couldn't help but sarcastically reply.
"I just.. I don't know." Harry muttered uneasily.
"If I wasn't in a hospital bed and my side isn't killing, I would hit you." Louis grumbled in annoyance.
Harry sighed and brought his gaze back on Louis.
"Just know that it doesn't matter okay, focus on getting better." Harry said after taking Louis's hand and rubbing it slowly.
"You're giving me a headache." Louis groaned in frustration.
That must not have been a smart thing to say especially if Harry was already too worried about him.
"Do you want me to get you a nurse?" Harry asked hurriedly.
Louis literally wanted to hit him with a pillow, he's going to lose his mind if Harry doesn't get his shit together. Louis has had enough already, people tend to do that when they almost escaped death.
"Kiss me Harry." Is what Louis decided to say with determination.
'You only die once' is the motto Louis kept telling himself, he's going to get things straight to Harry once and for all.
Also, he can blame it on lapse of judgement after almost dying as an excuse if Harry dumped him for real this time.
"What?" Harry asked in confusion, as if he'd heard it wrong.
"I want you to kiss me." Louis repeated seriously.
Harry's expression was hilarious as he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, unable to form any words to reply.
"I-I can't." He stuttered out.
Louis' heart broke a little.
"You can't or you don't want to?" Louis asked in frustration.
Is Harry really that repulsed at Louis, god, he's pride is getting all the hit.
"I want to." Harry replied silently, eyes downcast and avoiding Louis' gaze.
It was not the response he was hoping for.
"Then what's stopping you?" Louis asked incredulously.
This was confusing, Harry didn't want to kiss him but he wanted to, what the hell. His head was about to explode with all the scenarios running around so he massaged his forehead and hoped Harry made up his mind before he throws himself over the window.
Liking someone is better if they just tried to make things clear from the start.
Harry noticed his action and was quick on his feet to check on Louis.
"Are you okay Louis? Should I call a nurse." He asked in worry.
"Why can't you kiss me, am I not kissable?" Louis asked, sounding more insecure than he intended it to be.
Louis was really not insecure.
"Fuck." Harry closed his eyes and let out a deep breath of air.
"What is it then?" Louis urged him stubbornly.
"I'm going to get a nurse." Harry finally said before making his way over to the door.
"If you leave this room, I will stand up from this bed and chase you and it's your fault if I fall and brain myself." Louis threatened him, serious as ever.
His threat had made Harry paused from leaving the room, contemplating his next move but the look on determination on Louis' face made him back down and he walked back closer to Louis.
"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked in exasperation.
"Because you keep sending me signals that you liked me, you flirt with me and then you become this weird guy who avoids me and becomes cold." Louis stated angrily.
He remembers Harry flirting with him, caring for him and then ignoring him and it's so damn confusing.
"I'm not." Harry muttered lamely.
"Just say it, do you like me or not?" Louis demanded.
"I like you." Harry answered him.
"There you go again being... wait what?" Louis stopped mid rant when he realized what Harry had said, he was expecting him to deny and not to actually agree which he did not expect at all.
"I like you Louis." Harry repeated sadly.
And alright, Harry likes him but his expression makes Louis want to vomit.
"Then why do you say it like you're constipated. I'm not a love expert but I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be the face you make when you admit your feelings for someone. It sends the wrong message." Louis explained to him in confusion.
Harry sighed before pacing again back and forth, Louis just wanted him to stay still because he's getting a bit dizzy.
"It's not that, I like you, possibly even love you." He paused from his anxious pacing to tell it at Louis.
"Wait what?" Louis asked stupidly, still not over the fact that Harry confessed to him.
Harry actually liked him back but before he can rejoice and celebrate this wonderful news, Harry kept talking, looking frustrated as ever.
"And I know it's complicated, because you're with Niall and if it was any other man, I'd steal you from them and keep you to myself but I love Niall, he's like a brother to me."
Okay, what?
"Harry-" Louis wanted to stop him but he keeps cutting him off.
"I plan on leaving you know?"
"What?" Louis asked in surprise, his heart beating erratically at the idea of Harry leaving.
He did not want him to leave, he didn't want any of the boys to leave. He didn't know what it feels like to be alone in that dumb big house and the idea of being alone makes him want to cry.
"It hurts to see you and Niall but I know that it's going to hurt more if I don't get to see you, as masochist as it sounds but I'd rather have you as a friend than not have you at all." Harry finished looking exhausted all of the sudden.
"Christ that's so cheesy." Louis blurted out in surprise.
"I told you everything that I'm feeling and that's what you decided to say." Harry muttered, rolling his eyes and finally taking a seat.
Finally, Louis would have dragged him back into the chair if it took him any longer.
"If you would have let me finish talking and not cut me off then maybe you wouldn't have to." Louis explained calmly.
Everything was just a big pile of misunderstanding that should have been cleared earlier, he and Harry could have been together already if they weren't both stubborn and stupid.
They really belong to each other.
"Are you kicking me out?" Harry said after Louis didn't speak nor react after a minute.
"For the love of-" Louis started but decided not to finish his sentence.
He lifted himself up into a sitting position and tried to move around so he'll be facing Harry instead of trying to turn his head to look at him.
"Don't stand up, you'll hurt yourself." Harry panicked when he saw what Louis was doing, he tried to stop him from hurting himself further but Louis only swatted his hands away.
"I'm fine." Louis gritted out.
"You look like you're about to cry." Harry commented as he pointed out Louis' eyes.
"Just shut up for a minute." Louis breathed out, gritting his teeth as he tried to get comfortable in a sitting position.
When he finally relaxed, he looks at Harry directly in the eye and starts his explanation that was overdue.
"First off, Niall and me are not a thing because ew, and secondly, he's straight as a ruler." Louis stated.
He would have never imagined being with Niall, probably with Zayn or Liam but never at Niall.
"Rulers bend though." Harry said a little more knowingly.
"What did I say about shutting up." Louis glared at him which made him instantly zip his lips.
Louis nodded and went on.
"Okay, now, I realize that I like you too, like a lot." He told Harry sincerely.
"Really?" Harry asked sounding unsure and sceptic.
Louis rolled his eyes at him.
Of course Harry wouldn't have believed him. Louis didn't even believe himself at first because all he ever did was make up some bullshit excuse.
"Why do you think I don't? You're fucking perfect Harry and I was afraid that I'll never be good enough for you" Louis stated sadly because he knew it was true.
Harry was a good cook, he's attractive as hell and he's really great with kids. He's like the whole packaged with a lot of freebies inside, you couldn't ask for anything better than him.
Louis wonders if he's fabricated, he wants to meet and interview Harry's parents because they managed to not fuck it up with him, he should congratulate them or something.
"I'm not perfect, I listen to people talk about their kinks in bed, it's not something you'd say when your kid brings you to school for 'Talk about your dad's job day'." Harry explained with a shrug.
Something about Harry talking about kids struck something inside Louis. He wanted to curse himself from feeling this way, what the hell was wrong with him.
When did he start getting turned on by people talking about having future kids, fuck, Louis' couldn't even get pregnant, he thought this was a kink only for women.
"Ugh." Louis groaned in frustration before pulling the sheets of the bed around his groin area.
He knew he was only wearing boxers underneath the hospital gown which makes his hard on painfully obvious.
Of course Harry noticed it immediately.
"Are you seriously getting hard right now?" Harry asked in surprised, laughing at Louis' misfortune.
"Shut up! You started talking about kids and then all things led to another." Louis whined in response.
"I feel like you should book a session with me, you can get a discount because I like you." Harry grinned at him before sending him a wink.
Louis couldn't help but flush in embarrassment.
"I am not talking about my kinks with you." He muttered before looking away, he knew he was already red in the face with all the awkward talk going on.
"I am the best in my field, all 5 star ratings and no customer left not feeling satisfied." Harry said proudly.
"There are so many things wrong with that sentence." Louis shook his head at him.
"But seriously, we can talk it out. Not as my profession but your soon to be boyfriend." Harry said thoughtfully with a wide smile.
His happiness feels like it was radiating off of him.
"Woah, calm down cowboy. I am not agreeing yet to be your boyfriend." Louis rolled his eyes, he didn't want to look like he was easy.
He still has class.
"Will you be my boyfriend Louis?" Harry suddenly asked which made Louis laugh and nod furiously.
"Yes." He answered him before they both end up giggling at the ridiculousness of the situation.
"Awesome." Harry said after calming down.
"You guys are full of shit." A voice suddenly spoke from the door which they didn't notice until now was already opened.
There stood Niall and behind him were Zayn and Liam.
"Nialler!" Louis happily said after seeing his favorite blonde.
"That is the most under rated love confession I have witnessed ever." Zayn muttered while he followed Niall into the room.
"Hello to you too Zayn." Louis snorted before gesturing them to come inside.
They all crowded around him and Louis was just so happy that they were here, he was beaming.
"Louis my man, it's great to see you still kicking." Niall sighed before embracing Louis tightly, they both ignore the not so subtle cough coming from Harry.
"It was just a graze you asshole." Louis said before letting go of Niall and giving Harry a 'are you being serious look.' which Harry replied with a shrug.
"Are you really okay Louis?" Liam suddenly asked, a worried frown etched all over his face. He really looked like kicked puppy right now.
"Oh Liam, I'm fine now, I know that you'll start blaming yourself even if there is no way you could have been involved." He explained to him with a warm smile.
He beckons him for a hug which Liam gave him.
Liam had already taken the role long ago that he was almost like the mother of their little weird group where he cooks, and clean and makes sure everyone was okay and happy and Louis was sure he'll be kicking himself for failing to secure the house.
"I want to talk you about putting up double locks and finger print scanners around the house." Liam said after letting go of Louis.
"Finger print what?" Louis asked dumbly.
"Don't worry Liam, I got it all covered. I'm in contact with a National Security Agency person to get started with it." Niall explained to him with a serious nod.
"I'm not even gonna dive into that." Louis shook his head and sighed.
His house was getting weirder and weirder by the second.
"You should rest Louis." Harry said with a soft smile when he noticed the bothered look on Louis' face.
"Just Louis? Not even boyfriend or babe?" Louis asked teasingly which made Harry blush.
Louis wanted to kiss him so badly.
"I think I'm going to puke." Niall commented after watching the scene unfolds.
"Good thing you're in a hospital then." Zayn snickered and Louis tried ignoring them.
It was going to be hell living with them, the constant teasing and innuendos was going to never end but being with Harry was worth it though.
Oh god, now he's being cheesy.
"Oh yeah, and Louis." Niall suddenly added while Harry was helping Louis get comfortable again on the bed.
"Yes Niall." Louis asked as he turned towards his direction.
"I'm offended that you've never imagine me as potential boyfriend, I am an excellent boyfriend." Niall said with a small pout on his lips.
It took Louis almost a minute to understand what Niall was getting on but when he did, he quickly went back to a sitting position ignoring Harry's protest as he took his pillow to throw them out at his friend.
"Have you been listening this whole time! You fucking prick!" Louis exclaimed as Niall laughed and tried dodging the flying pillow.
The poor nurse who came in to check what was going on couldn't do anything but watch as the group ruined the whole room.
She wasn't getting paid enough for this shit.
Eeeh they're together!
I told you just be patient!
I plan on ending this book :(
I love this book and I love the support I'm getting!!!!
Thank you all so much my larry pipz!
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